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Everything posted by EscVelocity

  1. I did PVP through teens and into my level 32 Powertech (that I've put on the shelf for now), and killing people was difficult. Very difficult. Grappling people was fun since I saved the game (Huttball) by doing that a few times. But fighting just sucked. Flamethrower requires me to stand still. flame burst and sweep do hardly any damage at all. I used a build collected and agreed as viable in PVP among multiple popular sites/forums. Think I'm just bad? So did I. So I tried another class that was melee (since I was getting killed mostly by melee), and lo and behold, I've got a Sith Warrior at level 10, still using the freaking training sword, MOWING down level 20's and higher. I kid you not. The people I kill the most? Bounty Hunters. They hardly do any damage to me, AT LEVEL 10! And I'm taking them down in less than 10 seconds. On my Bounty Hunter PT it takes like 45 - 60 seconds to fight someone. By that time they have allies show up. Either I'm just more talented pushing buttons 1 - 6 on my Sith Warrior than I am on my Bounty Hunter, or something's imbalanced.
  2. This is why people don't pass or score. You don't get rewarded for actually completing the objective, but you get rewarded for avoiding the objective. Makes perfect sense now.
  3. People don't like Huttball because most players don't know what they're doing. Not saying it's their fault, but if you don't know how to play, then leave the zone and go l2p before trying. Don't stick around and make it difficult for the team. You could be great at the other warzones, but if you're oblivious to the fact you can pass the ball, then you're of no use to your team in Huttball -- no use at all. Things that would help: Help players l2p Huttball by making it more obvious they have a Throw the Huttball ability on their quickslot. Maybe actually make a floating or static button that appears only in-game that players could position how they like. Turn off the NPC chat because when it's spamming the chatbox, you can't communicate or read text in the Ops/Raid channel to new players on what to do. That said I enjoy Huttball. Every game we win or I score in is when I and others understand that passing is key. When we lost, it's when ball carriers stay solo for more than 30 seconds, or when the majority of team is pretending it's a game of Quake, or think that a heavy amount of PVP is required at first like in WSG (WoW).
  4. Is anyone else having this issue in the Galactic Trade Network Kiosk search? When you search and choose "Me" in the "Usable by" box, it returns nothing for the category you're searching/filtering. But if you choose "All", it will return search results of items you're looking for, including those that indeed are usable by you. It happens when searching for items just for my companion as well. With "Me" filter: http://i.imgur.com/moZgS.jpg With "All" filter: http://i.imgur.com/S8iwJ.jpg I Google'd for known issues on Reddit and this site but didn't find any regarding this. Am I doing something wrong in the trade search or what?
  5. Yeah I'll note that when I started I wasn't aware of it, either. It wasn't until I left the game and proceeded to quest and level up that I realized the game automatically adds the "Throw the Huttball" ability to next available quickslot. Of course you can then move it to another slot and set a keybinding accordingly. A mouse button or whatever you want. And the range is indeed 30m.
  6. In the pugs I join hardly anyone ever "gets open". If I'm on the upper ramp, waiting for fire to go away before crossing, and you're in the enemy's zone, don't freaking jump down to go fighting someone below me. Stay there and anticipate my passing the ball to you. Be mindful of where the ball carrier is and get open for a pass. If you're not already ahead, then get a head of the carrier so they can pass up to you. A couple times someone actually worked with me on this, and we scored at least 4 times, and I hardly engaged in combat. I'd run ahead, they'd pass to me, or I'd pass to them. Worked great.
  7. Should we make players' armor and talent builds invisible to other players, too? People in all MMO's to this day gloat in chat about their skills and gear compared to others. That's the case whether there are meters or not. In my case, I couldn't care less of what strangers think. Meters would be good for myself to help me get better. I've tough enough skin to not break down in tears if someone points out they're x % higher than me in area y or z. But in a group with friends, working together to improve, I think if we're aware of how each other's doing, we can help each other out that way with meters.
  8. People who oppose any type of graph or meter of their contribution to the party are the same players that just want to be carried. If you can identify those who aren't putting in any effort, then they'll get dropped, and will stop getting things for free. If you were lazy, would you want others to know?
  9. I'm betting people who got to play beta didn't bother to provide any useful feedback, instead just entertained themselves or got a head start on getting as much content as possible for their websites and ebooks. This is something I would've told Bioware within the first day if I played beta. But sadly, I didn't.
  10. QFT. Hey, man, remember that time, way back in the day like 2 days ago, when Bioware went through that long onslaught of people leaving and servers crashing? Fast forward a few years to the next day, and it just went completely dead when everyone hit 50 and maxed out everything? Man those were crazy times. I'm surprised some of us are still around!! I guess that makes us insane for sticking around all these years (days).
  11. It's an MMO taking place in space - a futuristic setting. The content and scenery is marvelous. It's a real unique game. I don't feel like it's just "Star Wars" I'm immersing in. I feel like it is Star Wars but still unique with Bioware and Lucas arts working together. I'm not a die hard Star Wars fan but really enjoy the game. It's a very easy transition from WoW. I tried Rift and it was a little more difficult to understand some of the UI and such. The story is awesome. I love the cut-scenes and adaptable videos. I feel like I'm playing a movie. Compared to WoW, this blows its questing out of the water. Much more enjoyable to watch a movie and read subtitles than to squint at a quest caption box to read the what your objectives are (WoW), or have to read NPC chat spam to follow dialogue relevant to quest or story at hand (WoW). The game launch was smooth, for me at least. The day of launch, I was able to download the game and fully upate/patch in just around 3 -4 hrs, setup a subscription, login and level to 4. I could go on.... The maps, flight paths and quick travel system is confusing to me for some reason. In WoW, I find it much easier to navigate and identify where I need to go. But in this game, it's really taking me time to get used to. Quick Travel and Flight Paths read different names for same location. On my map, it's difficult to find where I'm at. This is really frustrating. There is a lack of documentation from Bioware on how certain things in-game actually work. I imagine I'm going to have to rely heavily on third-parties such as torhead, user-driven blogs and other websites to understand how the game works more in-depth. Knowing what level's required for this and that, or knowing where Galactic Trade Kiosks are located, is difficult know and locate. The Flash Points are fun so far but I think there should be a portal system to jump to them immediately, instead of having to travel to it. WoW started out that way but arrived at a "Teleport to instance" feature at some point as a standard. At this time it's not as frustrating, because I'm in my level 20's so running to the place is nice as part of the exploration and quest gathering, but at some point it needs to be instance for the sake of others waiting on you, and removing the obvious time-sink of running/driving. I think there should be a "Space to continue" on every single loading screen that comes up for missions. On some Space Missions, for example, there are important tips/instructions, but sometimes the load screen progresses so fast that there's no time to actually read it. Some objectives and status updates that popup on your screen popup then fade away really fast, I have no idea what it said. Should go into Other chat tab or stay up a little longer. The Smart Camera system that automatically goes back to POV view is really annoying. As far as I know there's no way to turn that off. I'd like to be able to autorun while looking behind me or at an angle, without having to hold down the left mouse button. There's an easy way to fix that in WoW. Add-on support. I think Bioware should either open up add-on support like WoW does, and we could have useful add-ons to use from Curse gaming for add-ons that are LUA based or something similar, or Bioware should create add-ons themselves that are option to turn on/off in-game, such as meters for damage, healing and aggro. This will only help us master our characters more, and verify that we are doing as good as we should based on gear and rotations, etc. Full-Screen windowed mode is still a little buggy. Window stays on top even though you're tabbed out into Explorer (Windows) or other applications. I like to tab out and reference guides, and this makes it challenging. When in Full Screen mode, the game has to practically reload the whole UI everytime I tab back into the game. WoW was a lot faster to load/unload when tabbing out. I could go on, but I find more positives than negatives in this game at the end of the day. More space stuff. I'd like to be able to fly around freely in space. Board other people's ships and hang out. Explorer space more. Fly to different planets not on galaxy map. Space co-op missions and space PvP.
  12. I love add-ons but I'd rather wait longer for (hopefully) Bioware to to build them into the game. Problem with add-ons is that you run into conflicts, errors, etc. Have to wait on add-on developers to update. They expect donations so they are essentially not free. I think subscription fee to Bioware should extend beyond "content" and "server maintenance" and go into a few hours of developers making an optional add-on here and there that you can toggle in-game. Threat and DPS meter are essential because you can't tell if you're helping the party at all, or if the party's not helping you. Sure people will gloat about their numbers compared to others in chat. But does that mean we should take away armor and weapons from the game too since people will gloat about what epic l00tz they have?
  13. Yeah, check out this great guide. It breaks it down pretty well and has two graphic charts. http://www.oldrepublic.net/261-swtor-companion-gifts-guide-how-buy-your-love.html
  14. The "Shield Tech PvE build" link to torhead currently says requires level 22 (a 9/2/2 build). Was it always like that or was it reset?
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