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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Yeah, you're not getting this.





    A lot of us DO NOT craft. That is the problem. Not only is the cost not worth it somewhat, but we're not going to put our time into sending our companions out on crafting missions when we want to keep as much credits as we can. Some of us hardcore PvP'ers have probably not gone through the Story yet. I have two toons that I leveled a while back who still haven't finished the Story.


    I'm all for adding more PvP dailies and weeklies as well. Regardless, this is getting support whether you like it or not. The fact we have to do other things we generally don't like to do is why this is getting support.



    Either WZs themselves get buffs, or we get a ton of more dailies and weeklies added. Whatever helps us get more rewards.


    I remember time when 'hardcore pvper' ment a person who is doing all he can to increace his performance on pvp. by doing pve, crafting, trading to get better stuff and money for consumables, checking his rotation... not a person who didn't see any part of a world besides where pvp has it place...

    yeah, the problem is, you don't craft but want crafted stuff at same time. pvp rewards give you what they should. a little money to keep you going, item comms and consumables (medpack and adrenal) in amounts that are hard to spend... with few ocasional warzones that require that extra edge, I rarely use more then 1 medpack+adrenal per match (if ever).

  2. if you getting stomped by pve equipped players, I have nothing more to add to this thread.

    2 more points in mainstat, that horrors :confused:


    I have no motivation to spend my time grinding out BIS min-maxed conquerer gear if some guy is gonna jump into a wz with 69s or 72s, or 66s, or 45s or whatever mixture of pve gear and stomp me in pvp gear. Being equal is one thing, but the huge disparity between actual "pvp" gear and bolstered pve gear is ridiculous.


    A perfect example of this would be a Conquerer mainhand vs a Dread Guard mainhand. Thanks to bolster, BOTH will be bolstered to 75 gear/kell dragon rating.

    -The Conquerer mainhand hilt/barrel has 68 mainstat/64 endurance/68 expertise,

    -The Dread Guard mainhand hilt/barrel has 72 mainstat/52 endurance/67? bolstered expertise.


    So once again, pvp gear progression = meaningless/non-existent.

  3. SomeJagoff: I was to make another long post, but when you typed in about 'new players going in ranked WZ to learn his class' I had to stop...


    are bolstered players such a big deal for you? that they can partly compete with you in pve gear? I don't get you'r point. You want free recruit gear that will be adequate to currently bolstered stats (a bit below tier 1 pvp gear), but you are against bolster that is free and mandatory cause it makes people lazy?


    no, 'vast majority' do not 'hate' bolster. many people complain about it, about bugs and exploits, but not about the idea of bolster it self, eventualy about removing bolster from ranked as it's top elite etc. if 90% people would vote to remove bolster from ranked, would you say that 90% of people are against bolster in general?


    if they remove bolster and go back to previus recruit gear idea - fine, I'll live with it, learn and adapt, as we all do.

  4. A new set of recruit gear that was moddable, available for copy at any times via collections, and was a blue version of partisan with Identical expertise would fix the problem, even though you refuse to accept that.


    NOBODY is asking for the exact same model of utterly terrible/worthless recruit gear from the past, stacked with tons of crit that's even more useless now in 2.0.


    So again, a free set of recruit gear (as I outlined, moddable, blue version of partisan with identical expertise, just lower pve stats, and most importantly, available to F2P players.....and so Bioware can completely "idiotproof" it, put it in collections so that it can never be accidentally vendored or destroyed) would fix the problem.


    gear that can be taken on and off is not idiot proof. bolster is idiot proof, but not exploit proof. every time it was proven that pve item was better, it was a matter of a 0.5 or 1 % in difference, and most of these are fixed. by new set of L 55 pvp gear this will be no longer an issue, and I can only hope that every new item will be already tested with a bolster. it was a mistake of BIO that they gave bolster at same time as new level cap, hopefully, this will be rendered mute on next level update.


    idiots will still be idiots, but they will be atleast a cannon fodder for the team, not one shot guy that you could see so often 'in the old days' - funny phrase for 19 month old game he he.


    and to your mentioning, ofc removing bolster wouldn't touch me, all my pvp toons are geared more or less, but is it a reason to remove bolster? cause my assassin was there since RNG bag crap drop? na-a, I preffer my enemies to have atleast a slight chance to fight back, and 2 shotting peeps on my sniper is boring... killing people with one revage on my jugg got old quickly too, and doing massacre with massacre on my marauder was never fun on lowbies (yeah, I made marauder just for that).


    bolster gives people chance to learn how to pvp and draws more people to pvp. only people who quit pvp are elitist lame baddies who cry over they hard worked gear not giving them free kills any more, and no one will miss them, as they don't contribute to the team any way.


    FYI, I would vote for removing bolster from ranked, ofc there is no reason to do it since most pvp gear is better then pve gear, BUT would discourage people from exploiting, however, I'm not going to give this any petitions, as I simply don't care about that 1% of advantage gained thro exploiting (but I understand frustration of others) - but I would support that bit.

  5. So you can't stand under 55 pvp, but 55 pvp is great? Under 55 pvp can be pretty terrible, but it has its advantages over 55 pvp, it's a lot more fluid (nodes going back and forth, both sides scoring in huttball), less premades stomping, and most importantly, you get XP, so unlike 55, there's SOME incentive to pvp in the lowbies. If you could buy 55 gear instead of 4,000 wz medpacs, that would be even more incentive to lowbie pvp.


    Most importantly, of course, if you could buy 55 pvp gear under 55, there would seriously be no excuse for people not to have SOME pvp gear the second they hit 55. Heck, they could still give out a free set of new moddable recruit gear as well, so you'd have a set of basic recruit gear + whatever amount of gear you could get from comms saved up from under 55.

    the constant node changes are due to people not calling incs, leaving nodes unguarder. I don't call it fluid pvp, I call it stupid pvp. lowbie pvp is filled with bads, I have nothing against premades of 4 in a regular warzone in 55 pvp (I que solo all the time), and peopel come in lowbie pvp to level up, not to win, as they get their most prised reward (exp) no matter of result, so they do what's fun for them only (so not doing objectives, ignoring healers, ignoring team play, etc).


    as for the rest on bolster bugs argument, dunno what others kept noticing, but I preffer partisian augmented pvp gear over my augmented grade 69 gear, peroid.. tried swap here and there, but feels much much better in partisian.

    but then again, I spend more time on improving my rotations, awarness and team play then on my gear.

  6. I played at least two characters that started their "grind" in Recruit (no recruit 2) gear and was of course going up against people in Elite Warhero.

    I'm sorry, but 2 months of being "destroyed" in WZ's is completely rubbish. Within the first few days youw ere earning your first few tier 1 items and it took no longer than a couple of weeks to be fully geared in the stuff.


    There seems to be this conception that people were just slaughtered when they first started Level 50 PvP. Even if this was the case for the first few zones (while people found their feet) it didn't last half as long as some claim.

    Bolster as far as I can tell was designed to stop people needing to use recruit 2 gear. The system would give anyone entering PvP recruit 2 "stats" and anyone with higher tiered PvP gear would get a slight stat advantage.

    Instead this hasn't happened and people are finding ways to exploit the system.


    Remove bolster, redesign a "Recruit 3" set which becomes your new Tier 1 gear with Partisan becoming Tier 2 and Conqueror becoming Tier 3.

    Still give it away - once a player reaches level 55, give it a "cannot sell" flag so people don't just vendor it away (and then add it to peoples collections so they can spawn another set if they accidentally delete it).

    There we go - tiering of new PvP players sorted.


    2 months were for them as they were pve exclusive, and only would do 2-3 matches a day tops, or when ops team didn't happen (very rare in our guild by then), thanks to bolster, I see them more and more often doing pvp, and they don't feel like a fifth wheel.

    people exploiting system are a problem, but it beats people in pve stats in a warzone. recruit gear wasn't bad idea, problem came with people refusing to use recruit gear. some argued that their stats are better, and you had 2 people in a warzone on your team that had mixed pve columi and recruit gear, as they claimed 'they have better stats in pve gear'.

    other part, recruit gear was not moddable and pure ugly.

    recruit gear was tried in 2 versions, both faild to do what it was designed for, so they evolved with bolster.


    again, pve boltered gear is few % below first tier of pvp gear. with few exploits aside. pvp gearing up is still progression...

  7. I would also welcome SOLO queing for Ranked Warzones, since Ive been playing this game for almost a year on the Progenitor Server and never seen a Ranked Warzone!


    Yes it will prove to be difficult since you need a team more than ever, but still getting better PVP gear and mods is a very long term process with normal warzones (weekly and daily rewards).


    solo ranked pvp would be same as current regular warzones, with difference, you would meet full guild 8 man premades with perfect composition far more often, you woud get stomped harder, faster but had rewards in reward comms not wz comms.

  8. I would have re-speced, but I don't have field spec, and I don't like healing on my Op. The healer did PM me after saying it was nothing personal, but as he was healer he was the group leader and if I had offered to pass on all cunning gear, he would have let me stay. I just replied with a "How kind of you" and then /ignore


    oh dear. what a douche... glad I'm on different server not to meet him ever. on that note, I mostly do FPs with my healers or tanks , so woulnd't happen any way.

  9. I didn't say it's completly fixed.


    Makes people lazy? yeah, but no. I've seen many people who refused to pvp simply not to get owned for first 2 months of gear grind. Now they can enter and compete at some level (that didn't make them god pvpers, but they play as team and know their chars well, just had to work on pvp awarness).

    no work at all? to make hard math argument about pvp gear vs pve gear, you need 69 and 72 grade pve gear and compare it with 63 grade pvp gear. even 66 grade pve gear does not come free, and have nothing to do with being lazy.


    Thanks to bolster I could easly shift my pt tank into pvp gear without suffering recruit gear where my TANK was more squishy then Dps... tank I never intended for pvp, but wanted to give it a try and loved it.

    and more pvp items I gather, more durable that tank is.


    lazy people are still lazy and come in leveling greens to L 55 WZ and they are still easy pray for people like YOU who want gear advantage. They don't augment, they don't work on rotations.


    work for the gear... yeah, right, good excuse. when game launched it was same people who argued they should keep RNG boxes with a chance of a gear... now that was fun, 1 month of pvp only, and had 4 pvp peaces, due to my low luck.. yyeah, that was super fun, they should bring it back.

    They argued that comms will make people LAZY and that they should work hard for the gear just like THEY did, and suffer of beign undergeared LIKE THEY DID.

    Later they argued about recruit gear, that it makes people lazy and it's too good.


    pvp gear is still better and easy to min/max with comms to have gear advantage, small as it is, but it still exists. I see it on my pvp chars that with each peace I get I hit harder and live longer. If you think PVE gear is better, be my guest, WORK HARD for PvE gear and kick *** in warzones. being elite pvper means working hard for the gear right? no matter what it means - that's what hardcore means. ofc it won't happen, after a month of preparing for end game pve content, learning tactics and stuff, and then 5 weeks of harvesting NIM TFB and SV, you will get your shiny top pve stuff into a warzone, you will see how much it suck compared to first tier of pvp gear that you can aquire in 2 weeks.


    edit: as for gearing up for L 55 while being under 55, hell no. don't force doing lowbies. lowbie pvp is awful, unbalanced, arrogant and simply stupid. I never ever ever want to set my foot in lowbie pvp. never. peroid.

  10. You really need to read what you're responding to, because what you quoted says exactly the opposite of what you think it does.


    It says opposite, cause I don't agree with that. pve gear is not better then pvp gear in warzones. While it was badly implemented with devs ignoring signs from testers on exploits, it's mostly fixed and works as it should now.

    it boosts properly your designed mods instead of giving fixed number of accuracy,def,etc


    asking to remove bolster, is cry for help of players who used to have gear advantage over other players and can't cope without it.

    Warzones are better and more equal now, and people can't complain about being outgeared. It truly shows how terribads some are.

  11. Wow tanks must hate you.


    In my experience, DPS should focus down Weak -> Normal -> Strong -> Elite -> Champion.




    For every mob the DPS kill, it's one less that the tank has to hold onto. It's FAR easier for a tank to jump in and hold the biggest baddest of the group, while the DPS pick off the weaker mobs fast, then everyone focuses on the Elites/Champion.


    That is like... DPS 101


    so many high level alts, so little understanding of a joke. see he made ';):D' - that's your first clue.

  12. Well I would imagine since 2.4 is 'the PvP patch' that you will see some class balance especially if arenas will be coming with them.


    no class balance changes will change the fact, that there are stealths, meles, turret classes and turret class with a cover.. they can juggle all they want, but I do not belive they will be able to balance it for arena and not break it for other WZs and PvE. it will always be rock-paper-scissors-lizzard-spock.


    If I could change anything, I would change players mentality - why have 3 players attacking smash jugg in mele range, getting smashed every 9 seconds, while he trumps his cooldowns one by one and healer is healing him untouched? Really?

  13. Grumbles. Grumbles everywhere.


    Yet again today we were almost done and the tank (guardian) had been needing on multiple pieces of aim gear that our healer needed (and said so many times in party chat). After another boss was killed and another piece of aim gear was needed on, I initiated a kick.


    Well, it failed. The other dps stopped the kick because he just wanted to get it done. BUT the tank (the ninja) initiated a kick (because ... revenge kick?) and it was somehow immediately accepted (the dps and healer weren't given an option to vote against it..?) and I was removed from the group near the very end. Being deployed, I have minimal time that I can play during the week and then having it all be wasted when I try to do the daily/weekly is highly frustrating.


    This vote to kick system is beyond aggravating and I don't get why it is set up the way it is. *SO* frustrating. And just 'ignoring' people isn't a long-term fix. The system shouldn't enable people to be awful. A vote to kick should initiate a vote to kick and you need x votes for it to go through, not "hey you're being kicked now unless people know how to say no'.


    you should pm healer and other dps first, never initiate a vote kick on a tank if you are not sure you can win it. why? cause next one can come in 20 minutes or later :rolleyes: while waiting for DPS takes less time then my loading screen on a ship.


    if things were for healer, he should initiate a vote kick, and vote from healer would kick that tank.

    also, I have a feeling you missed something out of that story :rolleyes:

  14. for the record, I think it's a terrible idea with our AC range,and while in current pvp system almost every class has it's purpose, in arena it will be downed to 3 sets of teams who will be dominant over others.


    but. it's better then nothing new for next 2 years


    is it really that bad idea as I think? maybe yes. maybe no. let 'future generation' decide... (so let's wait and see, if it's that bad, they can always separate it in pvp que flag)

  15. Lots of things changed for healing to be the way it is now:


    - Assault/Pyro got nerfed. That's one less dangerous DPS roaming around. Lots of them are tanks now.


    - Tanks can shield everything now. There are more tanks in general because of this.


    - Everyone got a movement buff of some kind. More mobility means easier to survive.


    - Healers are stronger. There a re more of them now.


    - Scoundrels/Ops are somewhat pigeon holed into the healing tree. No one is happy watching a Scoundrel load Fletchette Round in the spawn.


    - by amount of bad sins/shadows that recently pop in, I'd say old pyro moved to assassins/shadows.


    - Not entirly true, we still can't block crits, and many abilities have boost ti crit or granted crit (ofc. I'm not complaining here, it's just a notice), also shield chance went down high (along with crit chance)


    -true, every one did


    -and half of them are terribads


    -not true concealment operatives still kill nicely, just HP pool got higher and TTK lower, but I think old pyro/assault vanguards/pt's who didn't move assassins, rolled operatives (as they read on forums how OP ops and roll are) so we just see lots of bads...

  16. Operative healers need a sizeable nerf, o dont know how many ranked any of you play/watch but it's ridiculous, nothing ever dies, the tanks with op healers are unkillable, 4 dos on them and you cant down him, anything should go down to half a team beating on it, dont care about how many cross heals he gets. Ranked is terrible right now because of how good op healers are. Sorcs are fine, give mercs a small buff, but operative heals need to be reduced and they need to make energy management harder for them


    sorry for any spelling mistakes, typed this on my phone...


    Well, 2 healers and 2 tanks it's 4 people, half of other team is 4 people. pro tip, stun/mezz other healer and nuke first one, even guarded, one healer will go down with a tank. Operatives need their big heal from time to time, that 'free spammable heal' ain't gonna heal them and tank against 3 or more dps for long.


    unless by killing 2 tanks and 2 healers you start with killing tanks, then ... wel... uhhh

  17. 1.Nerf healing by 10%

    2.complain that you don't have any healers in warzones

    3.don't roll healer cause they suck

    4.complain a bit more that there are no healers in warzones.


    also, they didn't nerf dps. they toned burst of PT, but pretty much every one else got buffed. tanks recieved real buffs to survival.

  18. MVP's are subjective... you complain that you don't get them. Maybe actually, you don't deserve them.


    you think you deserve a medal for stopping cap 2 times in critical situation? same WZ I did it 20 times.

    you capped doors on Voidstar? guess who mezzed and grenaded enemies bums so they don't stop you.

    you capped bridge? guess who stopped enemies by slowing and rooting them.

    you scored nice goal? well, 3 other people fought hard to have mid clear so they can pass to you.

    you heroicly took mid in a heat of battle? your team mate just killed 2 on his own to cap grass and took all enemies attention to him.



    I could go on, but i think I made my point. Maybe you are the one with tunnel vision on your own greatness and don't see that others did commit more so you see final score in green, not red.

    There are plenty of reason to give MVP.


    on other note, there are peeps who give it randomly, usualy the healer or top dps, but they don't matter much any way.

  19. [...]

    This last point, is what I think bothers most PvP'rs that I know about bolster. I don't know many, if any, people having trouble competing with people in bolstered gear. I do know many people who feel that the development resources are being unequally applied to PvE.


    These people need to learn how to play instead of depending on gear advantage.

    That's most peoples problem. With less gear advantage, recent 'pro' players who depended on min maxed elite war hero could stomp recruit players, now that advantage is gone, ground is almost equal (with higher stand for pvp gear, but on lesser degree), and you need to work for your kill.


    Good players still own.

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