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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Since the most recent episode hasn't officially aired yet, including in spoiler tags, view at own risk



    This was another filler episode, plain and simple. Obviously Chopper centric, with the usual mix of humour and exasperation one can feel for chopper.


    And it looks like we now have a cantankerous opposite of C-3PO for a cantankerous opposite of R2



    All in all though, kinda meh, especially considering it just feels like it is getting in the way of continuing with the good stuff.

    Yeah it was kind of bad and I find Chopper to be one of the worst characters in Star Wars...


    I think the next 3 episodes will be good though, especially the finale. Honestly the best part of this episode was probably the very end and the looks Kanan, Ezra and Zeb gave the two droids, they where just like "oh great, another one".

  2. ^This!


    While I hate hate hate to see companions running around blasting away in full slave bikini outfit (okay, can see it on vette) I do prefer to see the options out there and was always nicer to see the companions dressed differently.


    You'd notice the companions before, but with the different outfits, it made it less obvious :p


    I made Ashara dress up in the slave outfit... Jedi scum :D Vette makes sense as well if you don't take the collar off lol.

  3. What about draging her naked, screaming body through the streets while allowing everybody a turn to kick her. Then dragging her up to a podium while we cut off every part of her, piece by piece. Starting with er toes until all that's left is her crying head...


    Oh you're a special kind of crazy... I like it. At first I thought it was going to be Cersei all over again but this idea is much better :D

  4. Aside from the general hate, there is:

    1. Ziost. A drunken monkey could have handled it better.

    2. To a lot of people, she comes across as incredibly arrogant (to be fair, who wouldn't be arrogant as a career politician who gets named as the Supreme Chancellor?).

    3. A certain decision/conversation with the Trooper character after the completion of Corellia, that happens if


    you let General Rakton live.



    4. Things that come out during the Imperial Agent storyline (not even going to "Spoiler" that one... to anyone who has not played through the Agent storyline, I recommend playing it through).


    What was in the Agent story? If you're talking about the similar green Twilek in that one scene then that person is actually Kalovish the matriarch on Tython...

  5. Like Sara Lance from the Arrowverse I think Ahsoka still has a lot of untold stories. I thought a cool arc would be where she once again saves the group and takes them underground and maybe in flashbacks we particularly see what she was up to when she left Anakin all those times ago.


    As I said before I would have loved to have seen a reunion between her and Ventress but I guess ventress is indeed gone..... Another group I wish she would have had a reunion or crossover of sorts with again were Cassie Cryar and Marcy Cinobe, the two alien criminal girls who stole her lightsaber that one time back in TCW.


    They could always do that in comics or novels though, this isn't Ahsokas show

  6. I too wished for that, but realize that most people seem to understand Legendary doesn't mean you great at PvP or Ops. I now see it as a sorta noob title. This guy spent most of his time completing the stories instead of lrn2pvp, he might need help.


    "Most of his time completing stories" you could have completed all the stories in under 2 months with 12x and it isn't too much slower now days.

  7. Besides some dialogue options I believe the only things that are different is Dromund Kaas in the visions instead of Coruscant and vice versa. Also Pierce and 4X are faction exclusive.


    Everything else is character exclusive, though it's about time they get around to more characters then just trooper and agent they have almost are there companions back/ seen in story now

  8. I honestly think people should give up on anyone dying in Rebels. Not a single person outside of Storm-troopers has died in the show. Not even the GI is dead. And Ahsoka isn't going to die. I see her giving up on the force after confirming Anakin is Vader, and eventually hooking up with that guy she had a thing for in CW.



    Vader had an entire village burned, but did not kill a single person that lived in the village. So, Vader will kill a bunch of little force sensitive kids, commit genocide on his own kind, but won't slaughter a village?


    Ahsoka and Maul will die in this show before it's over, the ghost crew is less likely but some of them may.


    Vader had the viallage burned and the people captured to lure the Rebels into saving them, it was also meant to break there spirits to let them know that the longer they stay on Lothal and fight the worse it will become for the people on the planet.


    The GI is dead, the last episode was a vision orchestrated by Yoda.


    The only people who have died so far are pilots, storm troopers and those officers that got decapitated really. But looking back at TCW nobody really dies in the first 2 seasons either

  9. This is Disney, Ezra and Sabine are the two safest characters.


    I don't feel Ezra is actually safe. Kanan and Ahsoka will obviously die before the end of the show. As with Maul.


    But I just don't see Ezra really surviving either and being alive during the time of the movies. Sabine or Hera are the two most likely to survive IMO

  10. Chopper has way too much personality that I can't take him seriously at all or come to like him. And him almost killing Ezra in stealth strike when he was hanging off the ledge is now enough for me. I can't wait till he hopefully gets scrapped.
  11. Take the force away from a jedi, not really a jedi anymore. Take the tech away from a soldier, he's still a soldier.


    Now some jedi, actually are smart and train themselves not to rely on the force alone. Hell personally if I'd of been a master at the Jedi Temple I'd of assigned problems and then required the Padawans to figure it out WITH OUT the force.


    Now there are jedi who strip the force and they are: amazing diplomats, martial artists(few jedi mastered Teras Kasi) etc. But they studied things OUTSIDE the basic teachings.


    Cause here's the difference between say an Agent or trooper vs a sith or jedi. Unless the Sith/Jedi actively trained to do something like be a martial arts master in something like the Echani martial arts, their ability to function well is highly limited.


    Agents and troopers, they are trained(and I was a US Marine, granted not specfor or infantry but still trained in hand to hand and to use anything I can as a weapon) to do what I said. Hell for lack of a better term the hero characters are the equivalent of Jason Bourne and Rambo, but even a basic private is trained to fight without tech. Sure he does a lot better with his weapon and tech, but he can fight with out it.


    This is why I liked Anakin so much (Luke as well I guess in the OT) mainly in TCW but he could actually do things without the force. He was a great mechanic as a child and was still a very skilled pilot without force training. Even if Anakin did not get picked up by Qui-Gon he would have still made his way into the galaxy some day as a professional pod racer or something.


    Most Jedi you take away the force from them and they're nothing, they're made to rely on it from such a young age that they don't know anything else.



    Yeah you could say Anakins skills are enhanced through the force without him even knowing it but that description fits tons of other people as well. There's 1000s of individuals who may be decently strong in the force but are still not Jedi or Sith.

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