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Everything posted by Soazak

  1. /signed Not the type of open pvp wow tried...pvp objectives around quest areas, I don't want to fight people questing. I just want fights to have the random and unpredictable element that world pvp has (ala daoc). For people to be able to group, zerg, solo, duo with friends in the same zone(s), rather than a set 8v8 match in an arena. The Warzones in this game are (a bit) of a step up from previous MMO attempts at Goldfish pvp, but it's still not what all of us want. Perhaps just a purpose for groups to roam around a zone and kill each other, perhaps give some sort of reward and stat system for beating others I play Warzones a lot, but only because it's my only option, I'm sure there are lots of others doing the same, it's the easy/lazy option as OWPvP is dead
  2. Healing in this game is a lot of fun, but personally, as pointed out earlier, a fair few healers don't like pugs. Addons I can live without, played healers in way too many games to rely on them The problems that are there, are not so much the healing, but game customisation/ui... Health bars don't always update instantly, sometimes you click a party member and it doesn't register, you must click their picture rather than their health bar, frames can't be moved, your own health bar isn't included in the party frame (this annoys me a lot, but tbh I've not properly checked the options to see if it's there ). Operation bars help some of this, although you can't see party members companion health and seems to update slow sometimes which isn't ideal.
  3. I opened the fight doing as much dps as possible to take agro from her, then just kited her around the pillars. All of her abilities seem to be casted, and fail to land if you're out of sight. Takes a while I was Lightning spec btw, but pretty much stuck to dots. Perhaps Madness will work well.
  4. I think the OP does have a point. It's a very fun class to play, but all the spells look near identical. I don't find it that bad, however my main issue is Whirlwind. I would like to see the lightning on this spell a different colour, not for my benefit, but for the DPS classes that do not know our spell animations and go running for the mob I'm casting on thinking that I'm nuking it.
  5. The game has been out 4 days (officially). Relax a little...
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