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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. I've been saying this since like...forever ago. Powertechs are still ungodly strong. Today I won 7 WZs in a row. None of them had a Powertech in it. Then the very next game with a Powertech in it we get stomped. At high level PvP with high tier gear they are pretty much unstoppable.


    They have an ***-ton of CC. They can tank even in DPS gear; or DPs in tank gear.


    Stun for 4 secs on a minute cooldown

    AOE Stun for 2.5 Secs on a 45 sec cooldown

    Grapple on a 45 second cooldown.


    I'm confused on the Ungodly amount of CC. Perhaps you can enlighten the forum goers?


    Also maybe you just didn't play against good players till this PT on the other team showed up and your group fell apart at the slightest hint of competition?

  2. quitters never win. pugs can beat premades and compete with them... but not when your pug is filled with whinny quitters who spend more time crying in ops chat than they do playing. people stop playing and have 6 people camping their one turret as soon as other side caps two and then wonder why they almost always lose.


    oh and just so you "oh woe is me" types know, nothing is stopping you and three of your friends from queing up as a premade.




    The benefit of a premade is potentially 4 people on Voice Chat with 4 Randoms.


    However, what happens is when a Pug sees a Premade on their server, they may drop group instantly which just leads to the group inevitably losing as they are constantly playing the numbers catch up.


    I've been in LOTS of PUGs that beat premades because I was fortunate to have the game put me with players that understand basic concepts and well known strategies rather than mindlessly playing TDM away from the objective.


    Premades, minus maybe Huttball, struggle if they get stuck with 4 Team Mates that are undergeared (You know, th e "BMs Easy to get so i'll stick with my level 40 greens instead of buying recruit gear" people) or generally unable to use skills of their class (Maras that can't even hit Undying Rage...ever, for example).


    PUGs just need to tough it out and play the game to the end, they may actually be surprised at the results.

  3. I have not seen any expertise augments... i probably wouldn't use them anyways.


    And don't your offhands have the same expertise on them?


    I posted this in the other offhand thread today, but for Powertechs at least:


    Also, lets take a look at my current weapon and offhand, keeping in mind a Merc can have two of them, first off my War Hero Eliminator Offhand


    +87 Aim

    +82 Endurance

    +113 Expertise

    +49 power

    +649 Tech Power

    +53 Surge.


    Now my Mainhand (Augmented Blaster Pistol)


    +105 Aim (+18)

    +120 Endurance (+38)

    +146 Expertise (+33)

    +80 Power (+40)

    +649 Tech Power

    +53 Surge

  4. We do PVE DPS just fine. Also I would expect Sentinels to be a little bit better at dishing out dps simply because all they are good for is putting out dps. Vanguards have more versatility.


    In PvE?


    What other versatility or utility do we have there? Unless you are talking about spec'n Tank and tanking thing, but that doesn't mean anything when you have DPS Specs doing well, DPS.


    Predation/Transcendence and Bloodthirst/Inspiration are *AMAZING* group abilities Sents/Maras bring that far exceeds any Utility us as DPS Bring.


    While I love PT/VG Dps. Just trying to clarify on that comment :)

  5. Wanted to check stats to add to this thread.


    Also, lets take a look at my current weapon and offhand, keeping in mind a Merc can have two of them, first off my War Hero Eliminator Offhand


    +87 Aim

    +82 Endurance

    +113 Expertise

    +49 power

    +649 Tech Power

    +53 Surge.


    Now my Mainhand.


    +105 Aim (+18)

    +120 Endurance (+38)

    +146 Expertise (+33)

    +80 Power (+40)

    +649 Tech Power

    +53 Surge


    That's a significant stat difference when you have a moddable offhand too....It's rather (and i hate using this term) Imbalanced.

  6. It's a balance issue. Mercs have NO Interrupt. Maras have no long duration CC.




    It's a pretty amazing ability, kind of hard to downplay it also if you are trying to make a point.

  7. They really should have two guard mechanics for PvP


    1: 50% Force Attack Reduction, 20% Tech Attack Reduction

    2: 50% Tech Attack Reduction, 20% Force Attack Reduction.


    Add a bit more than just flat damage and require a bit more than a set it or forget it guard mentality.

  8. Thermal detonator and its mirror, can NOT be removed (i think all explosives on a timer can not be removed), Toxic scan does not remove them, FORCE SHROUD does not remove it, EVASION does not remove it; and the last 2 should remove all negative effects.


    And clease its on a 5 sec cooldown, vs your global cooldown dot; and unless you are a healer getting some hitpoints for that, most of the time the gcd trade is not worth it to cleanse 1 dot


    Force shroud doesn't remove it, however when it explodes you'll get the regular tech resist Force Shroud grants so it will hit you for nothing.


    Complain less.

  9. Simple solution


    A) Pull Guarded Target Away

    B) Force Tank and Guarded target close to either other and AOE.


    Guards are easily broken if you have half-competent dps...


    Also, lol at PT / VG Tanks doing a lot of dps....I wish I drank the "Nerf Them" kool-aid today.

  10. figure that out and you'll know what class he plays


    No, I'm pretty sure he has a dart board in his room with each class on it and every morning he throws a dart to see what he'll complain about on the forums. Got to give his dedication to making these posts a bit of respect, he's been doing this since release.



  11. Wait my Assault Specialist Vanguard has Stealth, Force speed and 2 shields ? On top of that my Assault Specialist has an 8 sec stun+another 8 sec stun+1.5 sec stun and a 4 sec stun to add to that? Oh and my assault specialist vanguard has an execute type ability that i can use on someone i wear down to 30% hp? I must have missed all those when visiting my trainer. L2P.


    You didn't know you could talk to the Sage trainer and learn yourself some tech immunity cooldowns? Sheesh.

  12. Vanguards

    -Charge (Root)

    -Pull (Root)

    -Cyro Grenade

    -Defensive Barrier

    -Neural Surge

    -Adrenaline Rush

    -Ion Cell Shots

    -Stock Strike


    You realize Ion Cell Shots only hit for about 160 damage tops right?

    Not to mention Adrenaline rush, on a 20K HP target is 3.5K HP Over 10 Seconds, on a three minute cooldown. Although you can talent it for 2 Minutes.


    While I love ability list, lets be realistic when we list abilities to compare too.


    Also a bit curious why Force Speed isn't in the Shadow list you set up.

  13. It does OK dps in PvE. No reason you can't take a vanguard to an op for dps. You're much better off with a sentinel, but that's not vanguard's fault.


    Both Tactics and Assault are viable. Assault is better dps, Tactics is (marginally) better mobility (hold the line will have moments of brilliance in ops).


    Well of course you'd take the #1 DPS over the #2 if you could. But than after the Vanguard every other class comes beneath. So unless you want a full raid of Sentinels you'll need to add some variety :)

  14. K, threw this rather crude PHP file together at the very least, illustrating Rail-Shot damage between some ranges and crit values. (Based off your static 1000 attacks in the spreadsheet)




    You just need to keep refreshing to see different values. I'll need to tweak em a bit when I can get back in game to get a bit more accuracy added to the amounts.

  15. I've gone up against all 3 tank builds in DPS gear with a mix of BM and WH for all of us and I have an opinion but thats strictly from my POV as a Sorcerer, wanted to hear from you guys views/opinions about all Vs your build in PvP?


    The Vanguard/PT Tank in DPS gear is worlds behind at least a Tankasin. I can't say much for Immortal Juggs, don't see many out there.

  16. >_<


    Another day, another bug report sent. (Well I at least send these once a month for this)


    Greetings Exphryl,


    I am Protocol Droid L5-E7, Human-Cyborg Relations.


    I have received your transmission.


    Thank you for contacting us regarding your ability Ion Gas Cylinder which has 15% Chance to deal 779 Energy Damage is only dealing 169 damage.


    Your report has been forwarded to our development team, who will investigate further. We regret that we will be unable to provide you with further updates on this issue, but recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes related to this issue.


    We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.


    Galactic Support is our specialty...




    Protocol Droid L5-E7 (aka August)

    Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


    Hope more people are submitting bug reports on this since they apparently do not read Powertech or Vanguard forums.

  17. If you could please take a look at the "4.6.31 vs 7.3.31" sheet.


    Consider the fact that you're probably throwing about 3 to 4 times as many FP as you are Rail Shot, and the fact that your CGC DoT is always ticking on your target.


    Please let me know what you think.


    Can't say I see it on the sheet. Are you not taking in account of the 9% Damage bonus on burning targets?


    It also isn't anything different then what we discussed between burst (cooldowns like I said) and sustained. Spreadsheet wise that is.


    The only thing I disagree with when it comes to spreadsheets like this is formula wise, it's assuming you will 100% of the time, crit the % given based on the amount of attacks (e.g out of 1000 attacks I'm guaranteed to crit 40% of them). So in a bubble it's a general indication of performance, not so much in actual practice though.


    Edit: Gimme a sec, i'll set up a formula for you.

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