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Everything posted by Delavager

  1. One more thing. The statement "A burst dmg class is supposed to be able to kill a target before they can react" is also wrong. That's not what defines a burst dmg class, you are making **** up and trying to gear the game towards your own ideas.
  2. How on earth can you think it's right? See I can do it too. Yes I know how Guard works, and simply put, working AS INTENDED. You could even say Guard Counters Burst. Your argument is that Burst DMG should always win, and to balance the game so it always wins, else it's OP. You also seem to be assuming that it's 1v2. That one Bursty Class should be able to kill a target before either of the other two (the tank and the healer) can react. This is also STUPID. If it's 2v2, with 2 burst classes, then yes you can easily burn down EITHER target. Healers and Caster classes are at a HUGE disadvantage in PvP due to all the interrupts, knock backs, and stuns there are. If there are TWO bursty classes, you can EASILY burn down one of the two targets without the healer get off a heal if you know how to use interrupts and stuns correctly. All I hear is you don't know how to play PvP out of your arguments. Bursty classes shouldn't be able to solo kill a guarded target in it's initial burst. Period. Working as intended.
  3. The fallacy with the OPs arguments is that there are a TON of assumptions that are made that aren't necessarily true or even logical. First why do you think that burst damage or any damage is balanced around guard? I don't see why they're connected at all. You are basing your ENTIRE argument around this assumption that A) is just your assumption and B) is very likely wrong. You say things like "Well if you balance burst dmg around no guard then you won't be able to kill guarded targets". Well ya no duh, that's the point. All guard does is TRANSFER the damage. All mechanics work the same. Guard is a HINDERENCE on the tank because the target usually doesn't have damage mitigation as tanks do. Also why is it assumed burst damage is balanced around guard/no guard. Why is burst damage even supposed to kill someone. Basically your argument has no ground, and your assumptions are all guesses, most of which don't make sense. This thread has proved you are just stubborn, have an opinion, and don't give a **** about the facts, you are just right and that's that. There is no discussion, and just like everyone else, you will claim this post as "I don't get it cause i'm dumb or don't pvp or some non-creative excuse". You have an opinion, it's wrong but it's ur opinion, we heard it, lets move on.
  4. Pretty much this. Though I will say that one point you make about players not understanding their characters spec, skills, when to use their CDs, etc. is a HUGE factor into why people cry. I'm a level 42 shadow and it's stupid how much i destroy other players. I primarily PvP and that's all I plan on doing end game. 1% of the user base knows how to PvP and how to use their character. I have yet to see any class, with the 50 brackets and even before, that was "OP". Basically I support the thought that 99% of players who cry "So and so is OP" just don't know how to play their class or PvP in general. I laugh at the amount of players I see ignore the health and expertise buffs laying around in all the warzones. At the start at voidstar, 9 out of 10 games i'm the only one that actually approaches the expertise buff in the middle from both sides. Bad people are bad.
  5. I completely agree with the OP in both statements. Though I agree most people don't even know what an interrupt is, and as such you will not be able to kill a healer. In addition to what is said there are other issues with balance and medals: 1. Dmg/Healing in one blow medals. There are two medals which it seems only a few select class/specs can get, specifically the 5k dmg in one blow medal and the 5k healing in one blow medal. In order to get these you basically have to stack expertise against lower geared individuals. In addition, more importantly, it is biased against Damage/Healing Over Time type classes like a balance sage. If your primary source of healing/damage is stacking H/DOTs, you aren't going to be hitting for 5k, and thus have no chance to get that medal.
  6. This thread is just stupid. People on this forum are just stupid. This video and the Operatives video are basically one and the same, I'd say this one is "MORE" OP cause he can actually survive a lot longer than OPs and take one more than one player at a time. Simply put, if the OPS are Overpowered, then this video is Overpowered. If this video is normal, then OPS are normal. For anybody who says assassins/shadows need a buff, you are crazy, and need to play more and learn the ins and outs of pvp. P.S. I am a Jedi Shadow.
  7. False. I have been reading the patch notes, and nothing referring to specific warzone queues have been stated. What does "Specific queues will be implemented." mean?
  8. I am republic. This issue only happened yesterday after the patch.
  9. I didn't want to try to explain it, my bad for leaving it generic. As far as the objectives go, they aren't good. Alderan which you quote, if you only leave ONE defender, then really that's the problem, not the fact that he snuck up and beat him one on one. You are speaking in terms of things you don't seem to understand. What makes you think that if an op opened on the healer, that the rest of the team wasn't going to turn around and stomp the op? The op is extremely squishy and could easily die before the healer dies. But again, this has nothing to do with the objective, this is just pure deathmatch. In teams scenarios they don't shine like other classes do, they die way too quick and can't do much other than kill (if they are specced that way). Hutball. They can't carry the ball, period. They may be good and killing the opposing ball carrier, but that's assuming the ball carrier is alone, and you can get to them. You don't really have any way of stopping them other than stealthing up to them, which isn't exactly simple as your as slow as the ball carrier. Voidstar. Is probably worse than alderan. You won't find many 1v1 situations, and as soon as you pop, the other team just has to target you for a second and your done. Really the Op doesn't bring anything tot he table in the Voidstar.
  10. Just disable all abilities when you have the ball then. Disable healing when you have the ball. Disable using defensive cool downs when you have the ball. Disable using knockbacks and stuns when you have the ball. Just disable attacking in general or any ability period when you have the ball. Really different people have different abilities. Some are defensive some are offensive. This thread isn't detailed enough along all the different AC and trees to really have a valid point. It just points out one or two specific abilities and says they're op.
  11. This is an advanced Hutball opening that will nearly Guarentee you a score right at the beginning of the game. It's not the only opening, but it's pretty easy and doable. I have done it many times and it works like a charm. This will only work if you have a Consular or Inquisitor with Force Speed or imp equivalent and three points into speed in infiltrator tree, preferably with a shadow or assassin who can pop combat tech and raise their defenses and then force cloak. Have the Consular or Inquisitor run straight out the gate. Do NOT use force speed yet. Shortly before you get to the acid pit, use force speed, this will rush you over the pit and get you to the ball first. At the same time, have a teammate (or preferably several teammates) run to the side and up the ramp to stand above the air vents. Throw the ball to this teammate for a clear run to the goal. This opening allows you to almost always get the ball first, and if your teammate starts the game by running up the side instead of to the middle, they should be scott free with all the other players rushing in the middle.
  12. Did anybody actually read the OPs post. He said empire wins TIES, nothing to do with advantages or disadvantages though that's what the title says. IF it was true that Empire wins more TIES than Republic, then his point is valid. The issue is there's no way to prove it at the moment. I will say that out of all the ties I've had in hut ball, I've only won 1, and have probably lost 5. This is strictly ties where both teams have the same score.
  13. It's good to know most of the idiots from the Blizzard Forums still exist in the SWTOR forums as well. The OP has a valid point, and the FPS responses are just plain stupid. Really gear is the draw for constant pvping, without it people wouldn't PvP as much as they do now. Also for a game that is purely skill based, Starcraft is what you are looking for, not FPS. Here is an idea that would possibly satisfy both parties: Having two different modes of PvP (sort of like Diablo's Hardcore mode). You'd have the standard gear progression mode, and then you'd have the standardized mode. In the latter, all stats etc would be standardized so that gear didn't play into the equation. The different modes would have different rankings and titles and non-stat gear related rewards, for those who wanted and equal playing ground. Thus you could duke it out pure skill based, or get your gear and destroy those less geared than you. Easy solution.
  14. It's a trade off... They completely murder you within the opening burst (if you don't know what you are doing) and in trade, completely suck and anything objective like of team based. You all seem to forget it's not 1v1, it's many vs many. It's a TEAM game, and ops aren't good in teams. Also if you reduced their opening knife by 50% and gave them more endurance, they'd be shadow/assassins.
  15. Vlamir is right. It is completely independent of L2P, or the speeder bike timing, or the possibility of still getting a cap. Everybody knows is completely possible to get a cap even with the mechanic, that is not what is in debate. The point is that it seems like a broken or bit unfair feature that if you are dotted up as the opponent dies, you have to wait for the dot to wear off before starting the capture. Not that it's impossible, just not a correct feature.
  16. This has to be the dumbest post I've seen in a long time. How can you generalize so much. First off there exist FPS PvP that rely on gear and levels. And there exists MMO PvP that does not rely on gear or levels. You can easily have MMO PvP that have all stats standardized regardless of gear or level. I would actually be very for that. But you also have to realize gear is so that players can customize their toons so that Shadow A isn't the same as Shadow B, A.K.A an RPG. P.S. Most FPS is based on who has the best ping. Basically you're an idiot.
  17. OPS isn't an op and cannot stealth. OP is a sorc. You are just crying cause you don't know how to beat them yet. OP is right. People just need to learn how to deal with OPs. Not to quote wow, but the same thing happened with Warriors every expansion, till players learned to deal with them, and then they became laughable. Really it's more of a learning curve than an OPness. If you find yourself in the middle of no where alone and get ganked by an operative, that's your fault mostly. As the warzones aren't 1v1, can't really complain that they are demolishing you 1v1 can you.
  18. As the game isn't based on 1v1, really this is no reason to complain. I'm a jedi shadow, and have not played operative, and I can do the same thing as operatives can, just not as quickly. As far as warzones go, really the ops being "imba" only applies to when they pick someone off who's completely alone. If they get targeted they go down FAST, and as it's many vs many, if they come out stealth to CC someone, someone else should be there to kill them. Basically when it comes to the objectives of warzones, Operatives aren't very good.
  19. I think the random warzone thing is messed up. I'm now on my 7th hut ball in a row with NO other warzones queued. I'm queuing all in a row as well. Somethings broken.
  20. Actually that's not true at all. First different abilities are on different GCDs. Second, it's a HUGE DIFFERENT to have the dmg hit when you press the button or 1s after u press the button in PvP. QUITE HUGE. There are two situations where the time difference is crucial. 1) Preventing someone from capping a node. If for some reason you use project cause other abilities are on CD, they can cap the node in that 1s gap. This is especially true when someone is disarming the bomb. It only takes 4 seconds, that's a 25% gap in the total time it takes if using project. 2) Killing someone when it counts. This can pertain to many different things. Killing someone before you die maybe. Killing someone BEFORE THEY GET HEALED. Killing someone before they use a shield ability or some sort of defensive ability or maybe another offensive ability. Basically it allows 1s of extra action when they should of been dead. It's a pretty big issue.
  21. Did you watch the same video. He was almost NEVER alone. There were Zero true 1v1 fights in that video, other than him sneaking up on some half dead guy in the corner. That video was a horrible example of the Operative, it was never 1v1. And yes he had a guy healing him most of the game. The person in that video is a good PvPer, that's all. He knew when to get out, where the items were, etc. He's just better at this game than you are basically. The ONLY thing I'd even consider "Overpowered" in that video was the fact that his resources never went down, no matter what he did. He always had full resources. Another thing to note, is that he contributed ZERO to the objective of the game, which is huttball. Operatives don't seem equipped to do much else other than kill, which isn't the basis of warzones. They don't see to be able to contribute to the objective, and they're slow as anything. So in that aspect I'd almost say they're underpowered. 90% of the people he killed in that video were turned around focusing on the ball handling, completely ignoring the operative.
  22. The fact that the ops is opening on you instead of vice versa is probably the first mistake. You should get the opener, not them. Also force cloak + resilience should prevent you from death.
  23. Given using combat tech as infil is a well known tactic in pvp and nothing new, you guys stating using SS off the bat and the whole force to dmg efficiency don't pvp. As he said, it's PvP, not PvE, and force to dmg ratio aren't as important as dmg bursts and situational abilities. Now should he just blow SS and only SS....no....but in PvP you don't get guarnteed SS like you do PvE, so you should use what's best available to you at that moment. Saving a Project for when the enemy isn't within melee range is a SMART thing to do, and probably the smartest thing said in this thread. There is no such thing as "rotation" or the "right way to do it" in pvp. It's all situational. If I need to cap a turret or a door and do it before imps respawn or realize and come back to stop me, you better believe i'm using SS and FB all day long, blow blackout, more abilities, stunning, using force cloak, going at it again, all to get him down AS QUICK as possible. If I'm defending a node, i'm probably not running around using SS, i'm probably conserving my force and staying alive, elongating the fight. One thing to note. SS procs FW.
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