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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. A large amount of content is PvE not PvP.


    This is the only case of PvE people having to do some PvP for the arbitrary thing that they want.


    I understand that and I'm not against it but it's unreasonable for these hardcore PVP guys to start calling people out during matches because they don't got PVP gear or not the best at playing PVP. It's unranked PVP what are you going to expect? Can't get PVP gear if you don't have the currency to buy it.


    Not speaking for the OP but this is what happened to me when I did my 20 matches.

  2. Have no problem with the OP doing this, Don't put PVE content behind PVP.



    I did my 20 matches, was really like 14 I think and I did try to play serious for the most part but it's not my fault I don't have PVP considering I never play PVP at least not on my main... So when someone started to get all whiny about not having PVP gear that's when I started to not try or if the people where just complete aholes

  3. At first I thought Maul was just in the Holocron as Ezra holds a Sith Holocron right before he appears but Maul sounds and looks quite a bit older which means he must have survived The Clone Wars and went back into exile.


    I think we're going to learn quite a bit about "The Order of Ren" this Jedi cult is perhaps an earlier variation of that.

  4. I think it would be cool if there was like a vanilla server or something, maybe 1.3 instead for legacy and group finder but still I enjoyed when the game was actually a challenge to level and play.



    Mainly basing this off Runescape which I used to play and how they have an "Old School" version as they call it which is a server from 07.

  5. They're 3600 years apart, I don't think it really affects anything at all with game or its story.


    Good for JJ that he wants to create new planets, It sort of gets boring to see the same planets in everything. All the new species was a bit overboard though when we often only saw one of each of these new species, didn't see much older ones.



    But at the time of SWTOR a lot of these new species might not even have been advanced enough for space travel yet or never had opportunity to get off their own planets

  6. I wouldn't say I actually have too many complaints with this film, biggest is with Hux like I said. Everything else was pretty well done, they should have showed these planets that got destroyed a bit more though.



    Apparently there was a deleted scene where Leia sends someone to ask the Republic for support and we would have got to see at least one of these planets more.



    There's about 5-6 mentioned deleted scenes online. I'm hoping we eventually get an "extended edition" like the Lord of the Rings movies.

  7. 1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


    9/10, 3rd best among Star Wars films. ESB and ANH are above. TFA is followed by ROTS, ROTJ, TPM, AOTC in that order.


    2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


    He's considered pretty hit and miss it seems but if say Kylo Ren was my favourite, I feel like is the character Anakin should have been more like in the prequels. I love Kylo's character and it has so much room to expand now and possibly even forge into a more Vader like kind of person.


    Glad they didn't make Kylo just some useless Darth Maul who was only there to have a cool but meaningless fight at the end.


    3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


    Phasma. Just overall pretty useless and was way over hyped.


    4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


    Harrison Ford, no'thought about it. Chewbacca was very strong but he's also in costume the entire time so can't count him as much.


    5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


    The opening sequence was phenomenal and easily the best of any Star Wars film IMO, really got the action rolling. I also like when Poe and Finn where in the tie fighter at the start, very fun scene.


    6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


    Han: "What was your job here anyway?"


    Finn: "Sanitation"


    Han: "...Sanitation!?!?"


    7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


    I don't know where all the speculation is coming from with this and Rey being a possible descendent from all sorts of different characters. IMO I thought it was pretty obvious she was Lukes daughter. But I guess others see it differently.


    8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


    Should have died for sure and it is what Harrison wanted, he wouldn't have come back for the other films probably so they would have had to write him off somehow. I felt his death was pretty perfect and the reaction from Chewie really sold it.


    9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


    8/10, I liked it. It actually felt like one of the most realistic duels... Prequel lightsaber fights are just too staged and have flawless choreography that I just can't really get all excited for them. Also the prequel fights where just so predictable you knew the outcome of every one before it started. This one I actually wasn't sure what was going to happen, for awhile I thought either Finn or Kylo would die.


    However it wasn't much of a duel since Kylo was too injured and Rey was still untrained.


    10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


    Think I already answered this in the first comment. ESB is 10/10 for me, ANH is close to 10, TFA is 9. ROTJ and ROTS are probably 8s and the other two fall off a cliff.


    11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


    The actor for Hux, don't get me wrong the guy did well with the part he was given but it's just not convincing that this younger guy is leading the First Order. An older leader would have been much better for the part. Maybe have Hux be his second in command and have the older guy die on Starkiller base so Hux takes over in the next one.


    12. Finn is featured wielding a lightsaber in the film and in promotional material, but he is never actually depicted using the Force. Do you think he is Force sensitive?


    I think he is force sensitive more then the average person obviously but I don't think he will ever get training.

  8. Honest opinion... He's Sidious.



    Now all these theories about Plagueis could be true but only to an extent, I just highly doubt Sidious would have failed in his assassination of Plagueis. Sidious did succeed in killing him (the scar is from the assassination) but ended up keeping the body in perfect preservation possibly on Kamino.


    Now Sidious is a master of dark arts so after his own body was failing he performed a ritual and transferred his life essence to the body of his former master to cheat death. I guess similar to the Palpatine clones. Now Sidious is back leading the empire and has his second chance at converting a Skywalker after Anakin failed to an extent. He also now has hardly any Jedi to oppose him as well.



    Idk but I don't believe Plagueis is coming back at least not the actual Plagueis and this was the best I could come up with lol

  9. Honestly I felt like it was a very good film and my ranking would be something like:









    I feel like this movie did a lot of good things and it was a nice send off to the OT and the GL era of Star Wars in general while setting up a very new story that has lots of room and freedom to branch out and be unique in the next two films.


    Kylo Ren is pretty hit and miss it seems but personally I liked him a lot, I feel like this is the character Anakin should have been more like in AOTC and for parts of ROTS, I don't have problems with him losing his duel since he was obviously untrained but was over estimated by Snoke due to his raw force potential. He was also injured by Chewbaccas shot.


    Rey was pretty cool, I guess when she opened the box or when Kylo reached into her mind it "awakened" something inside of her that had always been there.


    Obviously there's a lot of questions still but that is fine, i am looking forward to what they do next with these stories. Overall I'd give the movie a 9/10. Gonna have to see if another or maybe two more times on the big screen.



    Oh Han was the best character :D

  10. Well there is theory in some circles that most prequel jedi did not learned to use their force abilities above the basic. Look at Anakin he was stronger in the force then any other force user in existence yet his force abilities where above average only and that is with his potential that he never reached because of poor training.

    He focused mostly on lightsaber combat like most other jedi it was just that he was very good at it again because of his potential. But what about the average joe jedi who does not have extraordinary talent how much would his skills suck?

    In the SWTOR and KOTOR era they had better training and motivation to do that because if not they know they would die in the prequel era there was no such danger that could motivate them to have better training.


    It wasn't poor training that held Anakin back, it was for his own good. Anakin would have not been able to handle so much power all at once that would only make things worse then it already was for him. He was only trained in the first place because of this apparent "prophecy".

  11. I think if we're excluding Legends then Grievous hasn't actually killed any notable Jedi Masters. Most of the trophies we see in TCW "Lair of Grievous" are mainly from Padawans and Knights. Also some of those trophies where not likely his kills but instead lightsabers for example he may have picked up after a battle.


    Grievous however could have easily killed Ahsoka or Eeth Koth (who was a Master). He should have just killed Koth the moment the Jedi arrived in that episode and then continue the battle.

  12. Was there any reason why he was immune to being force lifted or pushed around? I mean every Jedi in the movie can force push robots left and right, and even pick up super heavy objects. Yet every time the killer robot with the light sabers shows up they all rush in like bad Kung-Fu extras to fight him in combat.


    Sure you can't force lift a sith, because they can counter you. He's a droid..... with a coughing problem. :rak_02:


    Add on: Not a droid, he's a cyborg. Not a force user.


    Can't Grievous like lock his feet so he can't be thrown around... I assume he can since you see him actually out in space sometimes

  13. Canon sources only or is "Legends" included?



    If it's only canon (TCW, Rebels, Movies and whatever other new content Disney has released) then Revan likely gives them all a beat down. Ventress, Savage and Grievous wouldn't be much of a challenge. Maul would take a little more effort. Dooku is a master swordsman however and will likely be Darth Revans greatest challenge. Vader isn't that impressive in the Disney Canon sources but I haven't read the new comics yet.


    If we're using Legends sources which I assume we are since you said everyone is in their prime then I'd say Revan gets to Dooku, perhaps he will beat him but there's no way he gets past Vader. After fighting the first 4 (Grievous might be quite a challenge but if Revan has range and has openings to use the force then he wins) Revan would certainly struggle against Dooku and that fight wouldn't be a 5 minute pushover like Savage would be... If Revan manages to defeat Dooku he wouldn't have anything left in him and Vader would easily win.

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