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Everything posted by Delavager

  1. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19914-bioware-confirms-warzone-win-not-in-patch-1-1-1
  2. The quoted statement is an incorrect statement. Arena does not have inflated rewards etc. Where is it defined that Arena = inflated rewards?
  3. Damage isn't everything. Damage doesn't effect crit rating and alacrity rating for example.
  4. Actually, THIS post makes no sense. To say Arena or anything in PvP isn't about skill is is plain ignorant and stupid. So if you "pick the right class and spec" do you automatically win when the arena starts? Do you just push one button once and win? Even with an over powered comp, there is still a lot of skill involved, it's just EASIER. Simply knowing how to take advantage of having an overpowered comp is "skillful" in itself. When things are EASIER doesn't mean that there is no skill involved, you still have to know what buttons to press and when.
  5. Food for thought. There is a big assumption then "Real" PvP is skill in this game. Though that is pretty logical, it is quite the assumption. As MMORPGs go, the reality is time = money, and time = "skill" in the form of gear. It makes complete sense for an MMORPG to rewards players who spend more time with better gear and to have it such that better gear > skill because time should win. Thus with "time" being the ultimate factor, players will spend more time, and thus more money for BW. So really, you assume skill should be the determining factor, when in reality it may very well not be. Time could be the determining factor mostly because time = money due to subscriptions etc. Thus it could be very deliberate that something that takes lots of time like gearing outweighs skill in PvP, or any aspect of the game. Again just food for thought.
  6. Disclaimer: I am for the change. It doesn't hinder people who currently have BM gear and helps out others. There is no reason to "force" others to go through the same thing you did, world doesn't work like that. Food for thought. There is a big assumption then "Real" PvP is skill in this game. Though that is pretty logical, it is quite the assumption. As MMORPGs go, the reality is time = money, and time = "skill" in the form of gear. It makes complete sense for an MMORPG to rewards players who spend more time with better gear and to have it such that better gear > skill because time should win. Thus with "time" being the ultimate factor, players will spend more time, and thus more money for BW. So really, you assume skill should be the determining factor, when in reality it may very well not be. Time could be the determining factor mostly because time = money due to subscriptions etc. Thus it could be very deliberate that something that takes lots of time like gearing outweighs skill in PvP, or any aspect of the game. Again just food for thought.
  7. You are playing the wrong game. Go play Madden on XBox or the like. This is an mmoRPG. If you don't like the idea of building your character then GO PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME! Also your whole argument is flawed because DIFFERENT CLASSES ARE DIFFERENT.
  8. This thread is stupid. It's an RPG, there is going to be gear. I wouldn't mind a gearless PvP but I am not going to hate for it. It is not imbalanced because anybody can get the top tier gear. Once everybody has said top tier gear, then there will be no more gear issues. The 10-49 bracket (there is no 1-49 bracket) is unfair, and is completely independent of the 50's bracket. A small minority of you have a problem with the gear gap. The more time goes on, the less people have an issue with the gear gap because time = gear in this game. Thus less and less people will not be BM geared and thus not have an issue. Another overwhelming concept is that none of the warzones are deathmatches. They are all objective based. Gear doesn't increase your intelligence. It's not going to change. They won't do away with gear because it's an RPG and that'd be a HUGE change. It's just not going to happen. I don't think BW cares if you re-roll an alt, because you are still playing their game. You'll eventually get to full BM and when you do, it'll be even ground and you will have other issues to cry about (like the fact that end game PvP blows in itself due to the monotony).
  9. It's realistically a really small group of people. "Normal people" like to play an RPG for progression and gear. Most video games are played by beating up the weak and winning stacked matchups.
  10. Are you serious? Stealth is our best skill. Lol please delete your assassin and play a different character if you don't want stealth. You shouldn't be playing a class based around stealth if you don't think it's of no benefit.
  11. Sorc/Sages won't get Nerfed. No I am not a Sorc/Sage I destroy them in warzones. I personally don't think any class i regularly destroy should get nerffed. If they were OP, then I wouldn't regularly destroy them.
  12. Do we know it will happen? Has it been announced yet by BW? It is of my opinion that all of you people will be in for a huge surprise.
  13. I am with the pool where what happened isn't an issue, like taking down during friday night for a needed patch, that's cool. What isn't cool, is the communication and how it was handled. I personally did not find out about the server coming down until 15 min prior (Due to the in game message). If I am playing the game, chances are I'm not trolling the forums looking for messages about it coming down that night. Additionally, the thread name which contained the cryptic information was HORRIBLY misnamed. Just really bad communication.
  14. This is actually really true and should be repeated / noted. It's all about perspective. A lot of people are assuming they should be getting their Champion pieces in the bags. For all we know the intention was only 3 centurion commendations a bag and they added the champion 10% as a bonus. The solution due to all the complaining could be to just do away with the champion chances and only have the 3 commendations. Or say to make it even they up it to 4. So now you have 0 chance of getting champion and 4 commendations for centurion. Champions and battlemasters are reserved for higher ranks. That could be the reality, we don't know.
  15. Here's some stats for you guys as you don't seem to realize the difference. I looked it up on torhead and computed the differences on most of the battlemasters and rakata force masters set. The weapons didn't seem to match up and I couldn't get focuses to load. Head +13 END +28 WIL Hand +13 END +28 WIL CHEST +24 END +18 WIL Waist +21 END +14 WIL Legs +13 END +28 WIL Feet +24 END +18 WIL Wrist +11 END +21 WIL Ear +10 END +21 WIL Implants(x2) +17 END +14 WIL Relics(x2) +40 END This totals +243 END and +204 WIL (minus main hand and focus). That's a Lot of endurance and a lot of willpower. All other stats seemed to be the same between the two sets (cept the expertise obvoiusly)
  16. Go back to school. Your math is off. Not how stacked percentages work, you don't add them. Again you fail.
  17. You would lose. First, you wouldn't hit 8k on them with only 200 expertise. Second, they would hit MORE ON YOU due to their increases stats. They also have increased health pools and you do not. Thus you'd die first.
  18. You wouldn't do 20% less dmg to them. You aren't using your brain. Did you forget that PvE gear has MORE STATS than PvP Gear. And other stats contribute to damage as well? Also Expertise caps out at 15%. Basically you fail.
  19. Same argument could be made for you. Unless you can provide logs and screenshots etc. in a controlled environment otherwise, his claim is just as valid as yours. Right now it's all heresy. I could definitely see Rakata gear being better depending on your spec/class. For example, specs that have super high bonuses to crit damage like shadows infiltration specs, if you went full PvE with HUGE bonuses to CRIT. You'd be pulling out much higher numbers than expertise. A CRIT is much higher than a 15% boost to your damage. Thus if you can get your crit stat up there, you'd be doing much much much more damage. But again this is all theory crafting an heresy. And as it seems few people have BOTH sets, can't really make judgements.
  20. If in 2/3 weeks with lots of hours put it I could be making the same salary (gear) as the ceo of BW then ya I would definitely work there. Once I had maxed my salary it would be easier to maintain or get a higher salary at bi-yearly increments (releases).
  21. Can't stack Champion Bags. They are unique and can't be opened until you are 50. Thus you can only buy 1 prior to 50.
  22. Can this guy have his account canceled for saying this? Please? Do you actually believe this? This is asinine.
  23. This is false. It's not more competitive. You are confusing EASIER with COMPETITIVE. If you are in your 40s you are basically a hypocrite. 40s have the biggest advantage in PvP period. It kinda sucks spending all that time leveling up to gain the advantage only the lose it again once hitting 50, but that's how it is at the moment. Also if you don't already have 1000/1000 with a champions bag already purchased (Like most have since level 15) then you haven't PvPed enough to put up a fight in the 50s bracket based on skill and pvp knowledge alone.
  24. Why does this thread exist. There are at least 10 other threads about this topic in existence already. Everything that can be said has been said about this topic. Stop creating new threads, use the EXISTING threads. ...and no I'm not a commando/Merc.
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