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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. My operative stops Pyrotechs burst in it's tracks with one button. 5k-6k doesn't even happen on any target in battlemasters or higher. Even with adrenals.


    You must have some poorly geared Powertechs on your server if they can't break 5K on geared targets.


    In a nutshell:


    Light Armor users (that are not tankasins). 5K+ is effortless. 5.5k+ even on WH Geared is pretty common for me (4.5K with no adrenals at times).

    Medium Armor Users, in WH Gear. 4.8K - 5.4K

    Heavy Armor users in WH Gear: 4.8K - 5.4K (No clue why I get the same ranged between Heavy and Medium)

    Tanks - 4.5K - 5Kish.

  2. Who's keeping BM because of 15 less aim (dps implants no clue on healing/tank)?


    Depends. If I am in a situation where more endurance is important, I have the WH's readily available. If I'm just looking to maximize my damage I have the BM available.


    Warriors got the great power surge though with WH :(

  3. Ooh, I got my own thread. Exciting, anyways a few things just to reiterate.



    • This is a compilation video showing burst. Why would I not use what I have to maximize that burst? So yeah, cooldowns and adrenals are used on all but 3 encounters.
    • Yes some of the players are undergeared.


    I would also like to add, you are living in some make believe bubble of comfort if you believe a Pyro Powertech / Assault Vanguard can not do similar results to WH Geared Players (Guardians/Juggs included). No, i won't break 6k On them but 5K is easily attained. While I don't know who from my server reads these forums, they would easily agree with that statement.

  4. Maybe a bug?


    There are times I will kill a single defender by the goal line and get 15K Defense points. It's pretty weird, so there are a few huttball bugs out there at least.

  5. So what you say is to not even try to take a side turret guarded by an amazing full engi sniper / GS since will be impossible to do the los thing (they will see you coming and re-position themselves accordingly).


    I don't mind them being out counterclass, but am pretty sure they counter a lot more than only PT's :D


    If they are guarding a turret it actually is relatively "easy". Run up and throw out your ranged stun, pull them towards you and move up a bit so it's


    Them --- You -----Turret Platform.


    They'll probably knock you back which puts you closer to the platform, which has a LOT of great LOS spots since it's elevated with stairs. Just have them chase you or run around the turret itself, I'll usually run far side of the turret and start capping for force them to move or risk losing the point.

  6. Awesome keep those coming!


    And now please share with me your darkest secrets: how to take on full engi, or engi / leth hybrid snipers!


    Jump them in an area you can LOS before they see you first. (When we are talking about the great snipers out there).


    They can shut us down pretty damn well otherwise, oh well. Some class need to keep us in check so I don't mind.

  7. I recently switched to pyro merc to try and see if I could be at all effective in WZ because arsenal is beyond broken.


    I noticed that the top tier ability (Thermal Detonator) is the exact same thing as explosive dart, but it doesn't say that it does splash damage (AoE). This ability is shared with explosive dart and though it does slightly more damage, is it not even worth getting it? It just seems foolish to spend a talent point on something that you already have.




    Normal damage yeah is pretty similar. It benefits from Crit Increase talents though so crits make it amazing.

  8. What I don't understand fully is why you opted to get the war hero implants


    It isn't a damage decision for those. Just trying to keep my survivability up a bit at this point. As more people are getting WH Gear and such my health drops a lot faster so every little bit helps.


    Depending what I'm trying to do I'll even pop an Endurance Stim. puts me a bit over 20K HP while not hurting my damage *too* much (although it is noticeable), usually if I'm stuck defending and I have a large force coming I need to delay just enough so backup comes.


    I do however miss my matrix shard :( Bugs ftl.

  9. Me again, your Pyro OCD Forum user.


    I did one of these for pre 1.2, and took two days of some queues to throw together one for 1.2 showing the damage potential of the spec.


    Video Link:



    • Yes 90% Of these are with cool-downs, it's a burst video. What do you expect?. (There are a few 1v2s without cooldowns though)
    • Yes some players may be only moderately geared (others are decently geared).
    • Yes I am a Castlevania fan too, hence the music. (fun fact: Firefox wanted to correct that to Sandcastle)
    • My spec is clearly in my signature. Clearly. Like, link and all. So don't ask.
    • This video is meant for fun purposes only. Results can vary for better or worse depending on the player.


    Current Gear: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/f4cec873-51d0-48d1-8f73-488a8402e1ee


    Also, based upon quite a few requests I am in the process of writing a detailed Pyro Guide for the community here. Working on various recording right now so there is a video to go along with it to make it easier. Should be done in a few days.

  10. What would you recommend as the first war hero piece and what should you get after? Does it make sense to get the crit crafted gear and just buy the boots to put the mods in? Can you even do that?


    Boot Armoring only goes with other Boots so you'll need the rest of the pieces eventually.


    I got some augmented armor pieces first before getting mainhand (Surge/Power etc on the armor slots outweighed the barrel increase on the gun)

  11. I do think in general, having two predations is pretty much going to be a requirement for Ranked. (The two bloodthirsts obviously help also, but the run speed is better overall in the group setting I feel)

    2. Healers : Healers cannot go unchecked. They need to be focus fired down or they need to be crowd controlled & interrupted. Unchecked healers on large fights will easily sway the outcome in the healers favor.


    What you really meant to say was


    2. Healers : Healers can go entirely unchecked even though we have taken the time to mark them, as well as frantically call out in OPs who the healer is and that you should be attacking them. Have no fear though DPS Hero, you will gladly get your numbers padding killing somebody getting heals nonstop.

  13. strange. ion cell for me dos roughly the damage it is supposed to do, as the tooltip says, well at least with 2 points in it. but maybe i miss something. when i have time i could look more carefully on it.


    Did they ninja fix it for Vanguards? It's still bugged for PTs. My tooltip says 700 but only does 169 damage...

  14. In other news: I've recently finished up my WH eliminator armor + weapon set, and in the very next war zone hit some poor sap for 6k RS + 4.5k TD... he didn't make it. Make sure you have completed you weekly quota of "Nerf Marauder" posts in the PVP section.


    Ha nice. I need 2? More pairs of boots and i'll be done. I am forgoing the offhand for now, I hate the itemization on it. I'm hoping one day we get a moddable offhand so we can get the stat increases that come with it....


    Also working on a new burst compilation because those are always fun. I feel bad for Sorc's/Sages, they are so squishy :(

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