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Everything posted by Soazak

  1. Dumb idea. Faction imbalances don't hinder Republic from gearing up, since this is done via Warzones which are always equal...and Republic queue faster so actually gear faster, assuming they win... so why penalise Imperial's ability to play? The only way it would affect anything would be the mass of Imperial rerolling...making the same problem the other way arond
  2. It stays competitive because everyone else is going through the same **** You only get the odd lucky person who opens 5 bags and gets 2-3 pieces, the rest of us seem to go through dozens before we get one.
  3. The only one of your points that has any merit is #3. They are anincredibly powerful class when played right, the problem is they need a lot of attention to play well. Their self heals in Annihilation, are probably better than any non healing AC.
  4. The inquisitor base class (because that is all your SS shows...not sorcs) covers tanks, dps and healers, so of course there are going to be lots of them. Just like there are lots of Bounty Hunters, that doesn't make them all tracer spamming mercs. There are problems with sorcs (and other classes), however most of the posts on here are simply "I got hit with lots of chain lightning, they need a nerf". The problem, at higher level (I'm talking BM+), Balance Sage/Madness Sorc are excellent kiting classes, together with the ability to heal this is too powerful. The only fix that is needed (for all 3 healing ACs) is, if they are not specced in the heal line, their heals should be a little worse than they are currently (with 600+ expertise). To simply show a SS of a Warzone finishing with 5-6 inquisitors, is kinda dumb. There are SS floating around of 6+ Bounty Hunters, Troopers, Consulars and Imperial Agents, this doesn't mean anything other than the people that queued for that Warzone played the same base class.
  5. 1 Star. The post suggests to me, that you have very limited PvP experience. Most of the 'issues' you have highlighted are not the actual problem with the classes. e.g. Acid blad etc, is not what currently makes Ops/Scou strong, nor is the Absorb shield on Sorcs, or the damage of tracer missiles. While some of these classes do probably need tweaking, the suggestions are the wrong tweaks. Also, the server merges would not really address the faction imbalance. It would simply compound the issue (simple example...5k Empire 3k Rep, merged with another server would just give you 10k empire 6k rep...same ratio just add more queue times, as there are not any Republic heavy servers to merge with). Server merge would also be unnecessary if faction changes were implemented ($15 is fine, however a free service should be offered to Imperials on an overcrowded server to change to Republic). The population bonuses also don't make sense, as the population imbalances of the server are not always the case in Ilum (and certainly not the case in WZ ). The server I play on has far more Imperials, if you check fleet etc, however in Ilum Repulic often matches us, if not outnumbers us. They have a very strong core of PvP focused guilds, while Imperial is pretty unorganised.
  6. 10/10 levelling. 4/10 end game PvP. 7/10 end game PvE.
  7. What you've described is the case for pretty much every class. Spec right and they do better damage. Nothing is really overpowered right now tbh, but people will always look for class imbalances before they even consider the possability they might just be doing it wrong Oh, and; http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=267930
  8. What are your overall plans with PvP? i.e. Is Ilum (currently) what you envision PvP to be and what styles of PvP will you be catering for in the future (Arena, Rated WZ, open world group v group like DAoC)?
  9. You assume balance = all things equal. For many of it's years, daoc had balance, as did UO.
  10. In good versus evil, the evil side are...evil. In other news, grass is green.
  11. I don't think the problem is PvP gear tbh, I think it's poorly designed PvE structure. Low end PvE gear/crafted gear should be better than it is currently.
  12. People keep saying he should DPS to get more, this is missing the point. I shouldn't have to do two different roles, to get nearly as many medals as soneone that does one role. If I'm pugging, then I will go all out for medals, get 300k healing then stop, and focus on damage until im 25 kills/75k damage etc. this massively lets the team down and hinders pugs. Players should be rewarded for playing well, (objectives, doing their job etc...) rather than just DPSing everything.
  13. People camped Ilum prior to the 'pvp patch' to get easy items. People camped Ilum spawn points after the patch to get easy valour. If you thought that a bunch of people getting easy access to end game items was going to stay... Once everyone gets something, they move the goalposts, thats how progression works They messed up big with PvP, and this patch at least suggests they know that.
  14. Soazak

    Rollback PvP valor

    You assume all the Battlemasters you're fighting were from the Ilum bug...people didn't really get that much from it. Sure there were exceptions..but not the the point where it changes your game. Sorry your guild is losing people, but if the reaosn they're giving is "they don't like fighting high valour people", there's probably more to it.
  15. He's fat. Honestly, I can't take him seriously. Especially when he talks about crushing people.
  16. Tbh I found the Marauder tough below 30 as Carnage spec, but after that as Annihilation it was quite a powerful class. The key is in the various guides written on these forums, I think people nowadays expect DPS classes to be 3 button easymode...with the Marauder you need to understand your abilities, and with Quinn I can take Elites pretty easily, most fights finish on 100%. Make sure you're using defensive CDs properly (not just as an oh-**** button when you're on 10%), use Fury stacks, and stealth is a nice ability to direct agro onto your companion (if I'm struggling I will move agro onto Quinn when I'm on 10%~, gives him chance to heal me, then retake agro). Most bosses I came up against in the Sith Warrior story line seem to have a powerful casted move that would do a lot of damage...the interupt generally stops this from hitting you all together. They do feel weak at lower levels however, that seems to be because a lot of their decent abilities are talented.
  17. I don't see a problem. They want PvP to be based on ability, and not simply the items you have. Any PvPer would see this as a good thing. Consumables can be good, but shouldn't be the deciding factor in a fight, neither should X number of PvP pieces. There will still be PvP gear, and a PvP stat that will prevent raiding gear being the dominant item. Items having less impact on PvP != Raid items needed for PvP.
  18. 1. Sith Pureblood female. For male, I would have gone 2, possibly 3...though that looks a little too tankish for me. I think of the marauder as fast & agile so a small body type felt fitting.
  19. meh...i don't care really They're replaced fast enough, makes no difference to the game. Plus, I'd rather have a replacement than someone who is going to afk the rest of the match because we're losing.
  20. Originally posted this in general but realised this would be the right place... Allow us to get bounties to hunt light side Sith or dark side Jedi. Pulling out the iconic Sith Red Lightsaber in the middle of the Republic fleet should come with risk. Make it consensual to avoid greifing, once the bounty is done, it turns into a duel with no outside help, winner gets paid.
  21. Allow us to get bounties to hunt out those pesky light side Sith or dark side Jedi tha plague our ranks Pulling out the iconic Sith Red Lightsaber in the middle of the Republic fleet should be done with caution Make it consensual to avoid greifing, once the bounty is done, it turns into a duel with no outside help, winner gets paid.
  22. Soazak

    Trion copying bioware

    Rift already had bolstering, and so did Warhammer before it. I enjoy the game, but nothing Bioware has done, from what I have seen is new to the gaming industry...
  23. Just because something doesn't work in WoW, from a developers point of view for balancing doesn't mean it wont work in Star Wars for the players entertainment. One thing is for sure, PvP in this game needs an uplift. Whether that is thought encouraged world PvP, arena or rated warzones. Personally, I feel more options are beneficial, provided the game isn't soley balanced around one aspect. You don't have to do any of the above if they're not for you.
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