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Everything posted by Azumio

  1. Expect the same thing with SWTOR. Same Team, same problems. I ain't hating, I'm just stating.
  2. Azumio Azumio (Port Nowhere) --- Though I'd get rid of the got-damn name if it meant actually seeing people playing. The Role-Players might have an ****** of epic frustration, so we'll leave those cute little furies alone.
  3. You serious? Things disappear in-front of you insanely close. Makes Alderaan look like ****. (Huge, empty fields of nothing but crap looking-snot green low-quality grass)
  4. About 40% of the servers are like that. 40% more are densely populated. 10% are noticeablely populated 10% are heavily populated And a couple of the heavily populated ones are gonna get stomped very soon.
  5. Tanking seems about the same as DPS, perhaps a little more pressure. Healing is where the high pressure is.
  6. I find my DPS (Sent) a lot more fun to play than either my Sage/Scoundrel or Vanguard. It's a lot harder, though in most cases.
  7. Meh. I wouldn't extrapolate SWTOR's short-comings and obvious failings as the entire genre of MMORPGs dying. The long and short of it is, SWTOR is a game trying to be something it shouldn't. It shouldn't be trying to be an MMORPG, because you can tell it was designed for a Single Player / Single Individual approach. The truth is, the game sounded far better in interviews than it is in person. Why is that? Because the game we were sold is vastly different than the game we bought. This game is essentially everything Bioware/Mythic/EA said it wouldn't be. It's almost like they pumped so many hours into the story and voice-acting, that they settled for ideas on paper for gameplay, skills, group content, and by the time it came to get working on those ideas, they simply couldn't pull them off so they shoved it in a tiny box held together by duct-tape and copied ideas, and hoped it would pass. Unfortunately for them, it hasn't. MMORPGs aren't judged on launch sales. They are judged on subscription rates, and this game doesn't have the design or approach to make people want to stick around. You can bank on the names Bioware and Star Wars keeping the game afloat for awhile, but considering the game feels outdated already and it hasn't been released for 3 months, well.. I doubt they keep even those hooked for long. Right now, we are paying for the hope that in the future this game will be what they said it would be. Again, though.. it seems a good chunk of us don't really operate on hope anymore. Some have quit. Some are teetering on the edge, and some like me, are massively disappointed, but paid for 6 months and will stick it out to get our moneys worth. Do I, personally have hope this game can be what it was supposed to be? No, I do not. I don't have much faith in the development team behind this product at all.
  8. For me? Bigger, more immersive planets that aren't divided like the current ones. Better Equipment/Weapon customization ability (Colors, Hilts, etc.) Customizable animations for our characters so not every class moves the same, etc. Ability to make a better item stat-wise take the appearance of a better looking (To the individual player) piece of Gear. Ability to mix gear together to make something new. More character customization. Guild's fleshed out more (Ranks, Ships, etc.) Better PvP system with Dynamic PvPvE content (Capturing planets, raiding Fleets, defending planets/cities, etc.) Something to make Grouping for Flashpoints/Heroics easier, weather it be as simple as a global channel, to more complicated Dungeon Finder (I think Flashpoint Finder will be patched in in any case) Bigger, better Warzones. More gear selection. A lot more exploration ability. Basically, the ability to see something in the distance, and just start walking/running toward it. Dynamic Content More lush, lifelike worlds full of creatures flying/walking/patroling/fighting. Day/Night/Weather Cycles that are planet specific. More populated planets (Requires re-doing the server structure). Massive, massive overhaul of the Trade Kiosk. Legacy System actually in-game (How the **** did it launch without it in the shape this game is in?) More races (Kel Dor, Torgruta, Mon Calamari, etc.) Ability to defect (Requires full Light/Dark side points, opens up new quests for the defection) Customizable Ships. Footprints.
  9. This game is going to be entirely different a year or two from now. The sheer amount of things they left out is mind-boggling. I doubt they have even 70% of the population they have right now though. They really dropped the ball. SWTOR has to be one of the biggest muck ups in EA/Biowares history. Atleast Top 5. Watch how fast the numbers drop.
  10. Lazy counter-argument. Come back with pictures or exit stage left.
  11. Never played WoW in my life, lol! And I liked pretty much everything Bioware did prior to EA buying them. That's not elitist talk, or snob talk, either. There's been a HUGE drop of quality in Bioware games since EA bought them. From ME2 (Horrible story) to DA2, to SWTOR and the leaked ME3 script was ***, too. Face it, Bioware as a company is done. Their reputation has tanked. This game is EVERYTHING they said it wouldn't be. Like, it honestly seems like this game was rushed together in the last 5 months of development because their original ideas/game didn't meet EA's or whoever's expectations.
  12. Look @ him, guys! He's raging! So furious right now. Witness the Biodrone's reaction when faced with their leaders blatant ripping off of WoW.
  13. Haha. Biodrones going to be raging at this topic. LOL
  14. They should have spilt the two game types up (PvE and PvP). You have PvE and PvP equipment and abilities (That only work in the designated mode). You level up or advance completely independent from eachother. PvP mode would consist of World PvP on 12 different huge planets (Or less, depending), this would include Warzone like games (Capture the defense stations, defend the defense stations, capture ships, defend ships, blow up ships, infiltrate fleets etc.) You level up in PvE via XP and you Advance in PvP via Valor (Level VS Rank).
  15. Bioware doesn't support slavery. Neither should you.
  16. Getting to a planet is like this: Go into space station and take elevator to ship dock Loading Screen Enter Ship Loading Screen Pick Planet from galaxy map and hit travel, watch as your ship jumps into hyperspace and comes out infront of the planet (Pretty cool) Click "Ship Exit" Loading screen Pop out at Planet space port, take elevator to surface Loading Screen PLANET SIDE! FINALLY!! All total, can take up to 15 minutes because of slow loading screens. Garbage is the word I'd use to describe it.
  17. If Bioware/EA/Mythic are even thinking of releasing expansions for this game that cost extra, they need serious help. You charge me 92$ for 6 months of an unfinished, dead game? *****, refund my mother****ing money.
  18. We will watch you crumble, Swiftsure! Now you can know the pain of a dead and dying server. Feel it.
  19. Well, lets say Imps outnumber Republic by 2-1 on Port Nowhere, that leaves 806 Imps + 403 Republic for a total of 1209 players. 1200 players constitutes Standard. That seems awfully low. What are the caps? 5000? Servers are probably being dinged Standard with a total population of 800. I'll do it again later and add in Imp numbers (Not close to computer right now). What I got from doing this is: SWTOR has way to many servers. 50/70 (with 70 pushing it) would be ideal, I think. You'd probably have over half being Very Heavy, about 10+ being full etc. We'll see. They'll address it sooner or later, because truthfully, the low-population, dead-world feeling is more likely to make players like myself quit than any nerfs/bugs, etc. I just got my bill actually. Bought the 6 Month sub plan and it costed me 92$. Doubt I'll go another 6months.
  20. Rift Servers (North America - 7:00PM EST): 1/16 Heavy 13/16 Medium 2/16 Light Star Wars: The old Republic (North America - 7:00PM EST) 1/123 Heavy 96/123 Standard 26/123 Light
  21. Port Nowhere (6:50 PM EST) Levels 1-10 33 Levels 11-20 70 Levels 21-30 72 Levels 31-40 50 Levels 41-49 47 Level 50 134 Total of 406 Republic. Server is listed as Standard.
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