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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. Isn't it laughably hypocritical for a Bounty Hunter who never misses an opportunity to mention that he's a free agent to basically be the Empire's personal troubleshooter and go-to guy?


    Because the Empire pays better and doesn't hamper bounty hunters with anywhere near as much red tape as the Republic. The EU spells it out pretty clearly.

  2. Characters like Thana Vesh, Jaxo and Cytherat are a no go seeing as half the playerbase has killed them off (although Cytharat can be explained by some "hey I didn't actually die" situation) Unless they do some kind of back to the future type stuff, lol... Too bad because I liked a lot of NPCs more than a lot of companions.


    I fully expect more global companions in the future. Maybe even some faction specific companions that you can unlock through the storyline instead of just buying them with CC.


    The Morichro Force power would easily work as an out for Thana Vesh.


    Personally, I'd use that and bring her back as a dark side companion for the Republic characters. She's got too many enemies in the Empire so only the Republic could protect her. She'd be a great romance option for dark side characters which is something only the Smuggler really got. It might even be fun if she was now part cyborg as a way of helping explain what happened to her.


    But yeah, love me some Thana Vesh. :ph_love_this:

  3. Bioware/EA, please get some new voice actors on Makeb. I'm so sick of having to listen to Spike Spiegel in this game and it seems you got him to do 95% of the male voices in the Makeb quests. I used to love his voice in anime, but this game is making me hate it.


    Spike Speigel was the character not the actor's name. :rolleyes:


    Also, if think BW is going to do anything due to this post...well, I doubt I'm the only one laughing at the idea.

  4. Wrong stance? So he wasn't really a tank, and just wanted to get an instant pop into the flashpoint. Of course he couldn't hold aggro if he wasn't in a tank stance. Yeah mention something, say maybe you should try to be a tank if you join as one. All of that is possible, but for the most part we are tired of seeing it.


    People who are not tanks joining as such for the quick pop are just as bad as fake healers who do so. Even worse you say he wasn't over geared, so he couldn't just fake the funk.


    Or you could just be dealing with a PVEer who's only starting to do flashpoints. I only really started doing flashpoints last week for a change of pace. Believe it or not, it takes some getting used too.

  5. Did the same spent £60 and had over 15k in coins to get the Darth sidon Armour got loads of other stuff including the mount you were trying for so that will be going on GTN as didnt want it just wanted the armour set. after 60+ packs got it all apart from the chest piece so expect to pay alot for that on the GTN. its how the game love to screw players who actually enjoy the game pay a sub and still demand more from us as there is no other way in game to get nice looking gear.


    You're paying to suit your vanity. That usually does come at a premium.

  6. I


    But I don't think they're good either. They're manipulative, they have no problem lying, they have no problem using the force to basically take over another person's mind, they take children from homes as babies and pull them into the order, and many other things.



    The Jedi don't "take" kids. They either take in Force-sensitive orphans or they ASK parents to give their children to the Order. It's really well established in the EU that a child becoming a Jedi was seen as a great honor on many worlds. Also, parents who were very poor or on oppressive worlds were often happy to give their kids to the Jedi because it ensured their child would be well cared for and raised to dedicating their lives to doing good.


    The Jedi also had VERY strict rules about gaining kids because propaganda calling them "baby stealers" was a favorite tactic of the Order's enemies.

  7. But did they ask any questions? Is this morally right? Should we even ask the clones if they want to do this? Hell they don't even PAY the clones. They just order them into battle like disposable units. Hell even Obi-wan did. They didn't enslave them, the republic did, but they sure as hell aided and abetted them.


    Why? Because at that time they had a knife to their throats and suddenly the ends justified the means. No, the Jedi are just as much as fault for using them, as Sideous did for creating them and using them in a situation to get rid of the Jedi.


    You can treat a slave well, but guess what they are still SLAVES. That's what the clone army was: SLAVES. They didn't have ends to their enlistment. They were not paid, not volunteered for it. Basically grown out of a vat, thrown into a group, trained to fight, then thrown into a war.


    That my friend is indentured servitude IE slavery.


    You said it yourself, the Jedi had a knife to their throats as much as anyone else. In general the Jedi Order was NOT happy about the clone army and some Jedi even quite the Order in protest of the Jedi agreeing to be generals. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Right_of_Denial


    Bascially, the Order saw the was as a temp situation and that once the Republic wasn't in danger of being destroyed they could work the civil rights issues out with the Senate.

  8. I'm for the most part an Empire player and I find that I enjoy the Empire side of things more, but I hesitate to say that it's the "better" side. Yes, Satele Shan can be a bit condescending, but she's nowhere near the full-on, unapologetic horrible of Darth Malgus, for example. The Jedi habit of being kind of stuck up, judgmental, and unrealistic at times about people and their emotions is fairly benevolent, all told, when compared against the Sith's merciless embrace of hatred, fear, pain, and tyranny as desirable ways of life.


    Most of the Sith are sociopaths. That right there puts the Republic up on them.


    Sure, Jedi can be jerks. But most of the Jedi out there are still trying to help people and do good. Yes, there's corruption in the Republic. But there are also people trying to weed it out and the Republic is still a democracy while the Empire has an absolute monarch. Aliens might not always get a fair shake in the Republic, but it's better than being an Imperial slave.


    The Empire does have its good points, but it's still an autocracy built on slavery and elitism.

  9. Actually they can win. by giving players CHOICE. If you're going to put in a significant graphical change like this (and for some peoples hardware setup it is quite significant) then it is essential to also include an on-off toggle in the graphics options. An over-ride in an obscure config file (which may or may not continue to be supported in future patches), whilst welcome, does not cut it.


    If you like the change, great. Enjoy. But get off the back of those who don't like the change. A change like this clearly isn't going to be to everyones' tastes and so don't assume that people are complaining for the sake of it. All anyone is asking for is CHOICE. Most other things which significantly alter the visuals (such as Bloom) are included as an option in Preferences. This needs to be too.


    Or you could just adjust your monitor to something that suits you better. Honestly, a toggle on this is absurd. I can't believe some people actually acting as if they've been wronged somehow over this. :rolleyes:

  10. Entitlement society


    Agreed. Treek is an extra. You can play the game just fine without her and someone having her does not put them at a notable advantage over those who don't.

  11. This. Once again we another post from a rose-goggling SWG fanboi. Housing in SWG was implemented poorly and did more to break immersion and clutter up an otherwise good looking area with abandoned houses and empty player cities. That nonsense is not needed her. Character ships will more than suffice as housing with some customization updates.


    When I pay good money to go to a themepark, I expect to go in and be entertained by the attractions. I do not pay good money to navigate the maze of parking spots that have been decorated and become more of an eyesore than anything else.


    Agreed. It doesn't fit and no good would come of it. If you want that sorta thing this isn't the game that's going to give it to you.

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