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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. For me it was back in the days:


    I was uncertain wich one I wanted to play:

    warrior or guardian



    Sooo... as soon as one get's to the point of the class story where the Jedi basically say that freedom, love and passion are BAD... They lost me. Add the look of the guardians (back then) end game gear... wich was a mix of powerranger and ... samurai/weirdo... NO! Playing a goofy looking, calm and disciplined errand boy is not my vision of a jedi/sith I want to be in a game.




    Also... those snotty, demanding, stupid, arrogant and idiotic quest givers... and I can't even be arrogant back and them and tell them to fix their own plumbing? I like the rep-playerbase as far as I met them. They seem a bit more civilized... a bit... not much! But I'd prefer hundreds of whiny little dweebs over playing a character that represents resenting love, happiness, freedom and chaos. Yes, the first are EMOTIONS! Peace, serenity and harmony? COME ON! :rak_03:


    You totally miss the point with what the Jedi are saying. Their philosophy is actually very in keeping with Buddhism.

  2. Counslar: "Please dear random pleb! spit on me! - May the Force be with you!"

    Knight: "Jedi way is to serve! *bends over*"


    Warrior: "Your Name---NOW!"

    Inquisitor: "I'm sorry, I don't remember saying 'Oh PLEASE! you insignificant worm! please tell me of the hardship of your pathetic existence! [shcok]".

    Warrior: "[Chock] A lord of the Sith is in your presence. Show some respect."


    The moral high ground does tend to require moral behavior.

  3. Can't say I expected this. But it's bound to be a money maker so I don't see the harm. I'm actually rather curious as to how it will work. It would be a bit odd for a Jedi to live somewhere besides the Jedi Temple. Though I do hope we can pick what planet we set up shop on. I really do like the idea of my smuggler having a killer pad on Nar Shadda.
  4. Because there is a small group of neckbeards that patrol these forums searching for ANY negative comment about TOR/EAware. After they have discovered such blasphemy, they proceed to launch a full blown white knight attack on the perpetrator.


    And there's a cadre of people who like to whiz on the game like it was the floor of a rest area in Alabama. C'est la vie.

  5. I'm surprised none of the usual EAware white knights have shown up yet, it must be passed their bed time.


    I'm not sure why you think there's white knighting ( :rolleyes: ) that needs doing. People are talking smack about SWTOR on other games? Uh, so what? It's just the usual MMO gamer nonsense. TOR is doing respectable business and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. PVPers are unhappy which is as it should be. Zayne Carrick gear can now be had. All's good and right from where I sit. :D

  6. They should change all npcs to this. We used to do this regularly in WoW at xroads. Kill the quest givers, vendor npcs, flight path npcs, etc. We'd make it so that the region was virtually unplayable for lowbies. What was the result? The best wpvp I've experienced outside of SWG, when players changed back to their mains and/or called for help from max lvl toons.


    Oh, I totally HATED people like that when I played WOW. Especially the ones who did this on PvE servers. :mad:

  7. They insult everyone that plays this game every day with the way they communicate and support their subscriber base and they expect us to keep paying them. All's fair in love and war.


    Translation: if I pay someone to provide a service to me it's the same as them being my servant. :rolleyes:

  8. Im not convinced itll hurt the numbers here at all. Its a different genre and more importantly its making the same mistake numerous other MMOs have made by releasing as a Sub based game. At best within a year of its release itll have F2P model installed. But in the mean time much like TOR it wont have very much in the way of Endgame and anyone who does leave this game for ESO will surely be back once they realize ESO will launch like every other MMO. Lacking Endgame.


    TOR survived GW2 and Diablo 3. Somehow I don't think some other game is going to sink this ship.

  9. But this would happen to be a full fledged MMORPG and not have the ability just like every other MMORPG that I have played. You seem to have forgotten the first half of that acronym.


    There was pickpocketing in DCUO? Wow, how ever did I miss that? :rolleyes:

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