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Everything posted by Kinediks

  1. Lately i've been getting shut down a lot as a healer in pvp. If I can juke an interrupt, which almost never happens, I usually just get cc'd right after. After that I have to juke again or hope an instant heal is up. Emergency Scan or Kolto Missile which neither heal for very much. It might be better if we had a way to escape or if rapid shots worked on ourselves. But healing against competent players is down right s h i t. Some can sprint, some can vanish..us?? oh we got high armor bro, we don't need no escape.
  2. Servers up. just sayin
  3. They should have transfers before 1.2 before Legacy comes into place. Subs are still up, the game obviously isn't failing. So merging servers now wouldn't be viewed as a failure as it would if subs were dropping.
  4. You're saying "NM". Pretty sure that's Normal Mode. But I think you mean Nightmare Mode. NMM?
  5. i2500k,16gb Ripjaws, HD 6970, Win 7 64. I have fps issues on Ilum when its more than 10v10, when I just get into fleet and a companion mission window opens at the same time, and doing 8man ops with shadows on. My computer might have some spyware but i'm annoyed that I can't run an OPs with shadows.
  6. Its good to have a dps class that can tank certain encounters. We have a couple guys that can just put on tank gear in their dps spec and just change cylinder/stance/form. I'm going to venture a guess and say that more encounters in 1.2 will require multiple tanks.
  7. I dont find bodyguard boring in PvP. I do wish we had an interrupt however. Have you tried Pyrotech PvP? You can really burst people down. Its fkn fun.
  8. I would love a dueling area on fleets. I was just thinking about this yesterday. Would be sweet if you can spectate duels from the Cantina!
  9. IMDB says the male bounty hunter is Tom Spackman?? I thought it was Steve Blum
  10. I only go for about 5% expertise as heals and same for pyro. For me Rakata>Champ>Columni>Cent. I use 4 piece Rakata however. I'm usually #1 or #2 in damage while still focusing on objectives. Once I get BM gear ill probably go for a little more expertise but keep mostly Rakata.
  11. If I'm raiding I go Arsenal. PvP I go Pyro. Incin>TD>powershot>(TD explodes) Rail> Unload/powershot etc. Great way to burst people down. Timed with adrenals or relics it makes for good fun.
  12. If you raid 2 nights a week, and do dailies 2 out of the 7 days, you'll have enough to repair. who wipes on one boss for 3-4 hours? Maybe Nightmare Soa..but that's it.
  13. If you feel like unsubbing, just unsub. I quit for a week, but I missed the way my bounty hunter played, and I was bored. I came back, and i'm having more fun the second time around.
  14. I'm wondering this also. I'd try it but my respec cost is too high right now. It didn't reset this week and no it isnt the bug. A lot of times in Huttball someone gets snared above the fire grating and I can't cure it because it's almost always from a force user.
  15. Try going from clicking to keybinding. It takes some practice, and its easier to just start a new character so you're not overwhelmed with abilities. It really is much quicker and more comfortable to play. As a Merc healer, i'd be toast if I clicked. I have so many damn abilities on my bars.
  16. Probably server shutdown. Im on one of the lower population servers. Last night we had about 85 people on Imp fleet. 12+ on Ilum, 30+ on Belsavis, and Warzones against the opposite faction. I'm on the Corsair. I would be happy with a server merge. But I guess we'll see how they deliver on 1.2. All i know is they cannot afford to push it back again.
  17. Male body type 4 actually looks like an off season bodybuilder. He still has a defined chest, shoulders, back, arms, and leg muscles. Just has a belly instead of ripped abs. a female character that size would look absolutely ridiculous. Overwhelming amount of fat.
  18. They need to fix Soa badly. The floors and the resetting are ridiculous. Karagga's came out great, so whats the deal with EV bugs?
  19. I went through Karagga's and EV the last couple days. I got Columni boots, a dps Main Hand, a dps Relic, and bracers. I'm a healer and I already had Columni boots. So out of 2 runs I get bracers. Meanwhile some of our geared players get doubles of items also, and dps players are getting healing gear.
  20. There is a much higher chance for someone to write a negative review, then a positive. That's why you see so much negativity on the forums. Dissatisfied customers will almost always state their opinion.
  21. Speed burst involving the jetpack would be sweet. Like the Inquis sprint.
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