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10 Good
  1. Can't tell if the original post is serious. You can bubble once, maybe twice in a single fight. It absorbs 2500-3k damage each time, then you're standing on a caster wearing paper armor. Also the shield absolutely does not count as protection. It counts as healing, and even then only if there is actual damage to absorb (i.e. I can't just put shields up on out of combat targets and get another 2500 healing done).
  2. Focus/mouseover macros need to happen--especially focus macros. Separates the bads from people who can coordinate more than one thing at a time. Also, simple things like combining similar abilities into one press. Example: using a relic, an adrenal, and an ability that increases my crit chance all in one press. As it is right now I had to bind these to F1-F3 and just spam the top corner of my keyboard to achieve this. It's clunky and stupid. Plus, there aren't enough hotbars for the number of abilities in this game, and being able to do simple spell combines would help to alleviate that slightly. I can't help but think anyone arguing against macros just aren't high-level players but are "average" at best, because the top end players know the importance of even simple things like focus macros.
  3. i7 2600k at stock clock speed GTX 570 overclocked about 10%ish 8gb DDR3 with 7-7-7-20 CAS I'm also using forced 8x AA; no fps issues at all. Edit: 1920x1200 fullscreen windowed (fullscreen has stupid slow alt-tabbing...what's with that Bioware?)
  4. I frequent the PvP forum throughout the day and lately it's been getting even more difficult than normal to sift through the whine/nerf threads because apparently operatives are immortal killing machines with no weaknesses...except they aren't. I main a sorcerer (not even level 50 yet!) and I've played warzones multiple times daily since release. I run into the occasional geared out 50 operative in Huttball and yes they hit very hard on opener, but I so rarely actually die to one I have to think that most of the people complaining are just horrible at the game. I'll break down a normal scenario: 1. Operative opens on me (rare, because I actually stay with my team instead of standing in the middle of nowhere at half HP like an idiot; positioning is EVERYTHING in PvP). 2. I have my bubble on so even with my paper armor I live through the initial burst with half HP at worst (if they have WZ buffs/adrenal stacked) and normally 2/3 or better. Even without the bubble, I live through the burst but with that much less HP. 3. I trinket the stun opener immediately or a friend assists with CCing the exposed operative. I might use a medpack if they're of the especially hard-hitting variety. 4. I use one of my multiple options of slows/CCs to create a gap--my knockback, 4 second stun, 1 minute CC, or my slow. 5. I start running the F- away and dotting the operative. 6. I use another one of my CCs if I really feel like they're closing the gap--which they pretty much can't do--and then heal myself up a little. About this time I can normally bubble again too. Then I continue to widen my gap. 7. I proceed to kill said operative or force him to run away. Even if he runs, he's got dots on him so he has to blow multiple cooldowns. I'm using this time to run even farther the other direction to prevent him from re-opening. Not to mention using my AoEs to break stealth if I think they're about to reopen right away and I haven't created a gap. So come on people. I play a non-50 paper-dress wearing caster and even I don't think operatives are overpowered. They have a crapton of burst especially when stacking multiple buffs but then they're just done. Even if they do vanish and reopen immediately they've blown basically their only defensive CD and now they're an easy kill for the next two minutes. Plus they'd have to have lightning reflexes or something to actually pull that off against a competent player. Please stop complaining and start using the tools given to you. Learn how to beat the opponent rather than hope for a "nerf" to make up for poor play on your part.
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