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  1. Hi I think that the is a lot of mis information about this class. People see the high numbers and think "how can one class put out that sort of damage and still heal for 100k" Well the issue is most likely several things, one of them I beleive is a bug. The first is that you are dealing with a Madness/Balence sage/Sorc which gets healed on its crits from DoT and healed straight up from the AoE high damage ability Force in Balence/Deathfield. It is my belief that this abilities healing is bugged, as I have gotten the 2.5k healing medal from it when it really only healed for around 600. (I hit 3 targets with my Force Potency up). However, I'm not positive of this, as it may really just be my next point. Static Barrier/Force Armor counts as healing (the bubbles). This is massive in the high healing numbers you see on the scoreboard. All the damage that someone does to the bubble counts as a heal for the Sorc/Sage. That's a high heal, that's instant and can be refreshed every 17-20 seconds. Now people that criticize the bubble, remember that it does not have armor mitigation on it, so it's the equilivent of doing damage to a naked player to burst it down. Perhaps it needs to be toned down, but that's not the point of this topic my next point is about the damage. Our damage is all sustained DoT or AoE depending on the tree. These types of damage lend themselves to inflated DPS numbers at the scoreboard, where as the damage wasn't particularly usefull compared to a concealment operative/rage jugg bursting down a target in 7 seconds. Burst damage is always more usefull in killing than sustained damage/AoE. And no, we can't just sit back and "spam lightning" It does not do as much damage as you think, usually when you see yourself die insanely quick from it, it's because we have gotten all 3 of our DoT on you and weakened you with Deathfield/FiB. Yes our damage is good, but we are based on kiting, and almos every class does more straight up damage. My final point is rather small, but important nonetheless. This only REALLY impacts the Alderaan war zone , but we get a spamable abilities that takes away our health. So when we have nothing to do we sit back and damage ourselves and reheal. So that's it I hope you understand our class a little bit better and maybe I've convinced you we aren't AS OP as you might have thought. TL:DR Fu** You.
  2. I just want to get this out of the way, I DO NOT want a nerf for these classes, just at the state they are in now it just feels very off. I have two main issues, the first is with Tracer Missle/Grav Spam for Mercs/Commando's. Yes it can be interrupted, but they have other abilities that hit almost as hard or harder for that pitiful 4 second interrupt (I'm not sure if its the same for other classes, I'm a sage.) I know it can be LoS'd and CC'd and whatever, thats not my problem with the ability. My problem is that by using one, maybe 2 or three abilities Merc's can out DPS me using at least 6. I don't think they should have less DPS I just wish they had to work harder to get it. Spamming 1 ability forinstnt win is just plain stupid. I'm not sure exactly what should be tweaked, I'm not entirely familiar with Merc Abilities, perhaps one of the many Merc's/Commando's can help me on this. My second point is healing. Dear god, I never thought there would be a time where a Healer can tank better than a Tank. This isn't a problem with all BH healers, but it still stands that healers should be squishy on their own no questions asked. I had two absolutly horrible experiences fighting a BH healer which, I will admit, was semi a product of his biochem/buff spaming (Nerf this too please) as I saw his Rakata buff. I have had two seperate occasions where, me and 2 other Dps's literally spent almost 30 seconds trying to kill a single BH healer. No other healers, no tank that put guard on him nothing. just him and his fat *** tanking damage from 3 lvl 50, 50, and 49's all with CC'ing, interrupts and stims. Eventually we gave up and instntly he switched to DpS mode somehow and proceeded to do 9k damage to me in 2 cool downs. WHAT. I'm not even sure what ability he was using just that one sec I'm full health and the next I have 30% even with my Force armor up. It was even worse when he was in a group and it was impossible to stop the heals. This seriously needs to be looked at, I'm not saying I'm the best player, but if 3 max/almost max's players can't kill one guy on his own something is seriously wrong. Sorry for the rant, I'm sure people will point out how wrong I as or something.
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