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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Sorry, asking for a toggle to turn it off is against the TOS, as to forum people it's a form of discrimination. The devs have said it many times when the game was younger and have yet to change their minds.


    SO you'll just have to do the relatively easy thing of not picking the flirt option.


    Okay whatever about TOS or forum people, just saying my opinion lol...

  2. I'm not against same gender stuff but I find it annoying that there is more options to flirt with people of the same sex then there is of the opposite sex... I wish there was a way to turn it off if you wanted and have a different option, I'd rather have something else to talk about with Theron then a flirt option I'm never going to pick.


    And why is everyone into same sex stuff?? Some should decline it like in Mass Effect, sure have the option if you want to flirt but the entire galaxy isn't gay...

  3. But seriously OP I think you just want him to be alive, I'm pretty certain he is dead. Story wise I don't see what purpose it would be to keep him around and have him return now. Yeah he would make the empire better then lol Darth Acina ruling it but I don't think him being alive would make sense.



    Satele likes him for some reason so we will see

  4. Still dead.


    Doubt it, no Star Wars character truly dies from falling lol. If he was really dead there would be no point in releasing a clip showing him again


    He clearly didn't die on the space station (self destructed) and he was put in Carbonite, I doubt they went looking for him just to freeze a dead body as a trophy (pointless).


    Little clip from comic con that showed Darth Malgus being presented before Valkorian.


    Do you guys think we will get to see Malgus in one of the future chapters next year?? What do you think his role will be? Will he assist The Alliance or oppose it?

  6. If Darth Marr is really dead he could have learnt how to appear as a ghost/spirit. That power isnt Jedi only. Its something you learn.


    However, if Marr isnt dead then I think its like Rafaman said and I have said. That hes just communicating with Satele using the force to project an image of himself. Because for whatever unkown reason he cant get to her in the flesh.d

    Are you sure?? I thought it was confirmed you had to be strong in the light side to become a ghost, if you watched some of the final episodes in "The Clone Wars" TV show, Yoda goes to learn the secret and it seems like again you have to be strong in the light from the questions they asked him.



    There is probably other ways to become a ghost but it's always light side characters that have the ability to not be restricted. Revan, The Exile, Orgus Din, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin (Was redeemed), Luke all come to mind. Sith never have the full ability to travel around.

  7. Pvp teams have been gimped for so long now, any new pve people playing pvp will make little difference... As long as you listen to some basic advice and don't become a complete douche in matches, we welcome new people... Who knows, you may even come to like it... It also makes you a better pve player too as it is much harder to play than pve content... Pve content is way to easy and repetitive... At least playing against a real person you never know how hard the combat might be and every match is different

    Actually majority of those guys giving advice are actually quite harsh and think they can command people to do what they want... When that happens I just ignore them.

  8. dude. you can play a few hundred games 100% with no cost. Also No one is asking for ANY NEW CONTENT. Just the basic **** that was there since the start of the *********** game. I have been a sub since day *********** one. I feel bad about how every time something new comes out FTP and Preferred get locked out of things that used to be basic **** for them. Your dumb *** only thinks "Oh whiner because they cant do what I can as a sub." When this is about "Hey I am Free to play / preferred and I am suddenly locked out of things that where available to free to play and preferred."


    To be honest it's hard to take you seriously now with your bad grammar and constant attempts at insults... 4/10 OP just because I actually did try to bother arguing with someone of vastly inferior intellect.

  9. knoiw what. **** you. That kinda mind set is just wrong. its just like saying "You already get 1 slice of bread. your black *** don't need water to help it go down your dry throat because your just not good enough to lick our shoes"


    when the servers all go down and the game fails. its people like you that caused it. Not the people trying to get buy and enjoy what little they have access to you jack ***.


    Can't even get offended by the preposterous grammar you're insulting me with...



    There wont be any game to begin with if people don't pay to subscribe, you don't deserve all the content if you're not paying to support the game. I mean you can literally download the game for free and play 75% of it without cost. How many other games can you do that with? Some people are just so self entitled to have everything...

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