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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. that's not true Before the update i had Kehm in end game quality gear and he could barely stand his own against 1 elite. This would of killed him within 20 seconds.


    The easy mode will end sooner or later... with or without me.


    Without you hopefully, I see this is just another "I'm mad, time to unsub. You won't be getting my $15 anymore"... Only one who cares about you staying here is yourself. Community doesn't care and neither does Bioware.

  2. Favourite companions from each class.


    Warrior - Vette

    Inquisitor - Xalek/ Khem Val, if I had to pick one I guess Khem since he's with you longer

    Bounty Hunter - Gault

    Agent - None really, I'll slot in HK-51 here I guess


    Knight - Lord Scourge

    Consular - Qyzen

    Trooper - Aric Jorgan

    Smuggler - Guss Tuno


    Yeah only two of my favourites are romance able so I find it easy to have fun without those plot lines. Oh and I really only play male classes so I guess you can exclude Jorgan

  3. LMFAO. Man you must be blind. hahahahahahahaha. This update is the biggest joke since launch. Glad you and the few like it. Theres a hell of a lot more players who disagree with you


    Where's all your supporters?? Just because there's a few people who dislike bugs doesn't mean they dislike the entire update.


    Bugs will be patched and things will be balanced in time.



    I for one loved the story and majority of the update.

  4. People who don't take the time to read the details of the original post really shouldn't reply. Your opinion does not matter if it doesn't pertain to the post in the first place, so why do it? Those that do this remind of vultures sitting and waiting for the opportunity to be insulting and nasty. Seems to be a disease these days on game forums in general. There are ways to express opinions without being insulting.


    For the second time, myself and most of the others that post here are protesting that we aren't given to opportunity to do the quests to get the things that a normal 60 would get. My complaint also includes that an accurate description should be provided at the point of sale. My conclusion is that Bioware has been very dishonest about that they sold me.


    I invite constructive opinions here because perhaps those will help me feel better about the 20 dollar bill I wasted. If the purpose of your reply is to insult or demean, then get back under the bridge troll.

    It was quite clear to me that level 60s where meant to start at KOTFE and that once started you can't go back to do any of the previous story content... Like the people complaining about early access if you bothered to read anything before hand then people wouldn't be having problems.

  5. The problem with that is exactly what people before had mentioned. You can't keep the mechanics, because it requires other players. Like getting pinned by the one massive rakghoul at the end of Kaon. Or the Rakghoul Behemoth when it knocks you into the air and rushes another player (threat dump). How do you get the Behemoth to the fire barrels to weaken it when your companions won't move it for you?


    In Lost Island, how do you deal with Project Sav-Rak's mechanics with hopping around from pipe to pipe? Your companions won't click the panel. Not to mention if you have a companion set as a tank and he tanks it near the edge of the platform, he's gonna get knocked off. Or if you have threat, they won't run to his targeting circle to prevent getting knocked off.


    So no, unfortunately, scaling difficulty will not work in these two cases, the mechanics simply cannot be ignored.



    I solo'd Lost Island on Hard Mode with a level 60 before. I'm pretty sure the mechanics wouldn't be that difficult to handle with some adjusting.

  6. Knight/ Warrior - Top Tier easily fits best


    Consular/ Inquisitor - Force users







    Trooper/ Agent - Both Actual loyal servants to their factions, but still doesn't make much sense or feel right in the KOTFE story

    Smuggler/ Bounty Hunter - No makes hardly any sense in terms of conversations (Valkorian saying you have stood out to me the most...) or anything to do with the force.

  7. This didn't seem to be a terribad issue with Tanno Vik, whose voice actor actually passed away in 2012.

    They just used a different voice actor.


    Vik was put into a filler role with no option to become a companion at all and I don't think he will have the option in the future, Jaesa will be put into the same role IMO some time down the road

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