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Everything posted by EscVelocity

  1. I'm really not joking. I do great on my Powertech in Huttball when the healer knows to heal me, and when people go for passes. My Jet Charge and Grapple turn the game around in our favor plenty of times. I'm there to tank and guard and try and score, not to damage. But on my Sorc, things seem much easier, even at level 18. I'm not there to damage, either, but being able to bubble and heal myself as well as others, speed-boost with the ball and jump over the fire from above, is much more fun. Did I mention knocking all the enemies off the ramp down below so they have to start all over and run back up? That's what, another 3 mins for them if being fought on their way back? I don't mind the squishiness at this level because the utility makes up for it. I do mind the squishiness at 50 on my Powertech when I'm in Champion + BM supercommando gear that isn't mitigating most of the type of damage other people output. The Iron Fist build is a melee range spec so it's not like I can kite people or run away. If I'm going to have to play melee I might as well go Assassin or Marauder.
  2. yeah they're so OP. That's why I had to shelve my BM Powertech and am accomplishing much more on my level 18 sorc in PvP.
  3. Do NOT roll Powertech as a PvP tank. They are squishier than the others. The DPS is ok but it's not very fun to want to switch to DPS when all your PvP gear has Defense and Absorb. It's all worthless against PvP damage. Go Juggernaut as a PvP tank, they do much better.
  4. These two CC's (one I'm feared the other I'm electrocuted/stunned), both occurred after my resolve bar hit full. I couldn't cast my breaker. I can't pass the ball while stunned. I can't do anything. If this is the way it was intended, then it's worse than the tab-targeting (which is exactly how Bioware intended that to be) and people are justified in complaining about this. We all come from different MMO's and we all pretty much agree that the resolve is ridiculous. http://i.imgur.com/FEz0i.png http://i.imgur.com/waBOX.png Oh and I'm a tank (shieldtech) so other non-tanks probably hate it even more than I do since they'll probably die before resolve even gets to 50%. And maybe we would FRAPS if there wasn't ridiculous FPS issues when recording. Every millisecond counts in this game and recording throws it off and can cause issues. I even use Playclaw (designed multi cpu 64 bit) and still have issues, but over 100 fps when not recording (yeah I tried every setting possible, thx).
  5. Yeah I like how after full resolve and it winds down rapidly I still get stunned But my grapple won't work on people when their resolve is only about 90% full or even full or winding down. Grapple doesn't even stun the target.
  6. Because most people in this game suffer severe tunnel vision and cannot comprehend anything other than attacking whoever's in their field of view until they (hopefully) win. It's that until they see the scoreboard and vote for random people or their guildies for MVP (if they know how to). People attack/break CC that has been cast for a purpose. People ignore healers that sit 7 meters away topping off that commando who's seemingly taking forever for them to kill. People ignore the mercs and snipers camping up top the ramp killing everyone else below. They could knock them down or out of shield and take them in seconds, but instead the DPS goes unchallenged for minutes. Sometimes for the entire wz. The list goes on and sadly I think most people in PvP don't know what they're doing. Every time I queue solo it's usually me and maybe 1 - 2 other solos that know what's going on. I'm happy every time I queue solo and join a group that has a good pre-made. I don't have to voice communicate with them to figure things out and coordinate maneuvers in the wz.
  7. I do better on my level 18 sorc than I do on my level 50 Powertech Iron Fist build. Shieldtechs are weak and can only be spec'd to do well in Huttball. If you put them in Void Star or Civil War, then grapple and Jet Charge just become luxuries, whereas in Huttball they are essential utilities. What I shoulda done was roll a Juggernaut since they can mitigate more damage in PvP. As a Shield Tech I feel like a weakened hybrid, where as Sorcs are strengthened hybrids. And if I want to respec DPS, well now I have to get completely different PvP gear (without all the +defense and +absorb). But I don't get a knock back in the dps trees, I just get slightly better DPS and people will still confuse me as a tank. 1v1 will still be a challenge vs any class that's somewhat good. So for now my Powertech is sitting on the shelf as I have a blast in the teens on my Sorc. I can heal, bubble (not just 25% damage like PT's), sprint every 30 seconds for 150% speed increase, knock back multiple people, spam DoTs on multiple people -- it's hilarious and it's only to get better/easier. Of course if Murphy's still alive and well, my Sorc will get nerfed by the time I'm 50 again and I'll just have to re-roll to the next FoTM.
  8. EscVelocity

    Listen up

    These are the rules of Huttball! Two teams, Frog-dogs and Rotworms, chosen by random draw! One ball, slippery as a greased Hutt! Grab the ball, throw the ball, get the ball over the opposing team’s line anyway you can and your team gets a point. Weapons, name-calling, and cheating are all encouraged! But do not kick the ball! Hutts don’t have feet! Show our sponsor Giradda the respect he deserves… ... ... ... LETS PLAY HUTTBALL!
  9. Darth Xedrix, Empire, level 50. Anytime we go up against Republic, though, I always see them quickly recognizing and going after our healer, or our Merc/sniper camping up top. This is usually always in the Civil War wz.
  10. Doesn't work if you're in a pug. I'm a BH Powertech and I've been in hundreds of PvP matches on my server, against same and pub faction. Never once in a pug has anyone coordinated to go after that insane op DPS class that's camping above them, or go after the healer that's just chilling outside of the fighting frenzy topping off their friendlies. Everytime I type into chat to knock back that sniper or merc camping up on the ramp, or interrupt/burn down the healer hiding near the pillar, no one has ever complied. Not once. It's always me, the clunky tank, doing everything I can to distract them from the team. But the Merc can take me out by focusing on me and knocking me back multiple times, or the healer can heal themselves and kite me around, drawing it out, both of us basically cancelling out each other.
  11. How about we stop referring to Mercs as "BH"? Powertechs have nothing they can "spam" and require more thinking than playing a Merc. We have a lot more abilities we have to think about using in different situations. A Merc can typically camp up somewhere and TM people to death before they can even come back and attack them. What's that, they got back in time with 30% health? Oh, just knock them back and finish them off. No problem. A Powertech, shield tech in particular, has a harder time because over half the type of damage in PvP cannot be mitigated for us like it can be in PvE. Death From Above, if interrupted before actually executed, has to go on Cooldown. Jet Charge and Grapple is not that useful outside of Huttball. So there's multiple talent points and abilities right there that seem wasted outside of Huttball. So for those of us shield techs who thought we'd have the bubbles and damage mitigation of Juggernaut in PvP realized we got screwed, now I have supercommando champ gear that's a waste, so I have to start over by respecing Pyro or Prototype and get different gear stats.
  12. I don't like using the champ commendations to gear up my companions. There is better gear I can get for my companions for their purposes. Unless you are going to let me bring in my companion to warzones, there's no need for them to have a ton of expertise. If we're going to keep the rng at least allow more items other than "gear" to be purchased with the centurion and champion commendations. For instance after we collect a lot like 50 to 100 or so let us buy rare materials for things like Biochem that we can't get in PvE because of everyone else rolling need on HM bosses. Let us buy skin customizations for our existing armor. Etc.
  13. No. Only well geared tanks can utilize the resolve system, and still suffer non-stun effects that slow them down while it's winding down. Everyone else usually dies before it reaches 100%.
  14. lol wow, I had no idea. I got 4 bags so far after hitting 60, and bought 4 items so far at 1 commendation each. Looks like my luck is going to run out since the same thing happened with champ bags (before they yielded champ commendations). So if you don't get BM commendation, do you just get Champion commendations? Seems pointless because I already have champ gear for everything else.
  15. Which drops are you referring to? I thought you get at least 1 in every BM bag and BM gear costs 1 - 3 each per item. Or are you talking about something else?
  16. I just rolled a Sorc, and I have more utility and fun playing at level 17 than I do on my 50 Powertech Iron Fist build. Sure I'm more squishier on my Sorc at this level but it's still more fun for me to be able to knockback people off the ramps, sprint with the ball over the fire, and stun/slow people down continuously.
  17. Voidstar: We lost a voidstar match last night because when we were on offense, after the first door was planted successfully, and bridge opened, 3 of us first made it past the bridge to the door in time with 1 commando about 30 yards behind chasing us. The guy ahead of me got to the door first and started planting the bomb. I noticed the enemy respawn wall had 2 bars left before it unleashed 4 - 5 players, so we should have had enough time. I turn around and CC/Whirlwind the commando, and about 1.5 seconds after that, the 2nd guy next to me starts attacking him. The commando is thus broken out of of my CC and interrupts the bomb planter who probably had 3 - 4 seconds left on planting. From that point on, they held us back for 5 mins and we lost. tl;dr: CC is not limited to PvE. Keep in mind that every second counts in voidstar so instead of thinking you can 1-shot enemies that are after the bomb planter, keep in mind that CC'ing (like stunning) should be encouraged and not interrupted. Huttball Another PvP game last night, one of our guys has the ball. He has 100 health left, yet continues walking. I am walking beside him almost the whole way, typing "pass" into ops chat about every 7 seconds. We jump down from the top platform and down onto the ramp just before the last fire before the enemy's goal line. I type "pass again" in /say and run past the fire. He pauses, the fire comes up, then he walks through the fire and dies. Next thing you know he's cursing at me in ops chat about how he was stunned and couldn't do anything. There were no enemies near us until after he committed suicide in the fire about 5 seconds before 6 enemies respawn from their base. tl;dr: pass the ball. other tips: run ahead of the ball carrier. Don't trail behind them. If you have ever watched football have you seen the receivers run behind the quarter back? No they run ahead toward the goal to get open for a pass. Imitate this. Civil War: I'm always in a PuG, and it's nice when we cap the first 2 turrets. However, here's when things usually go bad. After the turret is cap'd, for some reason everyone runs away from it and onto the next one. I make up for this by staying and helping defend, and when I do, after the other people die and respawn/re-land, I see 3 - 4 people run back to the already-captured turret (where I'm at) and while I have not requested any assistance. Then they stand there, so I leave to move on to help defend the other cap'd turret that's actually under attack. A couple mins later I will look on the map and see the 3 - 4 people who were "guarding" the other turret completely spread out over 60 yards away from the turret fighting, or just as far away, but together, pounding on one person, and you guessed it someone stealthed up to the turret and cap'd it behind their backs. Then from here it's chaos and the team struggles to come back. tl;dr: don't spread out and fall for the enemy's diversion tricks. don't rush with 3 other players to a turret that isn't under attack. you should run back to the turret you just died at so it doesn't get taken back by the enemy. Or if left is ours, and mid is too overwhelmed, run to the 3rd one and cap it since probably only has 1 - 2 guards. let one person cap it, you do not need the entire team right-clicking on the turret. Let one person cap and run out to CC any incoming enemies who are going to try and interrupt the slicer.
  18. Sometimes it's long time friends grouping up with each other to enjoy the game together, other times it's elitist guildies who strive to win the game not only to gain accomplishments but to boost their e-peen and showboat about the server at how much better they are and how everyone else who's in a pug sucks.
  19. omg agreed. I had to cycle through 6 people before I could tab select the player running around in front of me in huttball. I can't tell when it's time to give up and mouse-click, which takes just as long but at least I know at some point I'm going to have them selected.
  20. Please tell we will be able to choose which WZ to queue for sometime in the future. I have a BM 50 and alts I PvP in about 4 hours a day and I'm constantly seeing that the majority of players do not care about the objectives. It's like everyone has tunnel vision and the only thing they recognize is an enemy player. It's not the ball, it's not the door, and it's not the turret. It's just more blood for the blood god. If we add a Deathmatch WZ and make the WZ's optional at queue, then those who care abou t the objective-based WZ's can be happy without getting a migraine because of the deviants.
  21. I would LOVE to be CC'd 30 times in a row.
  22. Maybe you're just a bad healer.
  23. I see the same Gunslinger in this one WZ that can run around while healing. hardly ever see them cast yet I see their target's health go up rapidly
  24. It's insane how easily Sorcs and Mercs can just spread out and sit up top, surround/kill people. Melee has no chance in a situation vs ranged.
  25. They just heal themselves and each other. I watched a scoundrel run around while healing. How are they able to heal while kiting?
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