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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. That's why early in this thread I proposed to also match players with their valor level. Sure it's quite a "fuzzy" criterion to say the least but at least it's very simple to implement and would put together 4 men vs *good* PUGs and not 25k, 1 week /played noobs.


    1 week /played noobs should fight against similar people, it's unfun and not teaching to just be farmed like pigs the whole day.

    Similarly, almost full conqueror PUGs should (yeah I am so optimist) know better and could be matched against "normal" 4 men. By normal I mean those "4 friends / guildies team together" groups, not the "super mega min maxed, FOTM and geared top server guild RWZ steam rollers". Those should get their own 4 men / arenas / whatever.


    Valor means only that some one spent their time in warzone.

    Was teamed with alor 70 guy in rakata grade gear with no augments, who got beaten in top dps by my tank valor 54, with me mostly guarding my (not mine as my guildy, just a promising merc healer who placed kolto shell on me) healer and stopping caps, pulling and slowing.. and no, he wasn't lone defender either nor he had many deaths.


    win/lose is safer option, when you consider bads who drag their team down, they almost always lose while you win more often then them while 'uber premades' win rating will be high... I often pity people who yell at fleet 'reps/imps sucks, I loose 95% of my games, my team sucks' (double o intended), they must be terrible to drag down every single team...

  2. well, last weekend run as a healer in a 50HM flashpoint - maelstorm or false emperor

    PUG with 3 other 55 persons


    our tank vanguard was in full 69 or higher

    but he was killed in 3 seconds on first pull, we do not wiped then

    next pull - he just survived but i got agro and was killed

    next pull - tank is killed again and one of the dps and i got agro but we did it


    then i have a look at his buffs - he has plasma cell on him!

    then i have a better look at his stats - he was full dps!

    no shield, no piece of defense


    i understand that it's just a 50HM not NiM Ops

    but running in false role ignoring other players and being an ******e - it's inexcusable


    i rage quit the group and return to my daylies :-(


    wow. just wow. 3 seconds in full 69 gear? I tank this flashpoint very often on my healer (lol) , he had to be really really bad. L55 dps in tank SPEC even with no tank gear (but dps 69s augmented) should be fine. unless you know.. stupid.

  3. =) Yeah, I learned that after posting this. Newb question at it's best.


    wouldn't call it newb. question is a question, as far as it seeks knowledge, it's neither newb, noob or stupid.


    might be silly question, but as far as one accepts answear, it's not any of those 3 above.

  4. Enraged Defense is definitely a useful tank CD whether you choose to believe it or not. The amount of focus needed is reasonable if it helps keep the tank alive and/or eases the difficulty on the healers without negating other active mitigation skills. Proper use in conjunction with other skills can make the threat loss into a non-issue.


    Next, a skill that actually heals the player is fundamentally different than one provides a temporary boost that removes itself once it is done. I can guarantee the healer on the tank is aware of this fact since they still need to use their resources to heal up the Juggernaught tank after it is used while they do not with the other tanks.


    in tank eyes, that might be right. in few scenarios where boss will be forced to attack you instead of anyone else.

    But 2 seconds after you use enraged defense, you lose aggro and he no longer hits you - no more heals from hits, and some one else is to heal (probably dps) who needs more healing then you. yes, taunt, another 6 seconds he's on you, a taunt that could be used on next target switch is blown cause tank decided to use enraged defense.

    there are few places where you would turn it on just to neutralize one big hit incoming and then click it off, but reflect is much better for that.


    by all means, it's a great utility - for dps jugg specced into it (both trees has their bonuses for it) and for tank being focused in PVP.


    but that's off topic.

    please give us atleast 6-8 % into shield chance... take the flamethower if you must... all that buffs to absorb are being not used with low shield chance :(

  5. I know that pretty well :) I can somewhat understand their frustration but PVP is all about teamwork. If they ever decide to separate queues for premades and non-premades, you can kiss pvp goodbye. As for matchmaking, we need x-server queues first.


    indeed, with population focused on only couple of servers, x-server and matchaking should be implemented at same time, however, I do belive that matchaking it self will work even on low pops with no x-server with balancing pros with newbs (so teams are more or less equal) or splitting newbs from pros, with few exclusions of unlikely scenario (like 8 crap players on imp and 8 super pro players on rep), on which nothing would really work and would result as no match for any one.

  6. Lots of those ways of aren't very cost-effective and to us, just seem more time-consuming because of how boring it is. Crafting, for example, isn't cost-effective if you're not passionate about wanting to do it or learn the way the market works with it.


    Crafting takes up a lot of credits for a while before you learn how to master the art, and at that time it will hurt you because PvP offers little-to-nothing in credits. Some of us will not bother with the GTN because it's too risky. You may buy low and sell high, but there's always a chance to be undercut and potentially lose profit (or gain so little it's laughable).


    We'd rather work with our blood, sweat and tears—work very hard—through PvP means ONLY. You're making it sound like blah, blah, blah, we want it given to us. You sound very narrow-minded right now.




    if you find a niche it can be cost effective. that's the whole point, best money are not being made on mass productions (I mean it is, when you make 1000 of item). So either make a ton or make smart.

    no risk no gain - if it would be easy, every one would do it.


    yeah, I am narrow minded for telling others to do something more then they already do if they want to make money, I'm guilty.


    through PvP means ONLY.
    that is my problem really... you (generally people in this thread, not literally you) keep telling me that mk-9 kits and fancy purple augments cots a lot of moneyz, well, I keep telling them - make them your self. it's cheaper. that is being ignored and I keep hearing 'but we want money through PvP means ONLY.' and the whole conversation is pointless. we had a good one with cycao earlier about extra daily, but it was lost in a wave of /signed and 'biofail hates us pvpers whine'
  7. I find it funny that people gave away lots of ways to make credits, but some are still saying 'i don't want to work with my brain for money, me like no think, me want credits to come'

    you can do crafting while doing pvp, you can do GTN between matches, you can think when you wait for respawn (doors to open or speeder to pilot down)...


    buying adrenals while you collect comms for gear? spending money on visual while saving money for augments/kits (that can be crafted easly - one way to make money is to sell these to lazy people)?

    you want to have cookie, eat cookie and not pay for the cookie... think that's how 'reccession' was born.

  8. This game Sucks. I hate people, they all cheat. HACKERS should all be banned! They are al;l just sniveling script kiddies living in their mom's basement eating doritos and drinking diet coke. This game should die, it is so unfair!


    Ha. Just kidding. I appreciate all of the awesome feedback to my post and I will start trying the key bind and start working on PVP gear and skills.


    In the mean time. I feel I have some deaths coming. I need my HK parts from Dromund Kaas and don't have an imp toon to get them. So it's time to pull some guildies together that DO know PVP and make a run for it. What do you think my survival rate will be if I have 8- 55's with me?


    you won't be able to travel there with rep char, only doable by making imp alt


    question irrelevant ;)

  9. I don't know if premades are ruining non-ranked warzones but on the Bastion, matches against those half-premades lead to epic games. We win some, we lose some. It's only when your team are full of idiots that games against premades are painful.


    but you need to know how to play to achieve that. most people lack that ability. They choose to camp a node to get that medals (as they can't otherwise), and in the mean time, they complain about premades and whack some whine posts on the forums. :rolleyes:

  10. so if 1 player dont want in with the party its back to start over again to get a new groep of players


    thats sucks hard in this rate it can take very long when you find a party if some players are very picky

    who they wanne join ore not -.-


    i see a lower lvl in the groep nah i dont join them and boom no party for you -.-


    not really. if person declines, he has to que over again. while other 3 are on the top of a list, so if tank declined, 2 dps and a healer just wait for first tank that comes by.


    it doesnt suck, you can't force a player to accept, and declines happen mostly when person selected wrong spec. it's better for them to decline, then to play a role of tank while they being DPS.

  11. am sorry when a party pop up i press ready to enter then i w8 for the orther 3 some time a see a switch to see orther player pop in mostly dps ore i see something in my screen that they remove me ore so and am back to looking for a new party again rely dunno who is doing that


    becouse when i press ready i can quit anymore even if i try to press it it wont work


    they didn't remove you. one player declined joining in, so you are a first healer in group finder.

    once you press ready, you can't decline any more, that is correct.

  12. i also saw they remove me and i was back on the looking for party again but i wanne no who is doing that who is controling the groep finder makes me sick that some players have so much control and add ore remove any1 they want -.-


    from the begining, as I thought we lost our way here.


    did you see 'teleport to instance' window or just 'team ready/cancel' one.


    no one is controlling group finder.

  13. To be honest, all pvp'ers are never happy :D


    I think you can replace word 'pvp'ers' with 'people'

    look at LI HM.

    at first, people complained it was to hard.

    then they complained it was to easy

    now its super easy and at same time, ones are complaining it's stupid easy, while other that it's to hard as they wipe.


    on topic.

    win/lose is great idea. unfortunatly, all good arguments are dying with flame of flame...

  14. Is the bolster item specific or the sum of all items. Like your example, will the saber having expertise effect my bolster as a whole if no other item has expertise. Or is it just confined to the specific item?


    item specific. so 6 items can be PVP stuff and other 8 pve, and those 8 will get bolstered properly.

  15. I know how to bind, I don't see any way to bind another 10 keys to a location ttat would be efficient. So the real question is, where do you bind an extra 10 commands? Numpad and never touch the mouse or letters? I think I would have to play a lot more to make sure I hit the right letters at the right times.



    rebind A and D to starfe instead of turn and turn with your mouse

    , try shift + 1,2,3,4,5,6



    mouse left/right scroll button if have those.




    there is a whole thread about it,

    alot of people scold back peddaling and say 'only noobs go back with S', but I preffer to have 'move back' button where it was since I started playing computer games.

  16. That's the thing, the old BM gear now has no expertise. I was curious if partial expertise would have more of a negative impact on the bolster than having no expertise.


    don't ut partial expertiese. ever. if you put enhacment or armoring with expertiese, other parts are not being bolstered any more. no expertiese, or full expertiese (in one item).


    issue:weapon pve but expertiese crystal - weapon is not being bolstered


    not issue: one item (weapon) full pvp item, off hand pve (no expertiese) item - weapon is not being bolstered but off hand is.


    it's hard to lock on of what you actually trying to ask.

  17. Interesting tactics in that video. I still consider myself very new to this game and completely new to PVP, so understanding all of the classes is a must. I have not even started an Imp toon so I am clueless as to what they can do. When I look at my skills, I don't know what would be effective in PVP and what wouldn't.


    I have force snap - just to interrupt

    Stun - Obvious use

    Force Wave - Which can get people off me and interrupt

    Force Slow - so I can run away better.

    Force Lift - Will this work or can it be broken?


    Should I even bother with damage? Or just try to keep myself alive until I can be rescued?


    I do in fact click anything outside my most used spells. Obviously I can switch enemies with tab, but then getting back to my own team I have not mastered. I have at least 20 useful things to click on, where do you bind them all? I am used to FPS where you have no more than 5 weapons and everyone is really evenly matched.


    force lift works for 8 seconds on player and will break on damage.

    if you are healer, don't bother with damage, just with crowd control (like slow them + sprint other way, force way (spec that for root if you can).

    If you are damage specced, all you can do is make more damage and kite him (unless you break Line of Sight -LoS- then you can heal while he comes at you), you won't out heal dps (unless he is baaaad - but then you should out dps him) - if you want to heal, force lift + heal your self (and move away in betweens).

    you can unlock total 6 skill bars, in settings and gui manager.

  18. I refer to the poster that your post was directed towards. Your post was excellent, it simply fell in deaf ears because the poster mentioned isn't trying to debate. Don't feed trolls, he'll think he's people. :eek:


    Agreed, will try. But I have good heart, and they seem hungry :(

  19. I have been playing WZ's for about 2 weeks. Queuing solo, and I can already see this is a huge problem. I can understand people getting frustrated at a lack of teamwork or even basic strategy/skills/common sense, but I also don't like people ditching matches. Yesterday, 6 people ditched our PUG team. Wow!


    To date, I have never ditched (although I have been tempted for sure). I like to think that I can try to give a few humble suggestions in chat that can help turn things around. I've also joined a PVP guild, so hopefully group ranked warzones will be in my future.


    I really hope the developers address this issue -- and fast. My personal suggestion: If a person ditches, then they have a lockout timer (account wide) for say 2 hours.


    only when, and only if you can lock out players from playing stupid.


    for example, if we have 2 defenders who got ninjad by a tank jugg, we should be able to give them acount wide 'stupid lockout timer' for let's say, 12 hours.

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