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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. I'm generaly an easy going dude, very forgiving, patient. some pug pvp games turn me into Hulk. It leads to small fights with fiancee. She doesn't like me being angry and swearing at my screen. Hope it won't go to far...
  2. Snipers guard better than most classes because there is literally no way to ninja cap a good sniper. You can only burn him down before help arrives.


    on that note, PT tanks are far better. +1 you don't have to be good PT not to get ninja-d


    Node guarding is the archetype of the "left holding the candle" situation. It's the most despised task so everybody search of any faint hint of someone else's class to be vaguely good at node guarding to get the excuse to yell at them to go there and grow cobwebs. Snipers have some perks to make them better at node guarding than others so they are slapped in there.


    actually, I don't mind node guarding. I'm good guard (can count to 3 of times I lost a node due to my *DOH* moment, and never happend again same way), fast typer, I know when to kill a guy before help arrives, or when to sap and hide/kite. It gets old when I have to guard for 80% of pugs, specially when I see my team is losing cap on mid while staying BEHIND bunker..

    or when tanksin with tank gear asks my jugg to guard on AH, ofc we lose, and he has 0 protection...

    or when a person comes to 'replace me' guarding, telling me to go 'do something useful', just to find that when I reach other node to help(who has time to argue with stupid), he left to attack offnode and we got 3 capped (like our situation wasn't bad enough)... It happened alot last night, and seriusly pissed me off - had to log off.

  3. As the tittle states, please stop telling people to go look something up online.


    I'm sorry for being impolite, but:

    tell me genius, why should I explain how to do EC 3rd puzzle boss every single time using game chat?

    How with my limited english, can I explain some one with limited english how properly click buttons?

    Actually I did, twice, and each time that person did it in oposite order.

    think on my last EC I was only one who ever did it before, so had to explain every single boss every phase on in game chat to people who I will never meet again. I've spent more time typing then fighting (and me constantly typing pissed off my fiancee)


    going online he can check with his native language, or YT with pictures while I grab a drink.


    as for starting planets, googling something you don't know or learning by trying is best solution. if person asks 'what is my main stat, I'm marauder' you tell him 'strenght'. then he statrs new character, he will ask same question. and next character...

    if you send him to google or bing, for guides, he will learn what is his main stat, secondary stat, proposed power/crit/surge/accuracy ratings,builds and rotations.

    see advantage?

  4. healers beat DPS because healing pugs can easily focus heals because they have an ops frame of their team


    DPS doesn't have an easymode opsframe of the enemy team to see who is low on health.


    Healers also have a known objective of saving people. I'd wager most DPS don't care about kills and just *DPS*



    They don't really have it easier, it's just that pugs will be pugs. If organized healing = organized DPS than it is balanced.


    so the problem is healers do their job, while DPS doesn't.


    you can't fix stupid.

  5. Not sure I'd agree. My KC shadow in dps gear is very hard to kill and hits like a truck. I usually win 1V2s (1v3s against mediocre players). Wearing a shield+kinetic bulwark does make a noticeable difference in survivability.


    1vs3 against terrible players you ment ;)

    I love tank stance dps geared sins/shadows, all my tanks eat them for breakfast, don't even have to call incs.


    unless you mean lowbie pvp, not 55.

  6. This only because everyone else in the WZ want to believe you are tank spec. Only a minority are doing that though.


    The norm is:


    - sit at node till boredom causes tears

    - watch your 4 "defender" medals while EVERYONE ELSE are having fun and 8-12 medals.

    - lose attention a bit, because 5 minutes staring at a pylon is not exactly what made you love Star Wars epic sagas.

    - the other guy presses improved stealth and WILL find and get the opener on you. Because BW in their wisdom have greatly limited the good spots where to be and look for incoming hostiles from a distance.

    - before you typed "g1" to call incoming you are at half health already. As non tank spec shadow / sin, survivability is not your strong thing.

    - if you removed opener stun, now you are stunned (for longer) again and eating another 15k damage. If you did not, you lose 12k+ in the opener (SS + 1-2 other skills) even in conqueror gear. So you are crippled.


    Result: 10-15 seconds survival even using some cooldowns and this in the fortunate case the attacker is just 1.


    Nobody will care to come, they are too busy farming at middle. But even if they'd bother to come help, they'll arrive just in time to see the node capped in their face.


    Of course if the attacker was bad and bad geared the above does not apply, but since when classes are balanced to perform well only against low geared, bad players?


    defending gives atleast 6 medals during normal peroid of time + atleast 2 medals if it actually gets attacked.

    there are plenty of good spots where no one ever found me which I won't share since I preffer to keep it that way

    as stealth you can re-stealth and run away, then sap enemy

    you have def cooldowns+wz medpack+wz adrenal to help you staying alive

    you have teleport. use it.


    my dps sin with evasive manouvers (or just kill that one person who dare to try their way on a node) can defend longer then my PT tank facetanking (ofc PT tank can kite more while interrupting), my jugg tank on other hand can facetank for hell long amount of time, but he can get sap capped if note carefull. sins are best node guardians if have good awarness.


    Guard from tanks is not the problem. Tanks taking that much extra damage fall just as fast as anyone else.



    The problem is still how overpowered the healers are. if a healer can keep himself and his tank alive while 4 dps classes beat on them...the problem is the heals need a nerf. At most a tank and healer should stall there own deaths a bit. Not be unstoppable.



    When my GF and i roll our tank/healer combo...we can easily hold our own against 4-5 people. And in all fairness...its not my guard that makes that possible. most of it comes from me stunning them long enough for her big heals. She is a Operative and i'll gladly admit its all her heals that keep us alive. Heals need the nerf, not guard.


    When i guard any other class...it just means DPS kills us both super fast because i absorb half of there damage. its the heals that make me unstoppable.


    if they are attacking tank instead of focus healer, then it's their own fault. I've seen this, my tank solo held 4 enemies from capping for over a minute, simply cause only 2 tried to kill me, 2 tried to cap instead of helping their team mates..

  7. I will agree with this statement one hundred percent. The best matchs I have ever had have turned around at two percent for a victory in nova coast or managing to take both pylons from the enemy and winning in ancient hypergate. Some people that enjoy going into a match and totally decimating your enemy because you can thats find and dandy, but in the end it will hurt player vs. player as people will stop joining matchs. I refuse to particpate in slaughtering my enemy and will always choose standing at the node not healing people outside my thirty meter range at that point.


    taking both pylons is pretty much slaughter enemy, unless you were losing in points and had to have 2 nodes to win.


    letting other team score some points 'to be fair to them' is hurting pvp overall, since bads who deserve to lose badly (like I had 6man whole match team winning 300:0 alderaan vs 8 people - should we let them score some points so they won't cry?)will think they are good instead of thinking 'damn, they kicked us hard, we need to improve our skill'.

    you let them score some points, (maybe even lose by accident), and they will think 'we didn't do so bad, maybe next time we will get more lucky - using STR implants and willpower gear isn't so bad on my powertech afterall'

  8. If I am trully honest, you have better chance with your ataru sentinel to obliterate a healer. I am sorry to say but in the current state of the game, one infiltration shadow will not be able to kill a good healer. With ataru, roots, healling trauma debuff etc, Maybe we need a healling trauma debuff as shadows?


    please no more buttons. but I wouldn't mind trading slow for trauma (or adding trauma to slow? like sniper armor dubff+trauma?)


    but I'm thinking of dropping my assassin for some other DPS, either sniper(mm) or marauder(either carange or anni).

    one side I'm tired of being predesigned node guarder, other side I woulnd't mind some real action dps :D

  9. i think healing in general should be baselined to where the sorcs/sages are now. Bring commandos up to that level, drop OPs down to that level, etc. Its tough to 1v1 a sorc, but 1 dps can neutralize a sorc's healing without killing them, forcing the sorc to run/only heal themselves. its also possible to kill them outright 1v1, eventually, with timely interupts and/or them running out of force. 2+ dps focusing a sage/sorc results in a dead sorc most of the time, or at least a sorc on the run and useless to their team.


    Now fighting the op 1v1 is ridiculus. One DPS is a gnat to an OP, who can just ignore that dps and still heal the their team. 2 dps can force the op to kite a bit and heal themselves, but they can still heal their team outright. nothing to interupt, too many cc/s and def skills,e tc. 3+ dps can be an issue, but with the aoe cc, vanish, roll and other cc's, they can kite and still heal their team until the dps is peeled off.


    The biggest issue with OPs no one seems to mention, aside from energy management, is TA generation. I can HoT the entire team, which in turn results in constant auto-TA generation and keeps my TA stacks full at all times, letting me spam instant heals as needed while kiting. So even when focused by 3+ dps, i can keep my entire team up with hots/instant heals and use my almost infinite supply of energy for rolling/kiting/hots/touch-up-heals.


    they changed TA, no matter how many people you tag with HoTs, it wont generate more often then 9 seconds each. pre 2.0 I could hot team (half way due to probe costed more then now)and have TA's drop on me like a charm, now no matter how many hots you place, they generate on same 9 seconds rate.


    I have no issues taking operative on my own when I do my assassin, I slow them, save my stuns and interrupts when he's under 30%, and they drop like very one else. and I've been witness to a pair of marauder+sniper who were dropping my operative healer like a charm, once I'm 30%, both used execute, and boom, dead. same marauder could keep me very busy on his own, not to kill, but very busy.

    most players are half way clueless on their optimal rotation and never bothered to learn how other classes work, they preffer to whine and cry.

  10. I found that it is more of a resolve filler than actual benefit. I have experimented with that as well and it is not worth it. Those skills need to be replaced on the shadow as they are wasted points.


    yeah, you hitt less noticly, and need to keep in mind not to use potency+slow (I know, lol), but after many PUGS and me being only one pounding that healer, my only hope was to slow him down (specially , since with pvp bonus you get more ranged slow by 5 more meters if I remember correctly)

    when you look on bigger picture, you hardly lose more then 2% total dps, (either 4% on maul on 6% on target affected by spike/stun) while you gain constant slow.

    but it's a matter of self I guess. nothing 'omg you gotta have it'. personal prefference.

  11. Thanks everyone for your advice. I finally decided to play a sin with this build (thanks Leafy_bug).


    I will leave my shadow on the back burner for now and start fresh so as to take the time to learn the spec properly and play an imp char since I usually play on the rep side.


    I would suggest dropping 2-3 skill points from shadow mark and/or Nerve Wracking to get 12s slow on 6s cooldown (subdoing techniques) and maybe humbling strike. you lose a bit of damage from opener, but you gain a very useful slow on long duration and will help you with merc/mando and operative/scoundrel healers.

  12. I never heart that term. In other words, what means LoS?


    Line of Sight.

    LoS pull means a tank engage enemy with range attack and hides behind Line of Sight (los) forcing them to come in his desired place, usualy by the corner they are grouped which makes it easy to maintain aoe threat, and are easier to get AOE beaten without losing threat by tank.


    I rarely use it on my tank if I pve (unless a friendly healer asks, or pug healer asks politely) maybe with one exception in Cademinu, not a hard pull but spread and very very annoying, but I don't mind tank doing it, it's his choice (but I preffer them not to, and never asked any tank to do so).

  13. preffer my full 36 deception sin with variation of slow skills instaed of extra 6% on maul (to kill that pesky non sorc healers-slow 12 seconds is more then enouth to kill one-no operative/scoundrel will roll on me) sadly, every time I go in I'm forced to guard a node... 'hey, u'r assassin, my friend assassin is tank so he will guard healers, you go node' - ofc that assassin ends with zero protection most of a time...

    it's good 1vs1 even if you can't open with stealth, slow makes sure no one will escape you, and if you see being focused, vanish and spike + maul who ever seems most annoying. dps hybrid was viable pre 2.0, woulndn't call it tree cutter now. just keep in mind counter so you don't lowslash and spike to close to each other, such a waste, but a maul + force potency discharch + shock + another maul soo enouth can kill most of enemies, and if he still lives, low slash (or spike, depends how you open) + another maul :)


    you can hybrid tank for ball carrying (using sneak as another def cooldown, maximizing surivivability but leaving 'pull into fire' your hardset hitter), but it's hardly epic for anything else. (with guarding nodes you preffer to keep wither as aoe interrupt with discharge).


    sorry if I mixed some terminology.

  14. The only way that PvP in this game is in any way fun is when the game is close.

    When it goes down to the wire. One side takes a lead, the other brings it back.

    When nodes change hands throughout the game.....


    I've been on both sides of the premades - stomping and being stomped.

    Both of this situations are boring.


    only 'shifting' games I've seen are when people in majority are bad on both teams (excluding huttball, games 6:5 ending after 5-8 minutes,cause people pass, jump, pass,pull,grab ball right after score,pass,pass,pass are epic) , ignoring objectivs to let that 'shift' change. like lowbie pvp...

    16 man pug games can be rotflstomp too.

  15. Breaking news is that guard is indeed the main reason why people complain about tanks.

    Even the ominous ops/scound healer OPness would not be so prominent if guard was adapted to a PvP environment instead of being exactly the same as in PvE.


    I already made a suggestion to this somewhere in the forums, let me repeat it:

    In PvP environments, make guard absorb only 33% dmg instead of 50%.


    This could easily be done via expertise, in order to keep PvE guard as is now: Let expertise boost dmg made on guarded players by factor 1.33. Guard then absorbs 50% of it and this corresponds to 33% of the original, unboosted dmg.

    in what universe guard abosrbs damage in pvp

    in pve guard reduces threat done and reduce dmg taken by 5%.

    in pvp guard (if in range 15m) transfers 50% of damage to the tank.

    imo could be reduced to 10 meters, and maybe to 30-40%.

  16. I think for most of the dps classes, 2.0 destroyed any kind of uniqueness a class could have with its build and/or using Hybrids.


    My Assassin now only really has one viable build - ONE! And now, thanks to the huge nerfs, are mostly used to guard nodes.


    Balance is a hard thing to come by, considering how some people have the right gear and some dont. Until everyone is on a level playing field (in other words remove expertise), PvP will always be a stunfest mess. With the introduction of stupid Arenas, 4v4 stun fests will probably become unbearable.


    I'ts noting personal, about assassins guarding, even if they got buffed thro the roof, they would still be guarding nodes. Cause of stealth you can stall enemies for longer period of time instead of facetanking them like 2 others have.

    as for Operative cry, learn to slow.


    and complaining over TANKS in pvp? really? guard probably should be tuned a bit, but to complain that tanks are to hard to kill is a joke.

  17. bump having 6 toons i craft with is getting annoying the loading screens are killing me this app needs to come so i can actually play the game instead of doing crewskills for hours


    I have 12 which 10 are constantly on crew skills (well, while I'm playing, lunch breaks etc.). log off on a ship to make it faster.


    but yeah, app would be nice.


    not to mention, nice necro ;)

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