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Everything posted by Lividcalm

  1. Because they are a travesty to what Lucas originally created. The prequeles created more loopholes and inconsistencies, it's like Lucas forgot what the originals were about. I will list a few of my own pet peeves about the prequels: Jar-Jar Binks, enough said. Midichlorians... ***? Hayden Christiansen (or whatever his name is) as Anakin. Could they have picked a whinier, more annoying actor to play what is supposed to be a very likeable character until his "seduction" to the dark side? Far to much focus on a love story that was neither romantic nor interesting. We all knew that Anakin and Padme fall in love and have kids, we didn't need the bulk of a movie to show us this. Not nearly enough Jedi BMF scenes showing how powerful Anakin really was. Too much fluff and filler, not enough actual Jedi stories. Watch The Clone Wars animated series, these are the kinds of stories that should have been in Clone Wars the movie, not an uniteresting love story that was poorly written and acted. The final end EMO "NOOOOOOOOO" from Vader in Revenge of the Sith is just, well, lame. Not nearly enough Vader in the last movie, should have seen far more of him. To much wasted time on the "seduction" to the darkside which amounted to little more then a deceptive trick on Palpatines part. I could go on with more loopholes, but I think you get the idea.
  2. I turn all that stuff off, the less screen clutter the better the immersion IMO. Even the damage text and bonus messages during quests take away from the immersion. I wish they would put in a combat log instead for the damage text.
  3. I see head nods to SWG all the time in this game. Like the Twilek dancers in cantinas use some of the old entertainer moves. Some character animations are modeled directly after SWG toons. But seeing as this game takes place 3500 years PRIOR to when SWG did, I don't see how the lore from SWG matters...?
  4. Ah yes, your companion, I see, my bad. Still fail to see the educational content here. Just admit that you aren't here for anyones benefit but your own. You're not here on some selfless endeavor to "teach" anyone anything. You simply want to brag about your own perceived "leet" PvP skills. The game has been out 2 weeks and you're already a legend in your own mind! Kudos to you!
  5. From the video I watched it took you and your friend to kill him. Grats on winning a 2v1. I also fail to see how these videos are educational. Epeen flex much?
  6. LOL Well this post makes you a douchebag in my book, so I wouldn't hold my breath on that whole respect thing.
  7. Don't be scared, forum posters make up about 5% of the actual player base, and of said 5% I would say 4.9% are total morons who like to stand on virtual soap boxes and whine incessantly. Just read and laugh, it's actually quite entertaining.
  8. OP assumes a lot. Im left to wonder how much they yanked from their butt. Anyway, if you don't like this game, leave. trust me, you and your forum whining won't be missed.
  9. It's a game, it should be fun whether you win or lose. People pay money to play. Stop being elitist, thats what ruined WoW many years ago.
  10. I call BS on the OP. Just another whiny kid unhappy cause he got facerolled. That's my guess at least.
  11. I stopped reading after that. I never realized this was a dating site, here I thought I was playing a Star Wars game.
  12. Disable SLI, as it is not supported yet. That is probably your issue.
  13. A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Phantom Menace, Clone Wars, and then Revenge of the Sith. Do not start her with Phantom Menance, Jar-Jar should not be one of the first characters she meets. You can actually fast forward through most of Phantom and still get the idea. All that really matters is how Anakin gets into the order, all the rest is fluff.
  14. A new hope. 1977, I was 6, went with my mother and sister.
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