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Everything posted by Azumio

  1. Nah. People like different things. I've seen many, many players, with no stake in the entire Biodrone VS Hater thing, make highly intelligent, constructive posts about problems with the game, and get super-flamed starting with the first post. For no other reason the pointing out it's flaws. This game has problems, Biodrones don't see it like that. Yes, you do have people who post hate filled drivel, smacked full of rancor-level intelligence, but most people can pick them out. Biodrones treat EVERYONE who doesn't praise this game like them. As far as the whole WoWknight or Arenanet things, I've never played WoW, but I did play GW1 (No expansions) but I will say I'm as excited for GW2 as I was for SWTOR. Let's hope GW2 fares better.
  2. I think we could make magic happen together. You can be my Bastila Shan!
  3. Define your definition of "kill off". We'll work from that.
  4. Guess we know which in-real life faction this game is aimed towards.
  5. I'm not debating with anyone, sweety. I'm just wondering. Empire seem to outnumber the Republics 3:1 in this game, and Biodrones seem to outnumber objective, thoughtful posters by about 3:1. Interesting dynamic, the Empire has more players, but they have the worse playerbase (IE: More sucky players) The Biodrones have more posters (Most objective fans unsub, make their post and move on) but they seem almost always on the defensive and throwing out insults. Both are incredibly intolerant.
  6. I wonder what percentage of the Biodrones are Empire players. Delusion doesn't really wear a faction though, I guess.
  7. I'll willing to bet anything that TERA and GW2 are more finished/polished/feature heavy than SWTOR. Bioware's MMORPG division (Formerly Mythic, with a little help from Bioware Edmonton who did DA) let them down. The stories, when you look at them subjectively, aren't that great either. They are childish and cartoonish. Emotional scenes are just plain bad. There is no connection to the game-world at all.
  8. The truth is, SWTOR simply doesn't have the time. It won't flourish, or even survive after TERA and GW2 are launched. TERA will soak up a lot of players because of the Pay Subscription service (Same as SWTOR, therefore people are only likely to play one) GW2 is going to suck up a lot more. The PvPers will love it, and the casuals will love it because it is immensely fun and dynamic. It's very, very immersive as well, so RolePlayers will love it. Honestly, SWTOR feels like a game that should have come out in 2007 or so. The story won't hold up, because so many other MMORPGS coming out are going to focus on story a lot, as well. And then you have Secret World that will most likely take less than those 2, but will certainly have it's own impact. They simply let out to much. Their first-impression wasn't great, and it really doesn't have any holding power.
  9. Link the picture of the LFG System or I will smite you.
  10. $200. I want this game to be successful. Anywho, stop taking my comments so personally. It's weird. Not like I'm defacing a family member of yours or something. My server Port Nowhere seems to hit peak at about 9/10:00PM and start dropping 11PM/12AM. It's a weird server. Peak time for it lasts about 2/3 hours if that. 12:10AM right now EST on Port Nowhere Republic side and it's: Tython (16) Ord Mantell (13) Coruscant (30) Taris (24) Nar Shaddaa (16) Tatooine (16) Alderaan (9) Balmorra (10) Quesh (6) Hoth (17) Belsavis (7) Voss (7) Corellia (9) Ilum (23) 203 on Planets Fleet (82) Warzones: Civil War (24) The Void Star (34) Hutt Ball (15) Ships: Defender (9) Thunderclap (2) Freighter (3) Flashpoints: The Esseles (9) Hammer Station (0) Athiss (2) Mandalorian Raiders (0) Cademimu (0) Taral V (4) Maelstrom Prison (0) Colicoid War Games (0) The Red Reaper (0) Directive 7 (4) The False Emperor (4) The Battle of Ilum (3) Kaon Under Siege (1) 399 all total, give or take around 30/50 for margin of error.
  11. Two things would make me happy. GW2 living up to the hope and promise I have for it (SWTOR came up way short on this) An extra 2 inches to make it an even 10.
  12. Someone posted either yesterday or the day before that his standard server had just a bit over 700 people on it.
  13. Incorrect. The numbers vary far to greatly. I think Standard is 750 people, that's the minimum. 750 people spilt up between Fleet + Planets + Divide into factions most likely with an imbalance = unhealthy.
  14. Add a Heroic's point system for Legacy. Or Titles, etc. But what would really work (And really piss off some people) is a cross-server HEROIC queue. Most people complain about cross-server for one reason or another, but I don't think they'd much care if it was just for Heroics. It makes sense, given the way they spilt the population up into tiny pieces.
  15. Bleeding Subs and now Bleeding Devs. Biodrones don't want to admit it, but the EA/Bioware offices are panicking like crazy right now. I would love to get a behind the scenes look at what's going on. This game won't survive the TERA and GW2 body slam. That's the quick 1-2 KO combo right there.
  16. Eastern servers in general are less populated then their Western counterparts. That said, you can't really do anything. I'm in the same boat, only slightly better. I joined Port Nowhere when it was Very Heavy/Heavy constantly. Now it's standard at peak, but Light 70% of the time. It feels dead on a lot of planets, but no where near as bad as some. One of the reasons I unsubbed, really.
  17. In order to play the game, I had to buy a subscription. I bought the 6-Month subscription figuring there wasn't anyway I was going dislike the game. I started as a Sentinel, hated it in PvP and people kept saying it gets better high-level. I got to 25, still didn't like it, so I rolled a Sage (They seemed OP'd). Got that to 25, liked it enough. Wanted to try something new so I roll'd another Alt (Scoundrel) for crafting/story. Got that to 15, when I just decided to level them all to 35. Once I hit 35 on all the characters (Sent, Sage, Scoundrel) I roll'd out a Trooper (Vanguard), which I got to 35 (Tatooine). It was at this point I realised I didn't like any of the classes at all. I didn't like how empty the server had become, how lifeless the planets are, how incredibly difficult it was to get groups for group content. I already hated the UI, the crafting was way to simplified and not immersive at all. There was basically no point to it. At this point, I said "Look. You got 6 months. Hit 50 on atleast one account and re-think your sub then". So I jumped on my Sentintel, and finished up Alderaan and am currently on Balmorra. At this point, I got my first bill. I paid 60+ for the game, and 91+ for the Subscription. I un-subbed because I realised the issues I have with the game, aren't really fixable (Low server population, life-less worlds, choppy and unrefined) even the stories have become more meh to me now (Very childish, and they don't really pull me in at all because of it). The game wasn't worth the almost $200 it has cost me thus far, and I decided I wasn't going to pay anymore. Like I said, I got 157 days left. I'll play when my server (Port Nowhere) atleast has some people on it (Which means Standard, and that's it). Right now it's light, and there's probably 6 people on Balmorra. The $200 I spent gives me the right to voice my displeasure with this game. You don't like it? Ignore me, and stop acting like every negative word uttered about SWTOR is a vile attack on you personally. If they don't want me here, they can refund my money and I will be more than happy to move on to something better.
  18. Ignoring the insults (I'm not one to belittle people if I can help it) I'm here because I paid to be. I bought a 6-Month subscription on name (Star Wars, Bioware) and Dev promises. Idiot me, of course. I have 157 days left. I'll get my almost $200 worth.
  19. Won't have to worry about that much soon. I say, may, servers will merge. You'll be left with around 70. It'll be to late, of course and over half the pop will be gone. Next year, SWTOR's population will be done by about 70%, and continuing to drop. By this time next year, they will be flirting with the option of F2P. I wonder, CupieFoxtail, just how long will you last?
  20. I'd much rather Do-away with the East/West divide, merge servers in brackets of 10 so; Group 1 Merge (PvE): Sedyn Kyne Telos Restoration Project The Defenestrator Zez-Kai Ell Crevasse City Firaxan Shark Keetael Ki-Ta Kren Master Dorak Nathema Group 1 Merge (PvP) Rwookrrorro Thendys Noori Cho Mai Gardens of Talla The Deadweight Firkrann Crystal Belgoth's Beacon Terentatek Bondar Crystal Sword of Ajunta Pall That brings us down to 105 NA Servers. Group 1 Merge (RP-PvE)* Kath Hound Shien Sanctum of the Exalted Rubat Crystal Lord Ieldis *There are less Role-Playing servers than PvE/PvP, so you'd merge less. I'm not sure merging is really an option in their case, because Roleplayers have strict rules (Names, etc.) That leaves us with 101 NA Servers. Group 2 (PvE) Axial Park Anturi Reach Hanharr Eidolon Security Fort Garnik Krayiss Obelisk The Courageous Whitebeam Run Colonel Tobin Khoonda Militia Group 2 (PvP) Hedarr Soongh Vulkar Highway Kinrath Spider Davik's Estate Veela Naddist Rebels The Twin Spears Saber of Exar Kun Prophecy of the Five Mandalore the Indomitable That brings us down to 83 NA Servers. That's fine I think. You lose 40 servers. Trim a lot of fat.
  21. Best thing they shoulda did (Because running Alts and experiencing the story is top priority on SWTOR) was make each class (Knight, Consular, Trooper, Smuggler, Warrior, Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent) have different side-quests. Which means more dialogue. Which means more voice-overs. Which means more money. That's why they didn't do it I guess. Woulda made leveling ALTs so much better though.
  22. I played on a private-server (wanted to test it out before buying it, ended up joining a Guild with some nice people) and their was constant LuT/UT and BT globals going out all the time. Constant globals about Forts etc. And that's my point. It was a simple chat option, and SWTOR doesn't even have that. I never had a single problem finding groups for anything in Aion or Runes. SWTOR it's almost impossible.
  23. Sure. And if I want to run Maelstrom Prison, I would have to sit in Fleet spamming: "LFG Maelstrom Prison" for an hour or more before I give up. I might get 2 people if I'm lucky. Instead of wanting to do Maelstrom, and being on Balmorra questing and looking at chat and seeing: "LFG Maelstrom Prison" globally. Now I can quest, while getting a group for a Flashpoint. I shouldn't have to explain this to you, Mutharex. I know you are smarter than defending this very obvious, very stupid (Let's be honest, that's what it is) oversight. And this is simple, simple stuff. But then, they left out customizable UI.
  24. I never played WoW. Last two MMORPGS I played were Runes of Magic and Aion. Both had better LFG options than SWTOR for just on example. And they were as simple as you can get. A global LFG chat channel. You're telling me it never occurred to someone in Mythic that people having to sit in Fleet for hours spamming general chat that only goes Fleet wide LFG for a Flashpoint? That didn't reek of bad-design to them? Yikes.
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