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Everything posted by Dorkfrey

  1. I think you miss the point here. It's not about the time spent regearing an alt... and I've geared a main to Champion levels. It's really not about the time here. It's about the enjoyment you get when fighting on level terms. My level 15 Trooper, does the same damage to a level 10, as he does a 49, pretty much. It's about a "fun" fight. I don't want to say a "Fair fight", but at the end of the day, it applies. It's about not being steamrolled no matter what you do.
  2. As someone who's been a PvPer since the 90's... It's about the hunt mate. That challenge. That conflict, that makes you (in)famous. That makes people curse your name, because you pop out and do something they can't deal with. It's about tracking someone, and learning them.. or likewise, knowing you're hunted and learning your hunter to turn the tables on them, when they least expect it. It's knowing when to bow out from a fight, and when to charge in. Or - it used to be. Now it's about "I grind out gear - keeel u mofocker!" Sad times. Indeed. Your generation know squat all about the "Hunt", or carrying on a grudge between clans or guilds for years, because you were picking the right fights.
  3. As much as I love this idea, there is only so far experience and treachery can take you that exploiting and Ilum spawn farming cannot beat. Bioware chose the exploiting and spawn farming route as acceptable. (when many of us said - "Ilum - problem - NOW" we were told it was a potential problem, and they were watching things unfold. Clearly - they haven't they first clue as to a problem if it hit them in the arse). Quit your whining and roll with the rest of us, we all need to grind gear to keep pace with the ADHD younglings now.
  4. So, basically - what you're saying is: Shadow/Assassin are in your experience, weaker at 1v1 that Sage/Sorc - but you're complaining about Shadow/Assassin - neat! lemme guess, you play a Sorceror? Were Scoundrel's OP too?
  5. Does this count for the level 12 Bot I've been stalking in Ilum. I made it very personal and very very clear that any time I saw him, I'd kill him. Repeatedly. I'd mess with his bot, in fact, do anything I could to make his life miserable. Even said in /say "STOP CHEATING." Just before I killed him as he walked back to the chest spawn. Does that make me a bad person? Wasn't about the money, was purely out of principle. Edit: I know it's the guys Job... but still.
  6. Because iirc - One of the Devs in Beta stated he'd be playing Whack a Mole with any Hybrid spec he saw. Sorcs aren't for the chopping block, because well, that would upset TOO many people. And for the record, I don't run a hybrid spec for PvP - but I can see the merit of doing so, and thought it was cool-beans for people who did, and did it well.
  7. If I was in your shoes - I probably would hit 50 ASAP and grind as many bags as possible in the meantime. I suspect (though I could be wrong), that the number of commendations "greatly" increased would be worse than going for a few pieces of Champ gear if you're lucky. Especially - since unless you're high valor, you'll be stuck with only Cent gear for a while. But - in terms of the low tier bags, they've been fairly kind to me so far. Others I've known haven't been so lucky. If you're sat at 49 valor rank, then it might well be worth your effort to save them, since you'd be closer to BM gear than I am right now (high 30's Valor rank).
  8. If you're post wasn't aimed at me, sorry - I don't, in my fight he did both. Because he cast one of them, in the point between my mind-snap: 12s cd, my spinning kick: 20s cd, and my Force Stun: 1 min CD - and my Mind Snap CD coming back around - and I missed the interrupt since it didn't come around in time, but hit the next spell he cast. I suspect, if I'd played differently, I could have dragged the fight out longer - if I'd played differently (hindsight's such a wonderful tool for analysis), but I can't figure a way I could have changed the outcome of that fight at all. Possibly if I'd waited till I was lower on health, and then popped my Force Immune CD and used Telekenesis to heal myself back up, but the gains from Telekenesis would have still only left me at ~6k health, but I'd have lost the momentum from early self heals keeping me near topped off.
  9. I had one Sorc take me down solo on Ilum today - in about 15-17 seconds (my spinning kick hadn't come off of cooldown and I'm 2pc set as Shadow tank. Took him that long, since I popped meds and stuff, and had 3 charges on my Harnessed Shadows by the time my Anti Force CD wore off. I did about 6k damage to him after all his heals and shielding. He did around 26k total (not including what was resisted via Cooldown). Admittedly, I'm tank spec - but going down that fast, when I had over 4k health advantage on him made me wonder if Sorcs are in fact, in need of some tweaking, or if in fact tank mitigation needs to be seriously looked at. I don't expect to crush all opposition, but - I had serious health advantage (and I suspect gear advantage too in terms of ilvl, although I made the mistake of picking up tank gear before realising it's worthless - I'll look other Sorcs up when I finish my Stalker set). With some classes - it's a coin toss to see who wins, literally down to the wire, and we've had similar health totals to start with. This Sorc didn't even try and get distance on me. He just stood there and spammed spells. And I could do very little to stop him, considering I interrupted 4 casts of his before being out of interrupts and then dying.
  10. http://www.warcry.com/articles/view/interviews/6773-Five-Years-of-Warcraft-Speaking-With-Blizzards-Rob-Pardo.2 Explains why Arena was his biggest mistake. Why do we need to emulate that exactly?
  11. So - what I've read from you being irrelevant to this discussion. Tactics to counter tanks, tactics to counter teamplay, everything YOU as a player Or YOU as a team could do. Anything which says, there's another side to your arguement. Yes - in this scenario, you win the internet. In actual PvP, tanks aren't God Mode, and only introduce an element of strategy to fights that you didn't have in WoW before. But - I'll concede the points you've made, that if you state that EVERY counter and tactic is irrelevant, then yes, you're right. Tanks are clearly God Mode vs idiots.
  12. Not there - sadly. I'd have been overjoyed if it were. Hope the CS can help sort it out.
  13. Just made a Relic, which vanished, and now thinking about it... it's not the first time stuff's vanished - but this one really STUCK out to me. Seeing as was my first piece of T3. Anyone else getting this bug?
  14. You can't be good at your role, as you introduced an element of gameplay that idiots can't ignore and tunnel down the healer. Until they get their muliplier damage - so you take 150% of total damage, and or - some other stupidity that allows them to keep drooling on their keyboard with success... then they will fight their hardest against allowing tanks survival.
  15. At least in Ilum - if we're on a PvP server. I'd like my valor reward for farming those level 12 chest spawn farmers.
  16. You don't even need to die. Can stay up there all game if you want. I posted on how, and asked if the Devs wanted it removed - but no one answered, so I'm assuming it's all gravy. Short version is - I can stay up there ALL GAME. And short of hitting me with a throw (unlikely) - you're gonna get grappled first - you don't score if I'm playing that way.
  17. I also love the "rah rah I'ma derper" speech those pugless (seriously, there not even good enough to be qualified as a "pick up group") wonders give when we go - hey, let's take 3 left, 5 right, nice and easy win, and one of us will go left to help hold once we've secured right - when they go: "NO! ME DERP MID!". We're not talking of peptalks. Just basic communication. Glad to see you're in the game though. /thumbs up! (sarcasm).
  18. Yeah - those occasions when I don't do premades, I speak to the team - find out who're the healers, sort out tactics talk a lot about what's going on, and oh my, we don't lose 90% of matches. Shiny.
  19. Give me a Pocket_Healer and a decent DD and I feel like a KING as a tank. Especially in Alderaan. It's not about the damage though, it's about the - feeling that says: "I'm the King of this Hill, and it's going to take EIGHT of you to knock me off it!" But it's never about the damage. I mean - I managed to get my first 2.5k damage medal EVER today, at level 50 - with a bunch of Champ gear on me. Not sure where you're going with this, tanking people isn't that dissimilar to tanking mobs, in as much as - you have to get them to HATE you far more than anyone else that's nearby. If you've gotten inside their heads in WZ's before - and have pocket_healer going on, it's like they make a beeline for you. Even when I just leave guard on my healer knowing DD's can recycle while we hold. Tanking in PvP isn't hard - you've just got to make yourself a nuisance and people will get frustrated. It's not rocket science, but it is damned fun. Give them tanking juice then (or get them to make it themselves). That worked me for the first few years while I was tanking. Tanking juice being either tea or alcohol. To be honest, tanking is just a mindset, once you slip into it, you'll never get out of it. And it's not that hard to get into. I agree that tanking is far from overpowered though, like the gent above says: "Pillow fight at a rave". Actually - I think whichever healer did more damage would be the deciding matter here. True enough about feeling like slightly more resilient, but massively under damaging DD's. Once you get the idea of control into your head, you realise your purpose in the game, but for many - that's taking them a while. Most of the people asking me about Shadow PvP seem to be scared off by the fact that they can't burst like a Rogue in WoW. When - there's so much more to them than just simple pew pew. People are coming around though - I just wish my server had some really good plain old fashioned DD's - what would I give for a good Gunslinger/Sentinel/Trooper dps (I don't know the trooper classes well enough yet). The tank specs are becoming more popular due to the whines of the uneducated (mostly about Guard stopping people from dying in the time it's taken Y keyboard drooler to headbutt out his X damaging combo). The biggest consequence of removing tanks from PvP is losing tanks from PvE - and that's been a huge problem in many games before. I agree there are a lot of "newbies" trying to play tanks after seeing it done in PvP, and mostly because of the whines of nerfed OPS crying about Guard because they can't burst down a healer in 4 seconds - so clearly - anyone who can make OPS/Scoundrel's cry so many tears of anguish must be overpowered - right? I think that's more the biggest complaint about tanks is they introduce an element of teamplay that WoW players have just never had to deal with before. Good thing too imo.
  20. Because - it messes with my Particle Acceleration Procs, often making me lose them and lose the following crit %+ buff in PvE (when trying to keep priorities up with Ward/Slow/Breach) - and it's really fatal in PvP to Shadows when using it to finish off a wounded opponent/prevent a cap/stop a stealther.. etc.
  21. If you combine ability lag, with animation delay - we're still coming out worse off. This isn't a "MAY" or "MIGHT" or "PERHAPS" we suffer an added delay on our animation. WE DO. Roll a Consular, Roll an Inq, go out at level one and see for yourself. There isn't a "maybe" about this. Animation goes of, we twiddle thumbs, GCD resets (or near as), damage hits. To the point that I've managed to reset the Harnessed Shadows proc on it, from a subsequent Double Slash before the damage has hit from Project - and seen it reset from a half duration remaining proc. Sorc/Sage Chain Lightning will have the same problem on both sides assuming all animations are equal. Sorc/Assassin Shock - doesn't have to put up with the ANIMATION delay as WELL as the Ability Lag that Sage/Shadow do. So, my Buttercup - we're back at the beginning here - hence my opening post. So - you might have some lag - we have worse. And it doesn't just affect PvP - as I explained above. The guy who rerolled a Commando - noted the same thing too with Mortal Volley - Death From Above - the BH one, starts applying damage immediately. This is down to the "added" delay Republic gets. Not the "overall" one. For the "most" part - the game feels a lot more responsive than it did a few weeks back. I still get buttons locking up - but that's another story.
  22. You previous post would state that you're wrong. There is a delay on it - that is silly in length. It's been fairly well documented. I honestly think you are still just trolling in what you're saying here, because as a Shadow Tank, the number of times I've lost my Particle Acceleration procs because of the ability delay is more than not when doing anything which requires half a rotation (trying to keep debuffs on a target, and shields up - and maxing Harnessed Shadows). Any Shadow tank will tell you - that the delay is pretty much suck in both PvE as well as being game losing in PvP if you're a defensive sort. You saying that you've rerolled and prefer it, is either just stupidity or plain lies. Pick one.
  23. Sunshine, get this - Project has a delay, the Sith equivalent "SHOCK" does not. Once you realise this, you can then rattle it around your head, and then apologise if you're big enough to do that. I don't complain about my spells - being on CD. I complain about one spell having a delay while the animation messes around, while my counterparts on the other side do not have this issue. End of story.
  24. Was all I had off cooldown that could hit them in time/had the range to hit them. If I was a Sith, this spell would have worked, and I wouldn't be frustrated. GJ IN SUPPORTING BAD GAME DESIGN BRO. Was too close to Force Pull them off, too far for melee, Force Breach/Slow Time on CD, and Force Wave would have taken even longer while I hang there like Neo. This is a hideous flaw. Nice to see you support balance between factions though.
  25. Don't get my started on Spinning Strike either. See someone casting a heal spell at low health, and I try and hit them with it to finish them off, and my jedi poser just *has* to do a long winded flourish before the effect hits, except they're not at <30% health anymore. These little things make the game SO UNFUN. Imp damage - applies much faster or instantly in almost every case, and people try and defend this, saying it's good - like the poster who answered this thread first. Even with damage being equal... man.. that delay is just ludicrous.
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