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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. In one of the arcs during TCW I think they really messed up Hondo's character by having him wanting to kill kids for crystals, I like how they're portraying him in Rebels.



    Well judging by wookiepedia descriptions we won't see the cool stuff with Vader, Maul, etc until episodes 16-20. The next episode is about defending animals from a Techno Union mining operation, sounds like something the Jedi would do before TPM.

  2. Did anyone hear about the rumour that Thrawn may be making an appearance in Rebels? Would be awesome to bring him back into canon. Some are even saying he could be the main season 3 villain.


    Let's be honest what's the chances that Kallus actually survives this season? If the Rebels don't kill him then Vader probably will. There's only so many times you can fail miserably.

  3. You're right, it's not a fair comparison, but an interesting one!


    Now by episode 12 and with the "Siege of Lothal" episode I think we already see a tendency of which way SW:Rebels might turn, by the latest episodes it ran in some strange darker mode but with fewer killings. Where they earlier in bright light and sparkly colors just shot any thing to death at any time, now the tone is a bit darker and ominous!!



    I find it really bothersome though that Mandalore is under Imperial occupation AND that a Clan actively is choosing submission!!



    Something I find rather amusing is that I really like Freddy Prinze JR s voicing of Kanaan, an actor that I always have had on my not to watch list!! Grant you I don't watch him now either but his voicing of Kanaan is so spot on that I forget that is actually Freddy doing the voice!!


    But still the real episodes I'm waiting for is the Ahsoka - Vader facesdown!!


    I can't wait for the Vader stuff and seeing Maul again later on, really interested in that plot line. Kanan is probably my favourite of the ghost crew for sure though.


    I don't think the Mandalorians where choosing submission, it was a mutually beneficial business arrangement.

  4. Yup having this as well, something with Windows 10 it seems. I suspected it was an issue with the grass as I have had crashes on Tython, Taris, and Alderaan so far on the Jedi knight I am leveling... The other planets like Coruscant and Tatooine haven't had issues. Guess grass is going to 0.
  5. Personally I find GSF insanely boring, however I do enjoy the space missions and the challenge they can provide :)


    But if I want to actually play a Star Wars space game I'll just go get the old GameCube out and play some Rouge Squadron

  6. Honestly I thought they where going to make an expansion sometime with the Mandalorians breaking off from the Empire and trying to conquer the Galaxy while the two sides are weakened, I think there's still potential for this after the KOTFE stuff assuming Mandalorians managed to stay somewhat under the radar.


    Also this would be a pretty sweet opportunity to add some more KOTOR planets like Onderon and Dxun which I would love to see.


    I assume the explanation for the Bounty Hunter in all of this would be like screw you Empire dog...

  7. I been saying this since the start of level sync that levelling is now worse off then it was before. I would prefer to be on Tatooine at level 26 like it was designed to be not 45. Boss fights are easy and it's pretty much impossible to die ever, I wanted to do a play through of doing almost all the quests like back in the 1.0 experience however that would just make it more easy since I would be level 65 in no time . So now I am only do the class quests and planet story lines (purple missions) and I'm still getting a way too much XP.


    I don't see what's wrong with turning level sync off, or at least when you start have an option to play with it on or off for this toon idk. Or even have a server that's dedicated to an earlier version of the game. Runescape for example has a version called "old school" which is a version of the game from 07. I would play on a server of SWTOR that's set in say 1.3 (Group Finder and Legacy added to the vanilla game).

  8. I find it interesting in the length, oddness and venomous way fans goes to to describe what they hate about what they see!! I had a discussion with Beni the Blingboy in the beginning of season 1 of Star Wars Rebels, his argument, which I find to be correct, was that even children deserves well written characters and stories.


    Here with the restart of season 2 I just can't say that SWR is up on the level with TCW and I think the 3 last episodes of season 5 of TCW offers some of the best Star Wars stories, on par with the ANH and Empire, I still feel that Rebels just reach the level of TCW in glimpses and moments.


    That said I am confident that the best is yet to come when Rebels is concerned, sorry then that it then concern Vader and Ahsoka, villain/heroes of the OT and TCW. I'm sure that the kids finding their Star Wars fandom in SWR doesn't agree with me but I still having a hard time getting engage in the same level when it comes to SWRs main characters, Ezra and company.


    But on the other hand that is probably as it should be, I found my fandom in the OTs, and fully respect those who finds it elsewhere in the franchise. I'm sure that Star Wars Rebels will grow over time but to what level?

    I don't think it's really fair to compare some of the last episodes in TCW with early episodes of Rebels though, TCW really wasn't that good in its first couple of seasons. It go really good after Season 3 mid-season.

  9. Bioware should add something in game that tells them how this works.

    The only thing that pops up related to expertise is a reminder to not mix pve/pvp stats in gear.


    There are guides in the forum, but I doubt most people would bother checking the threads out before queueing for the first time.


    I didn't check the forums first but yes I think we can agree that bolster needs a better explanation in game.

  10. Some people will complain about anything. It's been pointed out to you multiple times now that at 65 in reg warzones you just need gear that doesn't break item level 190. To which you seem to have responded that you don't care enough to make that effort.


    And that is why I think you're trolling. Because the effort required is so tiny, that's its practically equivalent to joining a 5-a-side soccer match wearing flippers because you can't be bothered to wear sneakers. The rest of your team groans and you flap about saying 'don't tell me how to play! I can do what I want! I'm having fun, so screw you'.


    The effort doesn't matter anymore since that's past if I ever want to PVP on my main 65 I again I now have a full set of PVP gear. I and probably many people don't know about wearing 190 gear, didn't have any though

  11. PvP gear is entirely irrelevant before 65s. If you don't want to run 65s, why the heck are you complaining about needing PvP gear - which as already explained, you don't need?


    Unless, like I said, your entire motive is to create drama/rage.


    Under lvl 65? PVP in whatever you're wearing.

    Lvl 65? PvP in EITHER PvP gear, or 190s (which is *trivial* to obtain).


    No I'm saying that the people I played with often complained about multiple people in unranked Warzones not having PVP gear however it's not like you can obtain PVP gear without actually playing PVP first.

  12. Winning is fun.

    I have fun when I play pvp.


    Pre 65 is even easier to get bolster. All you have to do is have a slot filled.

    You're right I always have all slots filled, except for the first match since I do the introduction to Warzones to get the implants, earpiece, relics

  13. Obvious troll is obvious.


    He's made it clear that he is unhappy at having to PvP in order to complete a PvP quest, and is more than willing to deliberately drag down any team he joins in a passive-aggressive temper tantrum. Any attempt to politely inform him of low-effort fixes (190s) to improve his performance is either flat out discarded or ignored. He doesn't WANT to do better in warzones, he wants others to suffer because he's upset.


    The guy is incredibly butthurt and wants to spread a little rage about as recompense. Leave him be.


    Well first of all the level 65 PVP is probably a one time thing for me and it's in the past so 190 gear is irrelevant. I always play PVP on characters I am currently wanting to level. And I do play the objective but when it's an obvious lost cause then whatever, win or lose it doesn't matter to me.

  14. A simple go left or go right is not barking orders.

    Neither is gearing up right for the match.


    But it's fine, clearly only you matter.


    Well I only play pre 65 PVP anyways. Lot of fun times to be had in that group. A lot of losses for us Pubs :)


    But yeah you're right I really don't care if someone else is going try hard for the win I play PVP to have fun.

  15. The anger is a reaction to you not caring.

    If you cared just a tiny bit and get 190s before queueing there would be no angry reaction, but of course that would require some effort on your part.


    If you continue being sh*t I will continue calling you and your fellow narcissists sh*tters.

    I will personally do everything I can to make PvP a bad experience for you.


    Well I already explained I don't care if I win and If some try hard in PVP wants to try and bark orders at me then I'll tell them to f*ck off. You really can't make it a bad experience if I don't care that much to begin with...

  16. You understand that its this kind of mentality that makes PvP'ers become the angry little ***** that we are right?


    Just a tiny bit of effort on your part could prevent all of this cancerous behavior.

    Sure I'll make sure to past that along to the 1000s of people that make up this "cancerous behaviour" and see what they say

  17. Playing ranked is not a solution to you not giving a ****, but thanks for proving my point.


    No I honestly couldn't care less if I win in PVP or not, I find the occasional PVP match quite fun to play and minus this case where I wanted to get 4X I always play PVP on toons I am currently levelling and not at 65. But I'm just saying that the casual player who doesn't play PVP that often isn't going to have gear or even know how to obtain PVP gear, Unranked will always have those kind of people and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it

  18. Even empty orange shells would do you better than anything above 190 gear.

    If you use that gear you are wearing a giant kick me sign and will frustrate your teammates to no end.


    Then play ranked? There will always be people in unranked thst don't have gear or are just not very good

  19. Okay, here is the Guide to 190 Gear


    1. Once your character accepted the advanced class, open the baggie provided. It will have an offhand. Click on it to place in the offhand slot. On Level 60 ensure that this slot is still filled. By ANYTHING.


    IF you do not have Legacy Offhand and Helmet proceed to step 4


    2. Once your character finishes the Capital Planet, tab to check the amount of plain Data Crystals. If that amount is less than 15, proceed with two (2) class quests & accept the datacrystals rather than green gear as reward.

    3. When you have 15 crystals, proceed to the Fleet (I recommend using Stronghold or the QT pass), locate the Supply Section and the Level 8 Equipment vendor in the very first cubbyhole. Secure an orange helmet and an orange offhand from that character.

    3.a Place the helmet and the offhand in the appropriate slot by clicking on them.

    3.b. As soon as you have accumulated 10 more crystals, upgrade the helmet and the offhand via interacting with the vendors and purchasing the 3 bits.

    3.c. The offhand also requires a crystal. Purchase a CM crystal (Eviscerating type for a DPS) off the GTN and ulock it in collections with cc. Use collections for as many copies as you need. Note, that when you do get PvP gear, the step 3.c needs to be repeated by replacing the crystal with the War Hero one, as soon as you have created a PvP offhand.


    4. As you level up, visit the supply section of the Fleet as necessary, noting how the vendors have gear in general every 4 levels, with one jump of 6 levels. As a PvP player, I prefer to use Heroic drops for the pieces that have crit, and replace those that carry accuracy with modded armor.

    5. The last vendor in the last cubby is labeled "Level 60 gear vendor". This vendor has green 60 gear. Create a full set of Level 60 green gear. If you want to, it can be a Legacy set and can be stored in the Legacy stronghold for each and every subsequent character that reaches level 60.


    ALTERNATIVE 1: A level 60 character created from a token will have legacy 188 set that can be transferred.


    ALTERNATIVE 2: Any chain of quests when done for the first time starting from Forged Alliances and ending with Ziost will provide your character with a full set of gear suitable for wearing in a warzone, ranging in rating from 162 to 190.


    Please, let me know if you have any questions!

    Well yeah I had all those gear sets from Forged Alliances to Ziost and I would give them to my companions after I didn't need them anymore however when KOTFE came out I no longer had a use for them so I just sold it for some credits. Only gear I have now is 216/220. I also have the PVP gear set that I bought but I didn't have that while I as doing my 20 matches.


    And to the guy above me I don't keep common crystals for gear I buy companion gifts and stuff with them now.

  20. This is crazy, I can't quote now.


    Anyway: Newyankalt


    I do both pvp and pve, and a very large number of players will call you out for having **** gear in both scenarios.


    PvE players are not some zen group of people that only want the group to have fun, they want to clear content efficiently (SPACEBAR SPACEBAR YOU F*UCK!). If you are a burden you will be vote kicked without hesitation.


    In PvP we can't do that, so we'll get angry at you for being **** because you guys make no effort.

    You refuse to remove your NIM gear, and when told to at least put on 190s you give us ****.

    I've been kicked from groups for having my 208 pvp gear in tacticals, despite it having a set bonus and bolster. They of course whispered after to talk ****.


    However the difference is that in PVE I get free gear which iusually will suffice for most story modes however in PVP I still have to buy PVP gear it's not like I can get it instantly. I did buy a near full set of 208 PVP gear after my 20 match thing, still missing the relics but I'll get them eventually. However I didn't have PVP gear my entire time doing the matches because I don't PVP on my main.

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