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Everything posted by Kinediks

  1. Yet another post? I havent seen another thread about this issue. I've seen threads about RE button not lighting up, or RE giving non-related schematics, but not one where the chance to proc hits almost 0.
  2. That sucks. There is always close to 100 on my fleet on The Corsair the majority of the day.
  3. Same I use Gault. I went pyro from 25 to 37 and it was a lot faster than bodyguard. But that's a given. Just try to kite melee mobs a bit and have Gault take some shots before you pull aggro
  4. Yeah when I hit 40 ill have almost a full set of pvp gear. I try to keep my gear up to date which makes me frustrated. One of them had a 4.7k hit. That's almost 50% of your health in a single hit at 40
  5. Didn't they get nerfed? I'm almost always dead if my cc break is down. I electro dart he breaks it. I knock back and try to LOS but Im not always able to. Shield + medpack is the only way. If I face a smuggler I can go through 10 medpacks a game. Usually I burn 2-3 a game
  6. When I do warzones I usually have no problem keeping myself up vs 1-2 opponents. But yesterday I was getting schooled by a smuggler. The time I got out of the stun I had about 20% health left. Even if I could get my next heal off he would get me a few seconds later. I consider myself above average as a healer. Hell as a disc priest I could outlast rogues and warriors till I OOMd. I'm level 39 they were 43-45. I don't know what spec. Id link my skill tree but I'm at work. Anyone have any tips or have any insight on certain talents I should take for survivability? I'm biochem and didn't have my stims active. I'm neutral alignment so i don't have a relic. Should I try to go darkside and get a relic? I'm almost Dark 1. Don't knoe if those 2 things will make that big a difference
  7. Merc healers need tools, I do fine as Pyrotech. A level 43 Smuggler doing 4k hits on me and killing me right after a stun is what I have a problem with. How the hell does anyone survive against these guys? What the hell got nerfed? Only the ones above 40 give me problems. Kolto shield gives me what, 2 ticks before I'm dead? If I have 20% health left and i'm free, I pop Overload for a 15% heal over 150 minutes. I'll try to cast a heal, if I get it off I still die. I'm going to have to make more bio med packs and stims because I can't survive the hits. I'm level 39
  8. Kinetix Karbine - Bodyguard/Pyro
  9. You really are a Goob. Bodyguards are very capable group healers. Yes other classes aoe heal with less effort, but with supercharged gas our aoe heals are very strong when you factor in the added shield effect from Kolto Missle. Typically it's better to single target heal because they're very strong, but predicting damage and applying Kolto's shield will help immensely. That being said, i'd welcome a Kolto Missle buff.
  10. I just checked server status and it looks like the second week the game was out. lots of standard, about 10-15 heavy, and 5-6 full. My server seems very healthy and its always on standard. I don't see anyone raging in chat which makes me happy. I'm surprised people would even go back to WoW. Thinking about it makes me shudder.
  11. Kinediks


    They just need to make it so offheals aren't as powerful and the QQ will be solved.
  12. I agree the female models are too well endowed. I prefer smaller breasts myself. Atleast a realistic size. But yea my male Bounty Hunter looks like he is always hiding some wood. Probably from all the gigantic breasted quest givers.
  13. I think we blame Bioware for all these problems because they're the only ones that can fix it. EA sure as hell doesn't give a crap. Bioware makes quality games, and I'm hoping they won't let this game ruin their reputation. I'm guessing Bioware joined EA for the funding. I really want SWTOR to succeed. I've been looking for a good game for a long time now, and SWTOR at the very least, has a lot of potenetial.
  14. There are a few interesting points. This game is definitely missing some basic features. I wan this game to thrive and prosper badly, but I'm having my doubts after this fiasco of a patch dropped.
  15. That's just their excuse. The graphics look bad so everyone can play it. Everyone can play WoW and that has better shadows and finer textures. This game is nothing revolutionary so i dont see why this game is optimized so poorly. Fps dips but its worth it for this beautiful scenery : /
  16. What does his post have anything to do with Paladins and specs being viable. Just because leveling is easy it doesn't mean I want to level a second bounty hunter and see the same story just because I want to heal only flashpoints and operatives.
  17. Well said. This is not a single player game. Make another toon just to fill a different role? Darkstar must be on crack.
  18. All the people sticking up for high respec cost and single specs probably stick with one spec the entire game. I like to heal flashpoints, but id rather DD quests because healing solo is frustrating. Having a DD companion is not even close to going DD yourself. Lots of folks spam LF tank/heals for quite a while and it is not fun. If you don't want to see a dungeon finder you better support dual spec. My respec went from 8k to 21k, thats just wrong. It would be best to have dual spec plus a dedicated pvp spec. I believe every class can tank heal and DD depending on AC. Dual spec should be the norm in any mmo
  19. I think I'm done with cybertech. The grenades are ok but everything else is pretty much useless unless you get a purple item. At 250 I haven't used a single mod I created. I used an earpiece but it was quickly replaced. I must be missing something
  20. Level 32 bounty hunter. I'm having a lot of fun. Wish it wasn't so expensive to respec to heals for flashpoints but oh well. Just finished act 1 and now I'm at work thinking hard for my legacy name. Not much goes with the name Kinetix. I'm cybertech scavenger and slicing. Seriously considering going biochem. The mods I make are average compared to what's on my gear already. Plus I'm always using stims and medpacks
  21. B list actors? You're kidding right? I'd like to see a film actor try voice acting. It's completely different you shuckjivin fool. Vallhalas, go to bed. No more copy-pasting your rant into every thread. It's an MMO, nothing is set in stone and it will constantly receive updates. Must be the gimmee gimmee generation.
  22. I haven't experienced level 50 yet, but I do agree that sharding and phasing needs to be changed. What I'd like to see coming are more/different space missions, and another operation or two. I know we're getting a new FP, but that won't hold people over for long. I ability delay really hurts as a healer, they need to take care of this as soon as they can.
  23. I only really notice the floors in the Imperial Fleet, and grass/tree detail. The floors are very shiny and show light reflections. Character textures are still the same muddy/ crummy quality.
  24. I had to drop my healing spec as a Bounty Hunter as well. It was taking quite a while to kill mobs at 25. Now at 28 as Pyrotech with my DPS companion (Gault), things have gotten better. I gave up on flashpoints for a little while. There weren't many groups past Athiss looking for healers. I'll go back to bodyguard when I hit 50. Also I'd like note that I use stims and med packs. I'm a pretty decent player, and I can see this game being quite difficult for newer players. But that's a good thing imo. There are medical service vendors everytime you turn around for a reason.
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