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Everything posted by Lividcalm

  1. PvP'd on a PvP server. Shocking!
  2. Anyone using the term "kiddies" on forums exposes themself as the true child in my experience.
  3. LOL This is the most ridiculous defintion I have ever heard, not to mention you sound very bitter.
  4. Dooku did try to kill Obi, Anakin and Padme, and then cut off Anakins hand, so there's that whole revenge thing.
  5. Really? So, you want Bioware to what, apologize to you and say they were wrong because of a flawed game mechanic? Happens in ALL games, dude. Not something they need to apologize or admit a mistake over. As a previous poster said, get over it. LOL Incidentally, If this is how the world works now, I am waiting on a very long apology from Blizzard.
  6. Ok heres the real answer. George Lucas didn't write RotJ on his own, Lawrence Kasdan is actually given billing for writing credit over Lucas. And Richard Marquand directed it, Lucas did not. George Lucas wrote and directed RotS on his own. So in essence, Lucas messed up.
  7. Yet another pointless wall of text that QQ's about the same issues and bugs that umpteen posts before it have already QQ'd about. Way to flog a dead horse even deader.
  8. This made me LOL for real. Best thing I have read on these forums in weeks.
  9. Leia is raised by the Organa's, Bail and Breha. So Leia's memories of her mother are about Breha, not Padme. Breha died a few years after adopting Leia, hence why Leia remembers her mother, but only briefly. Breha was sad because of the new civil galactic war that frequently took Bail on missions away from her. So it makes sense, from that point of view, that Leia remembers her mother being sad. Keep in mind at this point in RotJ Leia does not know that Luke is her brother, she only suspects it, or feels it somehow. Luke is about to tell her.
  10. Anyone yelling Tracer Spam is the noob. We spec to get Tracer Missle, we spec more points into it to get it to be as powerful as it can be. Of course we are going to use it, a lot. It's our signature move when specced fully into arsenal. Don't let the real noobs get to you.
  11. I could do without it, ya. It does not enhance the game at all for me. Personal preference. You get three speech options, one is usually positive, one is negative, and one is neutral. Add in a flirt and I lose one of my speech options, and perhaps an option to gain affection with a crew member. Affection for me is about crafting skills, not romance.
  12. My BH/Merc is a female for two reasons: 1: I am taking her full light-side. My male Sith Marauder is already Dark 5, wanted to see the LS options first hand. Just feels more natural to me to take a female imp down the LS path. 2: I've been reading how female BH has the LEAST amount of flirt options. I personally despise the "flirt" and romance options in this game, don't feel it has a place. To each his own, but I ignored then on my male Mara, so I wanted to minimize it in my second go around. So far I have only seen one option, and she's lvl 25 now. So far so good. EDIT: Incidentally, when playing on my Mara, I am pretty much left alone. But when playing my BH, I get more "so-and-so blows a kiss", "so-and-so dances with you", and people whispering if I need help, if I am ok, etc... This is exactly why some females play male avatars, so they don't get bothered like I describe above. Just because they see a female avatar, what makes some people think they have the right to "virtual cat-call" or what have you? The kicker is my BH's name is Nadachiq, and yet I still get hit on and flirted with. Sound it out aloud and you'll get it.
  13. We desperately need a Combat Log in this game.
  14. Ya thats what I meant, but honestly I need to investigate the game mechanic more, I jumped the gun. Sorry for wasting time.
  15. Edited: Never mind, not sure about some mechanics to let post stand as it was. Feel free to delete.
  16. Are judgemental people that dont accept those that are different from them a joke? Discuss.
  17. LOL You know what I mean. I'm as lazy as the next guy, and avoid responsibilities as well, but life does not play fair.
  18. So what you're saying is, those that have no life and can sit all day and play will always have the advantage over those who have a life and responsibilities and can not dedicate 200 hours a week (there arent even 200 hours in a week, but I am using your logic). Ok, so in 6 months the game will be Free To Play and filled with pimply faced 13 years olds, cause all the mature players with responsibilities and lives will have unsubbed cause we really don't want to deal with all the trolls who think like this, and use terms like pwned and noob to describe those who do have lives out side of gaming. Then this game will truly be like WoW. Wonderful. Edit: To use this as an example. I play Battlefield 3. Of course there are those that play 16 hours a day, but I can't. Although since I am a skilled FPS player I can hold my own against these folks regardless of the fact that I play maybe 6 hours a week. So you see, skill does not equate to time played.
  19. Wow, give them more then a month and 1 patch before you write off the whole shabang. I don't see how it's already started as you say, I see them ironing out a few wrinkles. Try to give them the benefit of the doubt, Bioware has a good track record on a majority of their games, this is the first MMO, give them a break.
  20. Elryck - Tempest - TK/Doc Asquiol - Tempest - Pistoleer/CH Guild - HAKD Most of the old guild is back here on Port Nowhere. Alos have seen a couple of other guilds from the old days. IOI and SiN most recently.
  21. This is why you will be forever alone.
  22. I'm guessing Mom/GF/Wife is trying to tell you something.
  23. Looting anything could do that if I remember correctly.
  24. WoW had more then SW:TOR when it came out? Ok, you obviously did not play Vanilla, you started when BC was out. So, right there you are wrong. Side quests are boring? Like all those side quests in WoW were any better? Take The Barrens for instance, running around a bland palette-less desert to kill X amount of mobs, or collect X amount of items was less boring? To many Flashpoints/Heroics? I am lvl 45, never did a single flashpoint, operation or heroic. You could barely level in WoW on just quests alone, you were FORCED into instances for XP and gear in WoW, not so here. You can play like you want. Do you know what RPG means? Role Playing Game. Story lines, character development, and playing a role. SWTOR is a RPG by definition. MMO, Massively Multiplayer Online, that is WoW. Weak story line pilfered and convoluted from years of lore from the Warcraft series, next to no character development, pretty bland. WoW is old and stale, full of FOTM classes, elitist PvP and raiding, and by industry standards is an dated game on a dated engine with dated concepts. SWTOR is new, and over the next 5 years will more then likely rise above WoW IMO. So have fun back in WoW playing your new Panda Monk, lol.
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