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Everything posted by Azumio

  1. Sounds like SWTOR. Which is, coincidently I'm sure, done by the same company. I don't see this game ending well. EA should've made a better choice than Mythic. SWG is proof enough name alone won't hold you in for long.
  2. Honestly... Even when I'm on Port Nowhere (A decently populated server) and it says heavy, the planets still feel empty. last weekend Port Nowhere was Very Heavy (IIRC) and there were 23 people on Tatooine peak time. Even less as you went up the higher planets (Voss, Quesh etc.) Honestly, Mythic must have a hidden hide and seek competent in this game, because they are doing a very solid job of hiding the playerbase from eachother.
  3. Mythic was bought by EA and shoved into Bioware for name and reputation purposes. This game was made by the same guys who made Warhammer. Mythic. Just with a Bioware name super-imposed on it.
  4. If you put all the complaints into one huge sum, it seems to me what it boils down to is: To alot of people, SWTOR feels outdated. It feels like a 2004ish game released in 2012. The MMORPG market has improved since then, and it seems TOR went with the basic, standard template set by WoW (Or other game) and never improved or added anything. I get it. Mythic and EA better hope they have some huge patches coming down the line very soon to fix that, or the population will go poof rather quickly.
  5. Your pink text greatly offends my eyes. I won't read your post until you change it.
  6. I think eventually you'll see different times for NA and Euro (And Australia) patching.
  7. If you stick around long enough, you get used to people like that. They take any criticism of the game as a personal attack on them. Like you say "SWTOR has a bad UI" and they see "Your mother is a fat **** who sucks ****!" Better to ignore them.
  8. Probably, yes. I really only have the one huge gripe about the game (Server Division among playerbase making the game feel small). But other than that, it's definitely my type of game: Built on story (Regardless of personal opinion about said stories) Sci-Fi Lots of Lore So yeah. But I'd probably be more likely to quit though, honestly. I'll be 100% truthful, I pretty much just found out earlier (Through this forum) that this game was developed by Mythic and not Bioware, the same people who did Warhammer. That's made me more likely to quit. Warhammer failed and seemed to go through the same motions as SWTOR is currently (Great beginning with a steady downward-trend and then pretty much dead) Bioware joining EA was probably a great move financially.. but I think that's where it stops. The amount of sheer bad quality games being put out under the Bioware name is going to effectively ruin the brand-name. I give it 5 years before Bioware closes up shop, maybe longer if MEO (Mass Effect Online) is a hit. I figure they still have a few years to milk the name for good sales and paid reviews (IGN/Gamespot etc.) before it gets closed by EA and the teams get reshuffled and/or fired.
  9. Well.. This game was made by Mythic, not Bioware. EA bought both, and shoved Mythic under the Bioware name for reputation and money purposes. So you should hope EA goes under. Funnily enough, Bioware Edmonton (Who were responsible for DA2) also helped on this game. So yeah, they surrounded SWTOR with fail. Never stood a chance, really.
  10. Not hugely up-to-date on terminology, but what do you call SWTOR? A game that has around 50+ servers, all divided? Is that "sharding"? Whatever it is, I think it was a poor, poor design choice. Much rather have one huge server, with smaller servers branching off on planets each with a player-cap. So the entire playerbase can actually interact and play with one another. Or way less servers, with an increase in server capacity. So you don't run into planets with 15 people on peak time. (I play on Port Nowhere) Right now this game feels small, isolated and lifeless. Pretty stupid for a MMO about Star Wars to feel like that. That's my biggest issue. Because everything else can be fixed in due time. But truthfully, this game just kinda misses that "massive" feeling by a huge margin. I got 6 Months, right now I'm pretty sure I'll stick it out. Who knows though? I'm pretty damn disappointed about an aspect of the game that doesn't really seem all that fixable.
  11. Well, in the end if they don't do anything, they will end up like Warhammer. Dead in 3 years or less. It was a stupid move to let Mythic handle it anyway. They got a bunch of $$$ because of names (Star Wars, Bioware) but that won't keep people playing.
  12. Pick 5-7 servers to keep. Expand their capacity to something huge (30000) Merge all servers into those 5-7. Or, make a huge patch that reworks the entire multi-player aspect and gets rid of the Sharded Universe all together. This game should feel huge and alive. In-terms of planets, playerbase, content, NPCs, Weather, Day/Night cycle (For appropriate planets). Some of those things will be added 100% in future updates (Content) but the rest? Come on. EA, get rid of the Mythic left-overs and go hire a real, solid company to fix this. All these Mythic left-overs are doing is ruining Biowares reputation even further. Either way two things are going to happen: You keep the current team on the project, it dies, eventually Bioware gets re-shuffled and the Mythic team gets axed. Or, you find someone else to fix the game (And we're talking SWTOR 2.0 so a huge update) and axe them anyway. Either way, Mythic is gone.
  13. The base stat is basically the missing mod slot. They do seem to have an inherent higher amount of armor, though.
  14. Obviously some planets will have different timers, and hell sometimes not have one at all, sometimes different colors, etc. That's why it would provide a more dynamic playing environment. Some planets (Like Hoth) can have huge blizzards that cause whiteouts. Others, (Like Tattooine) can have huge Sandstorms etc. It wouldn't be a global night/day/weather cycle. Given the money thrown at this game, it's funny it wasn't included.
  15. Given how dead and lifeless this game feels, it wouldn't hurt. The worlds are so bland and lifeless. Come on, these are different planets. Give us some crazy weather, night/day/dawn, etc. Bah. The more I think on it the more disappointed I am in this game.
  16. You can't force people to play a certain side. It's that simple. Faction imbalance is one of the hardest things to correct, especially in a Star Wars setting, where Jedi characters are boring, dull and bland (And I have two of 'em!). I honestly don't know what they can do. I mean, Empire has the far better LOOKING skills and equipment, better stories.. I mean. Re-write the entire Republic side? The only thing I can think of is making the Jedi have very memorable villains (Not Darth Grandpa, and Darth Whiner). Re-vamp the equipment looks (Again though, Jedi dressed blandly in cannon). The only real freedom they have is with Smuggler. Trooper doesn't even offer that much wiggle room. Give the Republic stories a more Epic feel. Bigger, badder bosses. Memorable villains (This is what really sells a story based around being good imo) Huge battle-field style fights (For Trooper especially). Other than that, I don't really know what else they could do.
  17. Yes, and I'm ok with that. Obviously the game isn't going to be able to support 10000 on Republic Fleet, 20000 on Imperial (Just random numbers) What I'd do is very much like a tree. You have one big server (The Tree) and multiple small servers (Branches). So each planet will have xx amount of Channels (The branches). Lets say 10 for arguments sake. Each of those 10 channels has a max capacity of 100 (Or more if needed) when it reaches that number, the next people who join the planet get moved to Channel 2 etc. You can queue Heroic's and Flashpoints across-channels, move down channels, queue to join a full channel, etc. This way, you don't run into planets with 23 on prime-time. The game feels fuller, because it is. Right now the game is spilt up into like 60 different parts (NA gets divided between East/West, Roleplaying, PvP, PvE, RP-PvP etc.) and you can feel it. The planets feel dead. Content gets hard to do because of it, and the game becomes boring.
  18. Could careless about Wow. Never played it. What I do care about is SWTOR feeling small, isolated and dead. Like I said, I can't stand the Sharded Universe thing. I'd much rather an Eve Online type, where 30000+ can be on the one server. I bet you Mass Effect Online (Biowares next attempt at an MMORPG) is not divided to death. Poor, poor choice.
  19. I'm all for Cross-Server LFG tool for Flashpoints/Operations/Heroics. No one likes wasting 20+ minutes looking for 2+ people to run a Heroic with. No one likes wasting even more time trying to get a group together for a Flashpoint. It'll be similar to the crafting system. Right now, we can do what we want and also craft at the same time (Which imo is awesome. Having to sit there and watch your guy craft for 15+ minutes being unable to do anything else was the height of stupidity.) Now, I'll be able to level / do my solo quests, all the while being able to get in a group for a Flashpoint, or a Heroic quest (Possibly on another planet). Why people are against this boggles my mind. I really don't get it. What kinda community is: LFG ****Heroic4 (Spammed every 5 minutes for 20 minutes and not ending up doing it) or LFG *Flashpoint* on Fleet, spamming every 2 minutes for an hour and not ending up doing it because no one joins. Meanwhile, you have other people on other planets who would be up to doing those Flashpoints, or people on other servers (Low-Population especially) up to doing that Flashpoint/Heroic, going through the same struggle. It makes the game smoother. I hate Sharded Universes anyway. Especially in a game like Star Wars, that should feel really big with a lot of people. Their method of playerbase dividing was a poor one, imo.
  20. I solo'd that **** before this patch. Was hard as ****, but I kept moving, Zare kept going for me and the Jedi whooped dat ***. The fat guy was cake after.
  21. Knight I found the worst. The Main-Villain seems so bland. He's basically a politician. Doesn't exactly scream "This guy is a ******!". Knight should have used someone like Nilius/Malek. Nilius was a silent killer, if he was written by good writers instead of Obsidian (No offence to Ob fans) he would have been amazing. But he still gave off that "Please go away" feeling. He was scary. Malek gave off a "I'm crazy, I'll **** YOU up, blow up your home planet, and raise your kids as my Sith slaves". He was a more in your face villain, but one that actually felt evil and threatening. Currently in my Knight story-line, I just feel.. Meh. This guy sucks.
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