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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. Creative writing was a lot of my point too.


    Then again, I can sniff a fanboi looking to troll a mile away, and that is what that person is - he's looking for a fight, and I'm not going to give him one. My point stands to reasonable people - the fringe can think what they want.


    So according to you people are only reasonable if they agree with you? And I'm getting called a troll? :rolleyes:


    I believe BW has also said there are serious logistical as well as story ideas. And frankly, coming up with 8 different reasons to go to a place that's only DLC is a bit silly. Save that for a formal expansion.

  2. Actually, I think that ZionHalycon's got a point.


    It really wouldn't take that much to create 8 extra missions for a planet. After all, they've been dropping far more every few months complete with new areas (Section X, CZ-198, Oricon....) so, realistically how much more effort would it really take them to just slap together a couple of extra missions to drop onto a new planet as they're developing it? And, truth be told, given that the number of Class Missions for any planet are already on a the thin side, it really wouldn't take more then one or two class missions per planet to keep everyone happy.


    No. I think Zion's right. They're just being lazy and don't want to admit it.


    I'd love to know where you learned just how much work it would take to make such things. Did you go to college for game design? Have years of experience in the industry? Surely you wouldn't be saying those sorts of things if you weren't fully aware of the details that such an effort would entail. That would be just talking out of your butt, after all. :eek:

  3. Once again. This ist about me. I post because im fed up and want a fair shake. I dont come in day after day. My last thread was almost 4 days ago. Maybee it you guys werent constantly attacking me there wouldnt be post after post of me defending myself. I never asked for consideration respct or support. I asked bioware to fix a problem. Aside from providig factual parses theres not much else i can other than what i am doing


    You could write me under the table. Still waiting for that, BTW. :)


    Also, you might want to take note that vitriol actually doesn't get good results often. Aslo, as others have said, you might wanna consider that maybe you're not in the right on this one.

  4. Well, for me it depends what will be in this new expansion. I'm here for stories, so it is most important for me. If there will be next class story chapter I'll buy expansion. If not, I'll wait sometime to see what is with PVE story content. If I'll find it's intresting I'll buy it. But if tester write that it just take one or two days to finish new content, I'll probably wait. If the next expansion will focus on PVP or Endgame, I'll wait.


    Pretty much how I feel. Of course, if it's only $10 I might just say to heck with it and get it anyway. Just depends on how interesting it is. I only got RotHC recently since I came back after a few months and just hated seeing my level 50 Warrior do stuff but not really get stronger.

  5. Just a thought, just wondering if anyone else is suspicious that some of the regular users of the forums are actually undercover Devs?


    Would make sense, as they can leave comments in threads with no real comeback, allowing them to stomp on whines, moans and demands or even kill threads with well thought out answers!


    HMMMM! ;)


    Uh, no. Because that would be silly. Very little actually ever get settled here. It's mostly just complaining, bickering and other nonsense that every MMO forum has. I'm pretty sure the BW staff have real work they need to do.

  6. This has nothing to do with economics, this is about BW PR. BW isn't a Government trying to run a country, its a game maker who need to look after those that have been devoted!


    Yeah, BW is a business and CC represent a form of money. Also, CCs can be used to buy items that often end up on the GTN. Which is part of the in game ECONOMY. So BW can't go throwing CCs around like they're confetti. There are good in and out of game reasons why they have to be careful about these things.

  7. With all the fuss over who gets what for appreciation/refund, why not just give subbers the same, it's not like your paying real money! You should have just said that EVERYONE who bought rothc gets a refund.


    I feel if you just give all subbers new and old 500CC, pet, speeder and title, and then all RotHC owners 1050CC refund:


    a/ Dedicated subbers will feel appreciated

    b/ Those that bought RotHC recently would have been happy to get a refund anyway as they didn't expect it, the fact they bought it later than others was their choice

    c/ You still get people re-subbing for the gift

    d/ You save face and a lot of unnecessary trouble and there will be peace in the Galaxy!


    And you wouldn't lose much Cash as most CC spenders get the Hypercrate, which costs much more than what you give away, it would still need a large top-up!




    Just my own thoughts!


    Wow, do you have NO understanding of how economics works. :eek:

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