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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. The simple fact of the matter is that tanking is a thankless, thankless JOB. I enjoy it, and while GOGOGONOOB dps don't bother me in the least, they are a huge reason you don't see more tanks. Job + ungrateful selfish douchebags = few tanks in the queue.


    And god help you if you're trying to branch out into tanking if you're normally PvE. :eek:

  2. у меня вообще нет знания какого-бы то ни было иностранного языка, и поэтому мне приходиться расспрашивать у тех кто знает английский о том как играть классом, который я прокачал


    Sorry, slick. If all you know is Russian you're gonna have to find another game.

  3. Swapping servers is a task that allows errors to creep in, items disappearing is one complaint I've heard, as is achievements vanishing, the CC cost is to discourage this in all but the most extreme circumstances, meaning they don't have as many tickets about things going wrong, which in turn allows them to fix other problems.


    Yep. Sorry, kids. You're actually going to have to THINK about what you do when you play this game. Really, it's amazing the amount of hassles a little forethought will save you.

  4. It's already been mentioned by others that it's a U.S. game/company - they're bound to do certain promotions on U.S. holidays. A large amount of the player base is there too. As someone from Britain I don't see what the problem is. If they were British they might add a promotion on the 5th of November. We still get the promotion, but it's not geared around the specific celebrations of our own countries. Big deal.


    The US also being the 3rd most populated country in the world likely also has something to do with it.

  5. If Dev's want my respect then they should give me and others what we want. We want faster bug fixes, less DLC and P2W content. We want more sandbox games and games to go back to how they used to be fun, with lots of innovation and immersion.


    If gamers want my respect then they need to end the blind fanboi followings.


    Yeah, I can't imagine at all why the devs aren't falling over themselves to earn your respect. Who knew you and those like you were the only players that mattered? :rolleyes:


    That said, Eric is still just the relayer of messages. Ultimately its the executive producer, or even EA that makes that decision. And if they cannot be swayed to include more class story, the least they can do is to not make a mockery of the class story already accomplished like they did with the Makeb tossaway lines. More deft creative writing is needed if they intend to continue forward with the faction stories only if they want to keep us story whores happy.


    And if they hadn't done that you'd be saying "They could have at least tossed in a line or two that nodded to the class stories!" :rolleyes: There really is no pleasing some people.

  7. Gotta love the whole accountability by my own credentials argument.

    "Dont believe me? Ask all the other people I told."


    Also by this statement of yours it would be safe to assume you purchased a 6 month subscription in May, and then immediately unsubbed. Money well spent.


    Thank you for contributing to the future prosperity of this game.


    I believe TVtropes calls this one "blatant lies." :rolleyes:

  8. It wouldnt hirt them to show some appreciation for those who pa their wages. Something like 30 free days for every six months you are subbed would not hurt them if anything it would encourage more longterm subs


    Yeah, flushing $60 every 14 months per sub is totally not going to be bad for the company. Where did you get your MBA, might I ask? :rolleyes:

  9. Funny how you didnt feel the need to quote my entire statement to you but instead only a portion of it to make it seem relevant to you lol. I see common sense isn't your strong suit, (tips my hat) well glad to clear up the obvious for you :D


    Well, as long as you're making things clear I'd love to know what you think the odds of a bunch of totally unqualified people coming with a workable solution that the experts didn't imagine actually are.

  10. You talk about class story and what good it will do as if there is some kind of explanation that is owed to you. Just like any other feature or piece of content in the game, this is something that individuals (including myself) would like to see continued. And if you read in some of the past posts made by both myself and a few other individuals here you would see there are some ideas with slight compromises that were thought of to keep a cost effective way of possibly adding to individual character classes in some way.


    So yes, you think that SOMEHOW random people on the forum are going to come up with a solution that the people who actually make game haven't thought of. You could have said that in the first place when I asked. :rolleyes:

  11. Whether the forum does or doesn't come up with ideas what is it to you if you obviously dont care? So like I told you before, this post IS about coming up with possible solutions or ideas to character class story in some way shape or form. Seems pretty simple to me if you dont want to contribute, then find a different post to lurk in.


    I do care that you still haven't explained what good you think this will actually do.

  12. Try and show some self restraint, or at the very least some common sense when responding, clearly the title of the post itself ends with a question mark. So I'm not sure if you are missing the point of the post itself or not, but let me shed some light on it for you, this post is supposed to be a collaboration of thoughts for solutions and ideas to improve and add to class story. If your able to read that, then try reading the rest where I talk about people who moan and groan about things yet offer no solutions :eek:


    Oh, I understood what you were going for. I just don't what you think you're going to accomplish. Do you really think the forum is going to come up with some solution that people who actually make the game haven't thought of? If they even consider this a problem.

  13. Yes I know this topic has been brought up over and over, but the one thing I've noticed is posts of people talking about how much they want more class story vs giving realistic solutions as to how Bioware could implement class story without it effecting existing content that they now seem to be releasing on more of a consistent basis. Now I dont claim to work at Bioware so I wont pretend I know how financially feasible or how understaffed they may be to make it happen but throwing that to the side what do you guys think they could do to make it happen?


    Yay! We don't really know the details of how this stuff works! Let's try and figure out how to fix the problem! We're helping! :rolleyes:

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