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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. Speaking as a JC resident, lol


    JC is fine. We get steady pugs for all relevant SM content every week. HM runs are constant, but mostly Guild affairs. And our population is just fine with 2-3 instances of Fleet every night, even the weekends and we're in the middle of that boring stretch that comes at the end of expansions.


    Trolly post is trolly.


    100% agreed.

  2. Her hair looks possessed. That aside, she doesn't seem like a Sith at all...


    I get the impression she's cut from the same cloth as Zash. Doesn't seem very Sith on the surface, but under the right circumstances...watch out.

  3. Ok So I read on the forums I think yesterday, that the Jedi get the ability to go fight and defeat the Emperor... Please tell me this is not true. As if it is. it is 100% biased. As we; The true rulers of the galaxy the sith lords, Do not get to go and kill the Jedi consul. Also as The Emperor's Wrath, this is a slap in the face. So...



    From someone that does not nor will not play a Jedi. Is this true?




    Oh, everything is a slap in the face to some people. :rolleyes:

  4. It 'is' amusing to see how the PVP community on these forums frame their concerns, questions and thoughts toward the Developers.


    It's like they 'want' to be dismissed out of hand as irrational and overly emotional.


    Them being PVPers isn't reason enough to dismiss them out of hand? ;) In any case, since that seems to be their goal let us give them what they want. :rak_smile:

  5. I think it was an exercise in futility in all actuality. I'm sure they just wanted to hear a hillbilly girl try and talk proper English. Think Dolly Parton hillbilly, yeah, and try and imagine Dolly speaking the Queens English :p


    I had to suffer through watching a stage production of "My Fair Lady" in college. I'll thank you not to remind me about it. :mad:

  6. Actually Opinions are correct and you cannot tell someone that their opinion is wrong, you can however disagree with their opinion but Opinions are never wrong.


    Bwhahaha! Oh god, you'd get laughed out of any science class on earth for saying that. And, as English teacher, I can tell you that would get you red marks on anything that involved sorting opinions from facts.


    Or do you think if someone tells me in their opinion the moon is likely made of green cheese that I shouldn't tell them they're wrong? :rolleyes:

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