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Everything posted by Kinediks

  1. I would love arena in SWTOR. It's something else to do and it just means more subs.
  2. I feel like this game should be 10x better than what i'm playing now. There really is nothing new and exciting about this game, except for voice acting. I laughed at people who called this game a WoW clone. It took a while for me to see it, but I feel like i'm playing the same damn boring game that is WoW.
  3. As a Merc BH I keybinded almost every ability and item. Things I don't have keybinded are Stims, Quick Travel, Fleet Pass,Shoulder Slam, Heroic Moment, My Stam buff, and all 3 cylinders. I reach as far as Shift + Y, Shift + N, and Shift + 5
  4. It must be the round robin. Just did Pylons. 2 glove tokens dropped for bounty hunter. I didn't get either.
  5. We downed Gharj and the offhand token for mercenarys dropped, a belt, and some other things. Loot is set to round robin. For some reason i wasn't able to roll on the belt or the token. It didn't even appear on my screen to need/greed. Is this a bug or am i missing something? Another merc got it and i didn't have a chance. Second time today I got screwed : (
  6. THis thread is a couple days old but whatever. The knockback below 10% is ****. He came at me across the room and hit me off the bridge. This was my first time doing this, but I didnt get credit for the weekly or daily. Very annoying.
  7. Yeah its barely worth giving it to companions. Centurion gear is garbage. The expertise on it isnt enough to warrant the purchase.
  8. It would be a dream come true if 1.2 added Arena Another OP(which they are) Another WZ(which they are) and another Huttball WZ map Rated WZs Make Credits useful at 50. There really isn't much to buy and the creds are racking up fast. UI Mods(they are) Make all crew skills worthwhile Do something with Ilum I consider myself more on the Casual side as of late. But I still enjoy Arena, OPs, and other rated PVP .
  9. 3 skill trees should have 3 specs to choose from at any given time. Even if you do have to visit a trainer or the respec guy to switch.
  10. I agree with this. Very irritating on boss fights, pvp, and on the GTN especially. Fix the Voidstar mini-map also.
  11. I hit 50 yesterday and I have a schedule like yours. I play for about 2 hours before work and 3-4 after. Right now I'm going to pvp with my guild and run hard mode fps. BT is easy so you can run that a few times. I'm going to low level planets to clear out all the quests that I can't abandon. At the same time I'm collecting datacrons and matrix shards. Yes do illum and belsavis dailies. Make sure you finish your class story first. Max out your crew skills. Get a 110% speeder. It helps a lot on illum where trash respawns quick. Thats all I can think of
  12. Better take off those beergoggles. You shouldn't be posting stories while you're drunk OP. They have new content coming. But you won't enjoy it. You should quit posting, and find another game. Mr. 2 battlemasters.
  13. Software developer for a large company? Get the F out. I won't elaborate on the bold portions. They speak for themselves.
  14. Misery loves company. Some people are just bitter, and they want you to feel that way too. Because hey..its the internet.
  15. Feels like when I played WoW. Except there are more people in the starting zones in SWTOR. Server numbers will slowly drop, and then they'll rise. Give the game 6 months. With bug fixes and content releases, the game will grow. Until then, quit making these threads. I see 10 of these a day. "Guyz, how come not everyone is playing SWTOR right now? Every server should be full on a weekday. Herp"
  16. I like the BH story. Started out strong and made me chuckle a long the way. It's getting a little stale now, but still good overall.
  17. I'm sure others experience this. Is there a setting to change this? After every warzone I have to invite people back to my group
  18. Not true. Im running at 1080p. Maybe il try one res lower since 1080p leaves a small boarder around my screen.
  19. Broski. You should see the load on my screen. Everytime I go to my ship I know Im gonna get a big load. I hardly get to have fun because I'm always watching loads! It's load after load after load.
  20. The real reason I'm not playing: at work
  21. 40 bodyguard here. i can heal another player or myself through 2 dps MOST of the time. Everyone says our heals are the worst. If its an arsenal BH + operative then you better los in a bad way. Hell I usually havetime to do some damage Also I always do more healing then the highest damage dealer. Unless I'm being shut down the whole game
  22. Yeah he is right. But we'll see how good pvp gear is in pve once we get combat logs.
  23. My server pop seems to be slowly growing, even if it is small potatoes. They should merge a few dead servers.
  24. With all the content and fixes being implemented, i'm sure the game will grow. A lot of people want to play this game, but can't because of a major issue that they don't like, or is permitting them from playing. I'm sure subs dropped after the first month, but they'll be back when the game matures after the first few months. I already notice my server has more on this week tha6n last week.
  25. It really hurts in huttball. Even keying to throw the ball won't work sometimes and its wicked annoying. I have noticed some improvement, but still a lit of problems
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