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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. I'll indulge him, this once. My "main" is a Sin, so I know what I'm on about. If I'm using a Sin, the tactic is to get in range to use confuse. Almost every time the player will break it. I hit confuse again, uncloak and hit them with a lightning blast, I hit Spike, they go down and I hit them a few times, they get up and I hit Electrocute, I hit them with more lightning and finish with Assassinate. Unless they're an unbelievably good tanker they'll die. Now I just hit that person with three stuns. For most of the duel, they've been nothing more than an inanimate object. How is that fun for the person I've just fought? How was it fair? What was the point in them turning up to the fight?


    I gave an example of how the stuns are ruining the game, just as I give one above. Whether that example was 100% accurate makes no difference. If the discussion was about tactics then his reply has merit. Since the discussion is about how there's an over abundance of CC and Stuns in the game his reply is an attempt to derail it. That's what I take exception to.


    this example is a lie

    using snap right before attacking? you just filled his resolve and broke your own cc, rest of a 'story' is a lie since resolve is filled and nor electrocute, nor spike, nor whirlwind will work (or lowslash if deception).

  2. i will say this about my merc. He's perfect for a diversion. I run him out in AE and all eyes on the other team light up, its like ringing the dinner bell. if i can get far enough away, it usually draws the whole lot looking for their meal-time merc snack, leaving the real pvpers on my team a chance to ninja the node, lol.


    I know you are making a joke, but that works on every char.

    when I pretend to get caught on my assassin and pretend to try to ran away, people blindly follow 'hey I have that assassin who killed me few times and he is running away, must follow him with 3 other team members' and my team mate assassin just caps the node...


    oh the giggles..

  3. This crap happens in 50 pvp to. Whats your point? Baddies are bad, doesn't matter what level they are.


    it happens, but less. Ratio is different, and in 50s people care about their reputation a bit, while in 10-49 no one cares.

  4. There's always someone who thinks he's a smart arse. Maybe there where two, I don't know, they where invisible but 8 or 60 seconds makes no difference. The point is that a single class was able to stun and kill another without them being able to fight back for the sole reason that they have more stuns than we do stun breakers. If you can't contribute to a sensible discussion about a widely held agreement then don't post.


    there is 52 sec difference between 8 and 60 secs. he won second you and your friend used stun breakers without much of a thought into it, without you even realise you were not stunned and panicked.

  5. Most people don't care about the baddies in lowbies. Lowbie pvp is just simply less stressful. If you just want to BS and have some fun, go do lowbie pvp. Why? Because you don't spend 90% of the game *********** stunlocked or chain rooted/slowed and you don't get blasted for 6-7k every encounter. TTK isn't absurd and burst is reasonable. At most you'll see high 4k bursts and that's rare.


    how is it less stressful, when after you fought for a node, took it, first you want to guard, but there are 4 people on it, so you leave, 3 defenders left, 30 sec later when you fight on other node, you see all 3 of them ran away from node because defending is boring (and of course enemy capped it)? or my favourite, defender ran away from node, because he didn't want to die :D


    huttball is a different story...

  6. If your 600k dmg were done on someone who wouldn't die because he was being healed from behind, then they didn't help the group much. What I'm trying to say is that overall dmg figures are not much of an indicator for WZ utility.


    I know that, I was not babbling about high numbers, I was referring to the fact that some people feel stronger on lowbies since 75% people can't fight (so they are easy kills = people burst their ego = posting how under 50s are fun)


    and no, my targets usually don't live long. since cleanses are not used, anni marauders hit more then smash monkeys.

  7. Whos doing 500k damage in lowbie?


    it was a random number I typed in. but often I see my marauder (43) doing 400k-600k without even trying while most of team didn't (or barely) touched 50k

    and generally you see 1,2 people very high in dps while all rest (on both teams) make impression they only used default attack for the whole game.

  8. You're assuming that these are all new players, which is surely not true. Why would ppl twinking their 10th toon not know how to PvP?


    Problem is you don't know who is player and who is newbie until end board. 2 people 500k dmg, 5 30k each and one healer.

    ofcourse that is a lost game, since no one was calling incs (or coming to help if incs) and you were loosing node by node

  9. No smashers, because annihilation is better for lowbie (for marauder), bubble stun to be good needs level 47 (so you have good healing and bubble stun), sins killer's hybrids need 48L too to be at full capacity.

    that leaves us with PT pyro who are deadly on lowbie, but not so common for some reason, snipers who bolster nicely, and operatives who are rare to the bone. (and rep equivalents).


    so no, lowbie is not fun. it's filled with baddies, ignorance, lack of intrest in winning (I'll get my exp any ways so why bother) and any teamplay.


    only 2 kinds of people might enjoy it.

    1. good players who like destroying single targets and to change the game course by them selves (which is an illusion, since it's only possible on lowbie as oponents are usualy bads)

    2. bads with tunnel vision who can't see how bad they are and how their badness cost team score. (ignorance is a bliss right?)


    ofcourse that's to be expected, as lowbie is a training ground, I don't expect anything else there and I'm not being an elitist, I'm just stating fact about that bracket.


    oh, and premades on lowbies are more deadly. 4 coordinated dps with experience can win a warzone even with 4 ******* as team mates.

  10. Here's an example of a Hypergate match. I'm stood guarding the Pylon and I'm mind mazed. I use my stun breaker and I'm immediately mind mazed again so a team mate comes to investigate. He's Mind Mazed. He uses his breaker and is mind mazed again. The Shadow uncloaks and attacks. I come out of the stun and I'm hit with Force Stun (I presume) and I'm stunned again. I die. So does the team mate who came to help.


    Now the short sighted amongst us will argue that the Shadow was just using their class to the fullest of its function and fair play to him, I don't begrudge him that but stop and think for a moment. What chance did I have to fight back? It wasn't PvP. The dude may as well have been fighting a practice dummy for all the threat I posed. Can anyone seriously straight faced say they'd have fun being in my position?


    The stun period for Mind Maze is 60 seconds and it has no cool down. The trade off is it can only be used in cloak. Not much of a balance when most classes can't detect stealth. Yes, yes, yes, the team should have had a stealth detector guarding the Pylon but I don't get to pick team, it is whatever spawns in the WZ with me. It could just as easily been my team that did that but that would no less take away the fact that having a stun with no cool down is a balance breaker. 60 second stun time is enough for any class to kill any class one on one.


    why use cc break after maze if shadow wasnt capping?

    2 snaps fills resolve

    mind maze is 8 seconds for players, 60 for mobs in pve

    if you died in 4 second stun (which shouldn't happen since 2 mind mazes fills resolve), you were naked or a sorcerer dropping his health to get healing medals??


    edit:also,after your team mate got mind snap, you should be automatically free of yours.

  11. SWTOR won't go e-sport in any near future. imagine, stadium, 10 000 crowd watching 16 big screens, wage of a game 20k per win.

    hutball, 5:5, tight game, team 'super ciuties bunnies' (or whatever that girl gaming squad was called) is about to score, boom, ball carrier crashed to desktop, healer got DC, stealther got demoted to 'free to play' and kicked out of RWZ.

    unless random crashes are part of fun


    Also, Atramar, you sir are an ***.


    I have an Assassin I made to "fit the spot" That doesn't mean I don't want to have fun on my Mercenary in Rankeds. Casual play is like 100 skill levels below good rated matches, and that much more fun.


    Yeah, tell that to all operatives who can't dps in pve operations since there are better classes for it. They want to have fun too.

    Yes, I am an arse, but guess what, so is reality.

    You go progress ops, you take who's best fit. You go ranking, it's same.



    Hopefully, like I said in a previous post, pyro mercs are going to get some love in the next classes upgrade, it remains to been seen if it's gonna help us against other AC new skills.



    I hope you are right, all threads 'my class suck and I refuse to do anything else, please buff me or I quit' are getting old. But there are always other classes we can complain about being 'to weak'

  13. Well, 2 strong and 2 weak (that's like 2 packs) should be a problem for 2 dps composition. you are probably doing nothing wrong. I guess you kill weak first with smash (to stun weak for less damage) and have all skills of Jaesa available? are you both attacking same target (I mean for strong).

    Is Jaesa also up to date with gear? and are you sure you have right rotation :p


    there is no punishment for being a LS (I know you meant it as a joke)

  14. Your posts are, as always, insightful and helpful Uncle Atramar


    Ahh, I love sarcasm in the mornings.


    Look, maybe mercs/commandos are not perfect for pvp. You have posts of people with big numbers, soloing their counters... isn't this how it should be?

    year ago mercs were one button op and everywhere, people learned how to counter you, and that's it.

    when you (not directly you, i mean this whole thread), ask for tools like cc immunity, interrupt immunity, jump immunity, and damage immunity, then don't expect me to treat thread serious.

    no one takes mercs for ranked pvp? 2 of my guild officers told me I have to respec to 23/1/17 assassin if I want to do RWZ with them, cause as 0/27/14 I'm not good for team play.

    Ofcourse I could go 'whaaa whaaa whaaaa don't treat me like I'm a merc whaaaa', but i respeced and took position I was chosen for.

    I really don't care for people who refuse to adapt, think they are being glorified for it, while in reality they waste their and others time. Just like people who refuse to go madness on a sorc begging BIOware for a buff to lightning...

  15. 18/23/0 hybrid tank in tank stance has more mitigation (well, full tank has 4% more absorb and 4% more shield, but hybrid hains 4% more flat dmg reduce + 15% more on focused defence which can be used while stunned (and drops aggro, so pvp only)), you get unstoppable (cc immunity for 4 seconds after jump), so you jump to a target, master strike, smack him a bit, and arount 15% push, jump (10% more damage kicks in) and use finisher for big last hit. also, immunity makes you briliant ball carrier and superb cap stopper (unles there are snipers caping heh)

    I personally have 2 gear sets, one dps vindicator with str 18/endu 12 auguments for every thing that required me to do damage.

    and tank gear with 18 endu/12 power auguments for ball carrying, guarding.


    getting 2 sets might be time consuming, but with dps gear you can always switch to smash monkey if you have premade with pre determined node guards or just to many tanks, but I prefer to stay 18/23 since you can still pull out some not so bad dps while being durable (healers can concentrate on some one else)

  16. When you start getting more MVPs but it is not definitive.


    The question is kinda silly,you are getting better when you are successful at certain things that you just did and feel good about and you weren't able to do before.For example holding grass for enough time againts 2,3, people till reinforcements arrive.


    MVP's, don't think so, found that the more you try to do good (like planting and stuff) you don't get MVPs.. people go for numbers when voting, either top healing, top medals or top damage. (or special preferences like that guy who always comes first when I call ics)

  17. your are a example of what the op is talking about. sorry for slowing you down a few secs in bh on the end boss for the area quest on my healer. (for me this is the most common occurrence i have seen.) when on my fresh 50s you guys just watch me but when i am on my bis dps/healer with a healer/dps companion having over 22k hp and better geared than you, you feel a need to shave a few secs off the kill now. go figure.


    are you annoyed some one speeds up your killing? you loose nothing and gaining time to do something else.


    why is it so important to some people that every bit of hp from a mob must be taken by them? ego burst?

  18. When I asked the same thing, both guildmates and responders here suggested the Geforce GTX 650 Ti almost across the board. I ordered it online yesterday and I'll pop in to tell you if it works once I've installed it. It was $179.


    my gtx 560 TI works perfect with all on high.

    yours should too even if a bit slower

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