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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. what you want there, is 2 healer, tank and dps composition. 2 merc healers will do same thing if not better.

    merc healer, with pt tank (to pull enemy healer) and 2 smash juggs will do better.

    full stealth team will do good too.

    hell, even merc healer + 3 snipers will do deadly (4x360 degrees KB 3xaoe mezzes, one range mezz, leap to only one person, hello).


    there are alot of deadly combinations. you are focusing on hatred of operative healers way to much.

  2. Then you need to make it much more difficult to protect the healers in the first place if you don't want to nerf their survivability. Nerf healing received from other healers, nerf guard or give stealth DPS guard penetration.


    Hm, I'm thinking, reducing guard to 30% and 10 meters instead of 15? Would that work you think?


    Ofc, that would hurt my protection medals on PT Tank, BUT I woulnd't boost stealth classes more, my assassin is doing good and my friends concealment operative snips (not a dirty joke) people nicely too (when we meet in WZ and other team has 2 defenders, we challenge each other on who will get his target first, for lols) , giving us penetration (that is not a dirty joke either, I don't want another warnings please) will result in another damage nerf.

  3. So o put all my money from all 15 of my characters on my main Wohcs and turns out I had 10 mil credits sweet right?! So then I only played my jugg tank doing crafting gear swapping and augmenting with PvP and am now down to 8.5mil credits?


    Someone said I could earn money with crafting and crew skills. In order to sell items I had to undercut the cartel market items and other crafters. It appears as though I am not making as much as I spend for missions and crafting. Obviously I'm not getting any help from PvP matches either.


    This was to take him from EWH to conquer...?


    did you try not to swap silly and sell something on gtn? money don't come just to you by executing craft.

    doing harvest nodes will save money on crew missions, also try limit your self to rich and bountiful ones, they give best results for little more creds.


    unless you did all 'shouldn't do' just to prove a point.


    not to mention, you are few months to late to make money on mk-9 kits and augments.

  4. bloody sorc/sage healers, cleansing slows from their selves and running out of my range every 20 seconds... always find sage/sorc healers harder to kill on my sin then operatives (I mean in a heat of battle, not if I find some guy 1vs1)... and if operative tries to roll (remember, slowed), I know he's desperate and dead. on other hand when I run my operative, it's funny how people trying to kill me... blowing all their goodies on first 6 seconds hoping to burst me down (I have cooldowns too,suckers)... using their cc breaker on that 4 sec stun just to get 8 second mezz or a grenade... if I use vanish same second they run far end to attack some one else, 4.5 seconds later I'm full hp and healing again from cover...


    but what can you expect when people see sage/sorc they get tunnel vision and triy to kill him ignoring that little man (actually, my healer is body type 3) who is on his knee, letting him free cast what ever he wants...

    it's even more funny to get merc as my guard partner, cause people tunnel vision mercenary cause they heard they suck and think of free kill..


    learn to focus fire and atleast swap targets if you see an option to help some one out in killing one person faster.


    Dont worry OP healers will get nerfed when 4vs4 arenas are coming, because no one will ever die with a Op healer+ tank in there team.


    actually mercs might be good healers for arenas if you drop 4x stealth idea. merc healer+PT guard (to pull enemy healer to smashers) + 2 jugg smashers - profit.

  5. Making smash an AoE heal is over the top. I'm a sucker for class balance, therefor I propose to make it only a single-target self-heal. 8K self-heal every ~10s should help sentinels become a bit less squishy, perhaps they'll even become viable for ranked then, being able to snatch a ranked dps spot from a deception sin or a pyro pt every once in a while.


    I see what you did there. Funny.

  6. Well I have broken 800k+ spamming nothing but my shrap and vital in huttballs and voidstars just for fun, but you are right regarding the misconception of DF being a fluff damage spec and nothing more. The single target damage is quite vicious. The problem is that someone on top of cleanses can really neuter your damage, and once they realize you are DF a healer isn't going to have that much trouble against you.


    For PvE both specs are fine, and can handle current content. DF is a lot more forgiving for raiding.


    my personal problem with that spec (for both AC) is to much preperation until damage kicks in. if I on my chars see poisons stacking on my bum, I hide in natural cover or los before cull kicks in. when I try it, is similar way, before I can cull, target is either dead (by focus fire) or I'm stunned, or target fled.

    as for cleanses, in full spec they will re-apply, and cleanse is 6s cd. so even if I cleanse after second second effect kicks in, you will still manage to cull before second cleanse comes. (ofc by that time target will be dead, of if not stupid, los-ed).

    also, I belive that sorcs/sages can't cleanse DF/Lethality - right?


    as for ops, damage is good, should be viable, as long as you know how to kite and stuff. it's usualy these kinds of dps who can pull aggro from me on FPs 55hm on regular basis if they know what they'r doing. but with my expierience, if you can do same damage from 30 meters (slinger), and have no team wide utility (like sentinel have) or heavy armor(guardian), you should stick to range (so slinger>scoundrel)

  7. :D Hahahahahhahaha...


    Oh, I totally just laughed myself to death. So I went to investigate this WoW "split queue's" solution.






    Now I may only have an Ameican education, but I don't see anything about splitting the queue's. The -only- thing it does is stops the "Super Queue" Ie, the Queuing of more than 5 players on purpose into a BG. Which if this is what ToR did (prevent the 8-man queue sync) I don't think you'd find a player in this thread in opposition.


    I of course, relish the opportunity to be educated in an actual "Blizzard is Splitting groups from solo" post, my search has turned up empty.


    now that's gold

  8. Dunno, my PT tank doesn't look like a little girl next to my Guard. And he has awful gear, whereas my Guard in full Conqueror. Different classes play differently.


    sorry, that was overstatment. but when I play my jugg tank I can face tank 2 people for 40 seconds, while PT I have to run around a bit.


    OFC I still preffer my PT tank who can kite, range taunt, pull, stop caps from 30 m, stop caps stunned from 10 meters, slow, super slow, detect stealth and being immune to roots/slows/pulls for 6 seconds. but it feels weird kiting as a tank :D

  9. If match-making won't fix it, solo-quing won't either because if a match-maker couldn't divide teams evenly, then there is no way a random solo-que can either.


    futher more, split que will result in no que at all, while intelligent match make will make 100% win premade be paired with 100% lose pug against 50% win/lose 8 pugs, giving an edge to that avarage players (cause as we all know it's easier to lose -not calling incs, going afk,running away-a game then to win it)


    ofcourse that's mathematically impossible situation, I know. it was just to picture how it could work on low pop like mine (after midnight uk time I think we have 3 pvp matches at same time +-1)

  10. Next step you need grow some balls and go ranked. Premaders on regulars have no balls.


    where did you read I do premades on regular warzones.


    solo que for life, that's the price I pay for having 2 jobs, life and being in pve, social friendly guild

  11. Yeah. I know it's been said before, but I miss some of the aspects of SWG: crafting, resource gathering, and open space. On the plus side I've been playing the new pnp SW RPG, Edge of the Empire, which is fun.




    impossible. look at the thread where they want to buff rewards from warzones. refusing to touch crafting skills, planet missions, dailies, or even GTN console (for more then buying augments and kits).


    if bio would implement anything even remotly complicated, they would lose 80% subs. :rolleyes:

  12. OK...the forums are livid with people disappointed in the lack of PVP updates in the "PVP update".

    While i agree with them, and the fact that PVP is largely ignored despite the large demand for it. This thread is NOT about either or not PVP needs more attention or not.



    Instead, i want to discuss the most common argument i see in those types of threads.

    People state that bolster was intended to balance pvp so that gear wasn't all that mattered etc.

    While others argue that it makes things unbalanced.



    My opinion:

    Gear should be all that matters in PVP.

    aaaand this is where I stoped reading.



    if you would pay more attention to your skill, not gear, you would not have that problem.


    there are exploits, yes. maybe it should be removed from ranked warzones to discoruge exploiters from lookig for that 0.1% edge.

    min maxing- yes. overpowering others simply by outgearing them? hell to the NO. :mad:

  13. Ever since 2.0 I have seen an alarming number or sorcs/sages being IMMUNE TO ALL FREAKING DAMAGE.


    Hacking is getting out of control.


    and I've seen Vanguards that run thro my leg shot... juggernaut even lept to me while I was in a cover! from 8 meters!


    bio, start banning peoples!

  14. That's just stupid.



    Anyways does anyone know of a bug/hack I have been experiencing lately (think its a hack and only see marauders/sents using it), basically they take next to no damage and then they freaking vanish...hacks are ruining my immersion.


    I know, I've seen some shadows doing speed hack, they would just burst a thousant meters in a blink of an eye, it takes just 2 seconds. damn hackers :(

    luckly assassins don't hack.

  15. 55 Maras have more survivaiblity in a WZ than Tank Specced PT / Vans.


    not really, no. unless you mean dps geared tank specced pt/vanguard or account for damage output into equasion.

    but PT/Van tanks could use something extra not to look like little girls next to juggs/guardians in pvp... either balanced shield chance buff or extra cooldown


    offtopic, I know, but I had to comment on that post.

  16. Not every one has to be rich.


    Just mark my words, unbalanced change to warzones credits reward, may give sad effect.

    Now it's clear, you pvp for pvp gear (comms) and consumables, dailies (please don't call it pve, it's a grind,under powered mobs and clicky objects are hardly considered Environment) are for credits. When more credits will come, I'm afraid people will que just to get money instead of pvp competition and comms, which will pull pvp quality down, and I bet neither of us wants that.


    Hopefuly I'm wrong, and I wish I am.

  17. Todays WZ run just ended...beena few good hrs in the morning Before the premade monsters woke up. From now on its infested and totally unplayable.


    Thats the state of the game right now


    last night I was teamed up with marauder with willpower implants, cunning helmet, leveling greens, no augments, and expertiese crystals in pve weapons. he insisted on guarding node solo (ofcourse I didn't let him, as each time our node was attacked, he died like a charm). after we lost, he complained that he always lose warzones, as he's unlucky and always meets premades on other team.


    that evil premades ruining lives..


    separate solo/team que: I will still meet that muppet...unless I start doing premade warzones.. no thank you.

    matchmaking: this muppet will either mean I'll be paired with very strong member to counter him, or other team will be avarage to my greatness (that's a joke, I assume I'm avarage), or we will be in separate 'brackets', or we all be equally bad in both team, either way, matches will be more or less equal ground (which won't stop one team to get rotfl stomped by other from time to time)

  18. intel 2700k, 8 gb ram 1600 mhz, nvidia gtx 560Ti and 2 SSD drives (one for system, one for 'harder' games) and one big sata drive for 'slower' games and data, works like a charm.

    can probably save on ram, 4 gb should be enouth if you will not run anything in a background (I have 3gb spare on virtual box mini server I do development on from home that runs while I play - doesn't make a difference) you should complete that set with your 1k$ budget I think.


    definetly don't go laptops, I mean my i3 370m intel, gtx 410m 4gb ram laptop was playable, but meh...

  19. is it me or does the marauder lack in pvp. opinions ive tried all 3 trees :/ im a level 53 running 50 armor 2 power crystals. does bioware need to make it better to compete with the other damage classes ?


    Marauders are fine, they have hard times vs snipers and assassins, but they cut thro operatives , sorcerers, and powertechs like a charm.

    excluding that marauder I met yesturday with 2 willpower implants, cunning helmet, tanking relics, and rest items were L40 greens. was funny watching him die.

  20. I'm not going to do any other parts of content that bore me and that really hurt me in the end. I'm a hardcore PvP'er, but I'm not going to sacrifice time I could be PvP'ing for some other lame and/or content that won't help me out in the end.


    If PvP rewards give what they should, then I'm not sure why I'm not the only one here who has an issue with the way things are now...

    show me on a doll where that BAD gtn terminal touched you. ;)


    that content gives you credits. credits that you want/need to augment your gear. how is gaining credits not helping you?


    they give exacly what they should, pve dailies don't give consumables for example. just comms and credits that not even cover repair cost.


    I guess a girl doing farmville 8 hours and posting pictures of cats between, is hardcore gamer and professional photographer.


    the moment you will have rewards buffed to level it will be more profitable then dailies, the moment you will be filled with credit farmers and people who que just for money (like in lowbie 10-54 some people que in just for exp and it results in terrible games)


    edit: not to mention, that once you augment that gear that you didn't want to craft, what's next? no sink and monstrous rewards will result in milions of credits on your account that you have nowere to spend, to much money on the marked will end in fast growin inflation.

  21. In fact, you will find the PvP from 1-54 the best PVP in the game as most people are on a equal footing due to bolster and no PvP gear gap.


    oh lord. no.


    but yeah, 10-54 is better learning curve for you then going straight to big boys 55. do a sorcerer or mercenary (or mirrors - sage or commando) dps, get to lvl 22 and start some pvp on lowbie bracked for next 7 levels. then get to L 39 and do some more pvp to learn maps, tactics, ask questions on forums. that's good way to start.


    there are some guides what to do on each WZ, search thro forums or use search button.


    Good luck and have fun (and call incs)

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