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Everything posted by Lividcalm

  1. QFT Nothing like being a fresh 50 and getting destroyed in 3-4 hits by someone who has little skill but all gear. Curious too, to all those who play the "spam one skill" class. Does your finger tire after hitting the same key 10 times in a row? Just wondering.
  2. Lividcalm

    Valor 70+ gear

    This is a joke right? Or a poor attempt at trolling? Nobody worked hard for gear, game hasnt even been out 2 months.
  3. Repubs do it just as much. I was in VS last night and Repubs did it. Please don't try to villianize a whole faction based off of your limited experience.
  4. When will you deluded PvP'ers learn that YOU are the MINORITY. I am a PvP'er, and I realize this, which is why I have patience. PvE is still the majority of Subs in ALL MMO's. So contrary to what your over-inflated egos tell you, the game won't die because a few people who consider themselves leet PvP'ers leave. Seriously, need to get over yourselves, you are a drop in a bucket. Oh and to all the "I am waiting on GW2" folks, let me be the first to say LOL. Have you been to the GW2 site lately? They have a one pager on what PvP will be like. And from this one page you deduce that the PvP will be awesome x 10? The PvP in GW1 sucked, so what makes you think it will be any different? Some people...
  5. In which case after 3 minutes of inactivity, or not leaving your starting area, you get booted for being AFK, and still get deserter debuff. Im ok with that as long as you get penalized for being a douche.
  6. Yes, but then that's 30 minutes that others don't need to deal with you and your selfish attitude. Win / Win!
  7. I think you meant Tracer Missle is your bread and butter.
  8. I agree, its imbalanced. Either every class needs a knockback -or- The classes that currently have one need longer CD's and diminishing returns. I would say the latter is fine, as I do not feel I need this chicken$hit ability. Just my opinion.
  9. Laaaaag. Disgusting, unplayable, lag. Loot lag. Sliding around after looting a mob or node until you logged out. Server queues of 30 minutes or more at times. Rollbacks. Rollbacks. Rollbacks. Extended maintennance downtimes, I remember one that went almost 72 hours. Hotfix after hotfix, which as I understand it still happens after almost every patch to this day. After 7 years you think they would have moved beyond necessary hotfixes. And absolutely NO organized PvP. Tarren Mill - Southshore battles. (I actually think fondly on those PvP days)
  10. Yes, because the devs sit around a table coming up with ways to "ruin" the game for the players. That's a great business model there, spend 6-7 years developing a game, putting in a massive amount of funds and resources, only to come up with ways to ruin it for everyone, hence ensuring it's ultimate failure. Honestly, I stopped reading your post after that gem of a opener. Are you really that ignorant?
  11. Don't worry, the nerf bat will be hitting Sorc/Sages soon enough. They will all be here crying about being gimped. Then most will re-roll to the new FOTM class. Rinse and repeat ad naseum.
  12. Sure you did by posting this on a TOR forum. But more importantly you even admit you're a Troll in your own posts. Please ignore this guy. Even his forum tag screams troll.
  13. Here let me educate you. List of EA Games So, what makes you think TOR was the sole culprit? Some people...
  14. Dear devs, ban tools like this because, well, they are complete tools. Thanks in advance.
  15. Well, if there was a 30 minute debuff for quitting, I would say that's incentive to not quit, wouldn't you?
  16. So screw the rest of us cause you want your champion gear? We are all trying to get geared up so we can do better, what makes you special? Do us all a favor, and don't queue, we really do not need you. Selfish arse.
  17. I don't know about rage, but things that irk me a bit are... People that quit. People that farm kills for medals instead of going for objectives. Healers that spam heals on one or two players (usually teh bad ones that get rolled over and over) just to top the healing list, and not actually heal the players who are working towards objectives and winning. Basically, people that think they are all that and a bag of chips but are truly bad players.
  18. Then don't queue at all, simple. We won't miss you, don't worry.
  19. Son? lol Ok kid. Hopefully you're not on my server.
  20. Or we could blame players like you, who are by self admittance, bad players. 1 win per 3-10 losses? I have never had this bad of a run. So stop pointing fingers and look in the mirror. Quitting wont make you better, sticking it out and trying to overcome will. But I suppose this concept is beyond you, so you remain forever bad.
  21. Trolls, er I mean "players" like you RUIN the fun of PvP for everyone.
  22. There is incentive. You still get Comms, Valor, Creds and XP for losing. What more do you want? Not to mention, challenging yourself will make you a better player, which is also pretty good incentive. I see your and raise you :rolleyes:
  23. So you admit you're in the minority.
  24. RAWR Another /ragequit post. These remind me of the kids who say to a room full of friends "Im going to kill myself" When all they really mean is "Everyone look at me! I need attention! Mommy and Daddy dont love me enough!" What's the point of my reply you ask? If you are going to leave, then leave, but spare everyone your "look at me" post, these forums are rife with them as it is. Bioware will fix the issues in due time. Takes awhile to go through millions of lines of binary code, find the glitches, fix them, test them, then implement them. Sorry the process isn't fast enough for you, but that's the way it is. Crying about it in endless posts doesn't change that fact.
  25. Just start with Season 1. If you like that you can go back and watch the original pilot.
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