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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. So you are saying that a group would need to kill the first boss 8 times before moving on to the second boss, which would need to be killed 8 times before the third boss..... gotcha. No, seriously, you just wrecked us with that one.


    Funny, that is exactly how raiding got started. In the raid the starter gear would drop (you could sell it to other people) so you could quickly get a set of starter gear just running the trash mobs. The first boss would drop a piece to your first set above the starter set, so on and so forth.

    The original raiders loved it. Odd how this new breed blanches at the very idea of grinding out on hard/difficult content.


    Course back then devs actively tried to kill us in a near merciless manner in raids so it would take several wipes just to get the first boss mechanics down outside of the random element that is rather devoid in modern raids. Apparently modern raiders can't stomach truly hard bosses with unpredictable abilities that ignored aggro and could just screw you over if you couldn't improvise on the fly. You know, back when 2.5 second cast time heals were considered fast and cleansing abilities were far and few between...and those that had them had to cast them?

    Our modern raiders are pampered princesses by comparison.

  2. Frankly if raiders want a challenge...we need to go back to the days of specialized stat sucking resistance to "x" stat being added to gear. You lack the resistance? you die, horribly fast.


    Basically you farm the first boss with current gear...just to get 208 gear that is stated like 190 gear the rest of the missing stats goes into a resistance for the raid. You beat nim? You are running around with 224 gear stated like 208 gear with all those missing stat points allocated tot he resistance stat.

    New raid comes out? New resistance specially built for it, time to grind from the bottom up again.


    After all you all claim you do it for the challenge, needing gear that is "BIS" or miles above the regular FP gear stat wise shouldn't matter.


    Yes, that means the 208+ crystal gear and the like is actually BETTER than your raid gear in all around. When you gear up for a raid...your overall stats will actually go DOWN but because of your resistance stat being so important you will survive while the person wearing old 224 gear drops like a wet paper bag.


    The more raiders try and defend their high stat gear, the more I laugh. As you only prove that you only do it for the gear. I PvP...I'm perfectly happy removing stats from all gear and just normalizing everything the second you step into a warzone. I PvP for the fun, the challenge....gear simply adds a treadmill to it all that is boring.

  3. Our plan is to try them as HM next. Other than Colicoid Wargames, what HM FPs have 4-man mechanics these days? (And I note that CWG has been heavily deprecated, it's not in group finder in SM, and it's not a required FP for DvL)


    You can't even get inside the colicoid FP anymore. The terminal is there but you cannot interact with it. Only those of us that did it while it was available have the achievments for it.

  4. They closed off several places that were never meant to be accessible in the first place. Quest areas that got cut but the map was already made, etc. Voss has...well...HAD 2 such areas. Coruscant had an area you could only get to with a lucky jump to get under the taxi platform of the Jedi Temple that was totally decked out without any of the damage seen everywhere else. Corellia has lost a spot too.
  5. 1) get rid of arenas now, use those maps for the grand tournament or something.

    1a) arenas only exist for the deathmatch crowd, a type of pvp that needs utterly destroyed and killed off, nothing is more boring. I personally know of 20 people that love this game, but refuse to play it because arenas are part of the que (they only play a game if it has a PvP they enjoy in it) they left once arenas started becoming commonplace.

    1b) the current arenas, if repurposed for the grand championship/tournaments could add some randomness tot he fights that is sorely lacking, and make adding an op mode to it even easier.


    2)make like 2 more versions of alderaan, 2 more of novera, 2 more of voidstar, 2 more hypergate, and 2 more huttball maps

    2a) we have the rules for these matches already set, new maps would take time but with the rule sets known and even re-using of assets would keep the ammount of time used to make them low

    2b) you crank out new maps and you re-invigorate PvP even if they don't have new rule sets


    3) make "ranked" a huttball only event.

    3a) ranked should have a sports-like component and not be something so boring as a death match

    3b) this will radically change the specs people will use, and even prefered classes... ex: 2 gunslingers/snipers can hold the ball area and control the ball that way where as currently they are despized in arenas

    3c) this forces a level of teamwork between random players, and you can mix reps and pubs into the same teams without any lore problems

  6. -Make Defense effective against Yellow damage (Force/Tech)

    -Make Shield work against Crits (no more bypassing Shield with autocrits)


    And it's only a passing thought, but another stat for mitigating Elemental/Internal damage wouldn't be bad either. Resistance or something, or just adding it to the mitigation pool for Armor Rating.


    This, so much this. Crits should be able to be shielded, even forced ones. Crits should also be able to be defended, just because you force a crit on your next attack doesn't mean you are guarenteed to HIT.


    Defense should work on ALL attacks. You shoot lightning? Dodged it. Flinging rocks at me? Dodged that too. Grenade toss? Hah, dodged that too. Yes, it should be a thing. There is not a single attack that should bypass the defense stat. Tanks actually geared to defend against attacks should be a total PITA for the other team if they don't stack accuracy. If you don't have accuracy, or much of it, a tank should be able to laugh as a third of your attacks do nothing or get shielded. They sacrificed offensive power to do just that so make it so.

  7. What point is that? That raiders don't raid for the challenge, but for the rewards? Raid-only gear solves the problem- raiders can use it to raid, soloers can use it to defeat their solo raid bosses, everyone wins, unless you need that gear for activities other than raiding- which is the same question leveled against anyone who suggests comparable rewards outside of the raid hamster wheel- "Why do you need raid-level gear if you don't raid?" Why do you need raid-level gear that works outside of raids to raid effectively?


    This has been my devil's advocate de-facto response to anyone arguing for more ops and for more gear in ops. Frankly all op gear set bonuses should only wok isnide of an op, and should be like 20 il under what they are when you wear them outside the op. So that 220 piece is only a 200 outside of it.

    Or we need to change itemization so op gear used a new op stat the way pvp gear has expertise. For maximum level story/fp/open world gear you should get it from that content. Op gear should be noticably weaker outside the op the way pvp gear is, I would just like to see it done more obviously.


    This way the raiders get their challenging raid content. Those that don't feel like it don't miss on anything, and really the raiders don't need that gear outside of the raids anyways so no reason for them to complain about the change unless they don't REALLY like to raid unless it is for the loot to 'show off' in hubs.

  8. Without wishing to get into the semantics of spy versus agent provocateur versus other kinds of agents, I'd just note that the Imperial Agent falls into the category of job commonly called "spy". The Agent *isn't* a soldier, and isn't a bounty hunter either.


    Since the agent is not a soldier, "uniform" armour like that worn by Imperial troopers (note small 't') would seem inappropriate unless the agent is hiding himself in the role of a trooper. (I don"t recall anything like that in the story, but it is the story I've been closest to just spacebarring through the first time, so I may have missed something.)


    Certain parts of the story involve a cover identity that might suit bounty-hunter type armour, but there's already plenty of that that an IA can wear.


    What a class is, is not relevant. This is what people wish to wear.


    According to your belief that everything should be locked into what a class is. There should be no slave wear, no dancers silks, no covert armor, no revealing armor, no senatorial armor, no formal wear, no diplomatic outfits, no droid armor....see where I am going with this? 70% of the armor we have would need to be removed from the game to go along with your idea. The remaining 30% would need to be class locked, can't have anyone but sith warriors wearing the vindicator armor after all! As it sure doesn't fit any other classes theme.


    Agent's having Imperial Trooper armor makes sense. Medics, scouts, skirmishers...all would fit there.

    This is a request for looks that we really don't have much of available.

  9. Overworld pvp is now in its own seperate instance on each server. This pretty much eliminates Lv 65s ganking lowbies, or tricking people into self-flagging, which made gankers cry a lot and me laugh at them uproariously for it.



    The open world PvPers in every MMO cry when you destroy their ability to gank. They say they want challenge but when you throw them into an arena they are almost always the first to die. They rarely can fight a prepared opponant.

  10. Tried to level a sage healer and the second I stepped into a lowbie Hypergate WZ everything in the field was on me like Baras on a buffet. Couldn't even keep myself alive much less my team. O.o


    So yeah, anyone who can pull that off has my respect.


    Mostly? Hide at the edges so people have to go through/past your team to get to you. Also, throw a lot of attacks in between heals. If you see a tank while waiting in the beginning, throw heals on him. Most of us will throw guard on you as we see you are a healer...and the implication of you tossing heals at us while waiting is the unspoken understanding that...you will keep me alive and I will bodyguard around you to keep things off you (or at least hitting you for less).


    Without a tank it is edge humping and quickly peeling off when you start getting focused. I've seen a few get nice and tricky too. Sit back and use only damage for awhile after you got focus fired and people will stop assuming you are heal spec and focus on others using healing skills. Also...shield is your friend, spam it on everyone around you consistently and it helps a lot, I do that on my DPS specs and still end matches north of 200k healing (shield is considered a heal in PvP stats).

  11. As a healer, I'd like to show my respect for tanks that guard not just me, but guard-swap to those who need it as well.


    When it comes time for my MVP vote I always look for a high protection score first, then usually objectives, then heals.


    But, yeah, when I get a tank that guards me it's pretty much gg.


    As a PvP tank, I rarely get MVP votes. A little part of me died the other day when a heal spec sage ended (was there the entire match) with only 300k healing done...I sat at 600k protection. sorc had 5 MVP votes, I had none. A scrapper scoundrel had 250k healing done (they kept me alive with HoT's and occassionally sacrificing upper hand for the big heal on me).

    In PvP if you want votes be a healer...tanks never even get voted for let alone thanked heh.

  12. Simple understanding, cause and effect.

    You create an open PvP instance for anyone/everyone. If it is a ghost town then ergo, the masses do not want it. You are a minority.


    You say you want open PvP. Why? If you want a death match, use the arena. Oh, you want to attack people that aren't ready to defend against you! I get it, you just want to gank people!


    The engine cannot handle open world pvp on any real scale. At release half of Ilum was open world PvP with capturable land, when they got over 24 people on that half of the map the entire planet started stuttering, you could crash it if you had 30+ people all fighting in one spot. Oh, and when Ilum crashed both of the flashpoints glitched out and most of the time those people would end up getting crashed out of the game as well.


    Open world PvP on any massive scale will never be supported in this game, the engine cannot handle it. And small scale open world PvP? If you want it so much then stay on the PvP phases, you'll eventually come across others. Yes, they will be in groups most likely so if you try and gank them they'll completely destroy you but THAT is open world PvP mentality at it's core.

  13. LOL @ Dread Masters story being the best in the game. A story with 1-dimentional overpowered pack of Evil Sue villains, utilizing "evil plot of the day" concept from cheap sunday cartoons, no relevant side characters, no direction or focus, no impact on the state of the galaxy or even its major characters etc.


    A game that has such gems as Agent story yet people pick the least original and developed 'story' as the best seriously...


    Yeah... people really aim low for what they consider 'best'. Most of the truly 'dark' companions and villians are just as 1-dimensional. Sadly we don't have a lot of Watcher Ones or Pravens out there as most people just think if it is 'evil' it must be psycho homicidal or it just isn't 'dark' enough.

  14. Time bubble. Valkorion uses the force to transport zakuul to another galaxy. Anything bioware can think of in order to get back to the status quo.


    Why be so limited? They could take this into a 3 way war with 4 zakuulan classes, 3 way PvP!

    A story that weaves between them all.


    That and, frankly StarWars has NEVER been about republic vs empire, it has always been about the heroes journey, finding your morality in the face of evil. Everything else is a backdrop.

  15. ^^ This unfortunately :(



    Love the idea and the option for the tuning, but nothing has screamed "this is worth 8 million credits!!!" to me yet. Or perhaps just make the tuning much more common (or have common versions available) to lower the price some.


    40/50k for an effect? Sure why not? - 8 million+ ? Noty


    Pretty much what you have said sums it up perfectly.


    I don't care how rare they are or how cool anyone thinks they are, they are only worth 50k or so at most as they really are not visible on anything other than rifles.

  16. BW: What Fiasco? Slot machines, never heard of them. You must be confusing that with the casino event. Let me just move this thread out of gen discussion really quick...

    Some one create a diversion!


    In one of the old packs (one of the stronghold packs I believe) you can have a slot machine in your own stronghold. That's what the coins are for from Felusia or whatever her name is that sells the basic decorations.

  17. As much as people dread PvP, they dread GSF even more. The combat is nothing like anything else you do in the game, so there is nothing familiar at all. Then you have the fact that you have to grind out access to the full capabilities of your ship which is beyond asinine. The fact that NOTHING from the rest of the game has any effect upon GSF actually does make it like a totally different game entirely.


    Having access to everything a ship can do from the beginning, and having your gear have some effect on the ship, would do a large thing in making GSF more palettable to the rest of the playerbase.


    You also don't actually get to know those companions, ever. There is a small blurb about them but no interaction. It would be nice for them to be at least a little better fleshed out and usable in the main game.

  18. The word is that back in the day, late beta testing if I've heard it right, people complained because:

    * Their DS JK didn't get "Master"

    * Their SW of any alignment didn't get Darth, even though the story doesn't make the SW a Darth.


    So they changed it so that all JKs got the Master title, and SWs got a Darth title that isn't supported by the story.


    The original title that SWs got was simply "<name>, The Wrath"


    And you are right. I was in beta and what many of them complained/whined about was horrible. We used to be able to kill companions in the main story. Heck you could kill Kaliyo on Hutta even! They simply replaced her with an agent from headquarters (who had a much better personality IMO in line with an agent, a companion that legitimately wants to watch your back). Remember Praven from the JK story? There is another companion you used to be able to get...at least they use him though later on in your story if you keep him alive. Or Jaxo from the Trooper? Yup, yet another companion that would have been amazing (and yes that mission later on would have had a much greater impact as if you chose the greater good you would lose an actual companion).


    A lot of that was removed because of taking some companions meant you lost the option later to have a different one. Which meant you could lose access to your healing companion for example. Or you could end up killing your healing companion (Quinn). The whining from those who wanted to be crafters but killed almost all their companions was legion as well.


    Basically the vast majority wanted no consequences for their actions to negitively impact them.


    Hell your rewards used to vary pretty wildly depending on what you said in conversations even! Asking for more of a reward could net you more of a reward, or less of one. Being a good person would leave you with less money yes, but you also ended up with some nicely powerful relics you couldn't get any other way for their level, or unique looking armor.

  19. Maybe, just maybe, they recognize some of the problems and will release some FPs that require a subscription (because you would need to have access to the expansion) in order to take part of. While I personally hate them, maybe even a raid near the end of it.


    As for the story content? Yeah expect it to be episodic IMO.

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