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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Just buy he Gold [insert Mount, Decoration. armour, etc] packs if you' want credits.




    I bought one Gold Decoration pack for 800 CC and got a Commemorative Statue of Shae Vizsla. Sells for around 3 million on my server, I think it was worth it for sure :)


    At the very least on a Gold Deco pack I can't see you not making at least 900kish.

  2. Actually, those guys left for the PvE servers with more pops. The PvP servers really have few trolls left anymore aside from someone who thinks they're good going around ganking lowbies. But they usually get put in their place quickly by the real PvPers. Warzones though are mostly quiet these days even when we had half the team off the doors in Voidstar, no one lost it and rage quit. Most anyone does now is try to explain how to do calls or where people should be fighting. It's kinda weird, like the PvE servers switched with PvP servers after the cheap transfers. Most of the ragers I see are on PvE servers now.


    True they're on PVE servers but there are many on those servers who are only interested in PVE content. Those who are being forced to PVP to get a PVE companion may be discouraged to play PVP again because of these kinds of people, lots of them playing may never even have played PVP before either.


    I play everything in the game, PVE and PVP (Warzones) so I don't mind doing some Warzones for 4X however many people don't and at the very least the requirement should be lowered to maybe 7-10. The amount of time for one good Huttball match is about 15 minutes, and if you're on a bad streak yeah you could be doing PVP for a long time just to get one companion.

  3. I hardly ever see people rage and I'm on Harbinger which has the highest WZ pops by a mile. Most people just take the loss and move on.


    And aren't you doing exactly the same thing? Extrapolating your experience (if you in fact do PvP) onto the whole.


    I see quite a few of them in The Red Eclipse. But I only PVP to do the daily every now and then, don't care if I win or lose.

  4. Yeah that just means they're having a good time. If you're not typing in all caps while a blood vessel in your head threatens to burst you're not having enough fun.


    Well it can be kind of funny. But also drives people away from playing with what can easily be considered the worst community in the game. Always PVPers I see talking trash or ganking low levels who can't fight back, even the new exploit going to starter planets just go kill new players or the quest givers


    The ones you see wanting PVP servers to be repopulated are more likely then not these kind of jerks who degrade the game for others.

  5. And why are you so fascinated with levels? Now you can choose to go back and be roughly appropriate level for the area, no matter what little number says by your name.


    I never really had a problem about not gaining any XP... I was never over levelled in areas and I would still do most of the content (no 12x either). The only time I went back to do a grey quest was usually in companion stories or I'd go back to do like Voss heroics at 60 but there already the max level so XP is pointless then anyways

  6. guys i went into streamlined leveling and did everything , then i went and pvp with the new faster pvp leveling and did all the quests i could , i then did every other quest i could find. Why am i leveled up so much now ????? -- OP


    Seriously though what did you expect ?


    i recomend you also go do all the heroic 2+ weekly quests that you can also try and get to 40 before starting the missions on coruscant.


    Seriously though you did everything in a new lvl sync system that makes rewards based on your level , the more quests you do the faster you level.

    I don't know it's more fun to play through the main story without level level sync I find... I'm going to be 65 before Act 1 finishes at this rate

  7. Created a new Jedi Knight today starting at level 1. I have completed all Tython missions, got to fleet and completed Warzone daily, Warzone weekly, intro to Warzones, intro to starfighter, intro to strongholds and 1 bounty contract and I am level 28 without even stepping foot on Coruscant yet. I still want to do the Flashpoint introduction and daily as well, probably will be level 35ish after doing those.



    But seriously this is faster then 12x xp, is it a good or bad thing to be able to level so fast?



    Note: I do have 18% more Warzone XP and 30% more Class mission XP but still it's a high level to not be at Coruscant. Before level sync I would do all of this stuff I listed and only be level 19-20 (that's with 12x).

  8. Thanks, everyone, I found the codex entries now. Reading over them, I'm inclined to agree that the Inquisitor and Knight are the most likely to be dead, since they both went MIA on the front lines. The Agent is the one I'd say had the best chance of surviving, because their skill set is literally made for disappearing on short notice, and they're savvy enough to recognize when a situation is going sour.


    It's a pity, but I don't see any other way Bioware could have handled it. MAYBE having the Outlander retroactively talk about the other PCs (as in "oh yeah, I heard the Emperor's Wrath was male and surprisingly Light for a Sith") and then having them show up with that personality, hooded and masked, but that would be really difficult to implement.




    That's a theory I haven't heard before. I like it.


    If they had the outlander say that then that adds an actual cannon to the characters and will conflict with many people. Maybe a system where the game uses the guys we created (in your legacy) and keeping their appearance, gender and alignment in the story.

  9. I agree with you, I'm not a fan of Bioware's direction of the "one story fits all" thing, to me it devalues what our characters have done, surely the JK would rather be known as the HoT rather than the Outlander, it would raise hope. I also agree with what you said about the PC's, especially about the fate of the Warrior.


    From what we know of all the player characters so far, to me it seems like the Warrior is the hero thst comes back to the Galaxy from Zakkul they sort of indirectly made most of the other guys seem dead and the less useful ones like the smuggler just flee.

  10. Well the game is pretty much all solo focused so really those other characters don't matter I guess anymore, like it's really just you. They always talk about my character I played with (The Smuggler) doing all these things and being one of the best in the galaxy but in reality you if you compare the smuggler to the rest of the classes he is probably the weakest. Idk it's weird now I find.



    But most people probably died. SI dead with the rest of the council, Agent might be alive hiding out somewhere. JK and JC are quite likely dead. Trooper is likely dead. BH and Smuggler have no allegiance so they probably got out before it got too bad. Warrior is a wildcard he could be alive.

  11. Oh snap..... wishes i was on a pvp server


    Then again with level sync why does it even matter now?


    Why not open up all planets for all for alliance?


    Because the old story still matters before KOTFE and the 1-50 story is that the Empire and Republic are at war. It wouldn't make since to have opposite factions on certain planets.



    Also it would be very bad for the game if a brand new player just started a Jedi on Tython and got ganked repeatedly... Then some people wonder or complain why PVP servers have no population...

  12. Sweet, thanks for the quick reply. :)


    So I'm assuming that Nico can ONLY wear his standard Duster by default? Since there's no changing his Coat, I guess we'll have to wait and see what kind of content they release for his 'Customization' Slot.


    Yup he only gets his standard duster and hat and all. He has his own blasters but you can customize the weapons slots (only thing gear wise that you can).

  13. Harbinger was full tonight and every other non-PVP server had at least heavy earlier. I have seen Red Eclipse get u to Very Full so far and some other European servers (English and German) get to heavy.



    Of course this isn't going to last past the next month but if anything the server population has been increasing over the past few days it wasn't highest on day 1 or 2 many people had trouble downloading.

  14. There aren't more options to flirt with people of the same gender than the opposite gender...there are waaaay less same sex flirts. Think of all the flirts, romances, affairs, etc...in all 8 classes of both genders for the level 1-50 content. Every single one is opposite sex. Pretty sure my smuggler or agent could flirt with more people of the opposite sex on one planet than anyone can flirt with the same sex in the entire game combined.


    Also, the new companions aren't exclusively same sex. You can romance Theron or Koth as a woman or Lana as a man. Literally the only romance options (and calling them that is a stretch) that are exclusively same sex in the entire game are Lord Cytharat and Lemda Avesta.


    If you don't want to flirt with someone of the same gender then don't. Every conversation has 3 options so pick one that isn't a flirt. :rolleyes:


    Well considering one option in every conversation is a Flirt, one is a ******e comment and the other is a serious one... That really leaves one option every time if you want to have a real conversation. Really there is only two if you don't want to be someone who flirts with everyone in the game

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