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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. SPOILERS!!!




    I think Ahsoka is dead, I don't think she could have survived that or escaped. However at least she died a noble death sacrificing herself for the Rebels and so Vader couldn't get the Holocron.


    Maul was my highlight though, he was awesome. I hate how TCW took away his double bladed saber, he absolutely crushed the inquisitors, I guess the third one can still be alive though actually I am counting on it. But everything about Maul was very well done, very deceptive I think he actually had them convinced for a bit they had the same goal.


    I didn't think anything was going to happen to Kanan, guess I was wrong about that though :p



    Oh and the moment with Anakins voice and part of his face was very powerful.

  2. But probably Onderon and Dxun. Dxun could just be like some daily area similar to Yavin I guess.


    I was kinda thinking they where going to make a Mandalorian expansion eventually with them leaving the Empire and trying to seize power for themselves, say if the current Mandalore died and a more aggressive one took over that doesn't want them being imperial lackeys.


    However with KOTFE that opportunity is probably passed.

  3. Nathema as the final showdown arena with Vitiate.


    I feel they should have shown that planet in act 3 of the Jedi Knight story, just in passing at least like they did with Uphrades. Scourge didn't even seem to mention it that much despite visiting the planet in the past.



    There is seriously a lot of potential they could be using for Scourge in KOTFE.

  4. Personally I think there are enough females lol. What's really needed is a desirable, romanceable force user male...preferably someone who is at least an equal to the player character...like a Sith council member for a Sith council member, or Wrath :D


    Yeah I guess that's true personally I found that Scourge was way more interesting and obviously more powerful than the 4 Jedi girls...

  5. Well every female companion I believe is romanceable where as half the males are random unromanceable spiecies/ creatures. Blizz, Khem Val, Bowdar, Xalek, Broonmark, Skadge, Yunn, Tano Vik etc.



    Overall I think it balances out, most of the unlikeable characters or ones you don't care for/ not supposed to care for are male where as all the female companions are generally likeable and more normal. So yeah the scales are balanced IMO.

  6. which they did cos they cant present you with any content, it was to ease the whining.


    So with your logic if you get a xmas reward from your employer its then okay for him to delay your salary each month from there on?


    Just saying its a virtual currency that you're getting for free from being a sub, it isn't that big of a deal....And if the issue ends being fixed than its over. They're not going to compensate people for it.


    Unless the only reason you're a sub is to get a low 500 monthly CC grant...

  7. An old and unanswered question.


    Since Yoda knew of Darth Bane though, it is reasonable to assume that Bane, including the rule of two, was known to the Jedi before the "extinction". They simply believed the Sith to have been made extinct sometime after that. The new canon has not established how long ago Bane lived, so this perceived extinction could have been Bane himself, or it could have been many apprentices later.


    Doesn't Windu say "The Sith have been extinct for a millennium or something" not sure if it was him but I think someone mentions that so I guess they can assume to know when Bane was alive. Bane wasn't a Sith in exile either so it should be on Jedi record he existed I think.


    Perhaps due to Yoda being alive so long he may know a thing or two about Bane perhaps first hand from someone else who may have been alive at the time of Bane.

  8. You and I have absolutely zero knowledge as to how hard it would be to program this. zero. neither of us have seen their code base. allowing players to play together does have a value to the devs, otherwise why would they have advertised level sync as a way for friends to play together. The person I was replying to made a wild assed guess as to if it would be hard. I am making no claims either way, but feel it would be financially worth their while to look into it. It would be used by the same people that level sync was supposed to help, and they spent quite a bit to make that happen.


    We're better off without it, if they could even get past the difficulty off implementing it than I guarantee it would be a rushed buggy mess that nobody will be happy about.

  9. Yes, that is the one canon appearance we have (and what I'm referring to).


    That conversation does not canonize anything else but his existence and the rule of two though.


    The rule of two was canon long before, in The Phantom Menace when Yoda talks to Windu "Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"


    It just made it canon that Bane was responsible for the creation of the Rule of Two.



    Question though, if the Sith where in exile for 1000 years how did the Jedi even know of the Rule of Two? Maul was like the first Sith they have seen since Banes time.

  10. "FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand ."



    I don't have a problem with same sex relationships in this game however it is odd how every NPC now is openly bi sexual... Should be more like Mass effect some are bi however some will turn down opposite/ same sex relationships and be exclusive.


    Considering the vast majority of people are straight there doesn't need to be tons of same sex options... Only having same sex romances wouldn't make much sense

  11. Personally, I thought it was going to be, someone was going to use to remain behind to manually detonate the bombs and Han was going to remain behind and go out in that last blaze of glory.


    Maybe if it was the final battle of Endor :p

  12. This really shows noone ever really paid attention to Ford. Man had his way, he'd of had Han Solo die in Jabba's palace. Had it REALLY been his way, Solo would of never survived the carbon freezing.


    So all this crap about Harrison not wanting Solo to die is just rosy eyed Fandom crap. Infact in an interview when Ep 7 was still just an idea Ford said "Only way I'm coming back is if Han Solo dies."


    So for me it wasn't a matter of if Han died Ep 7, just a matter of how. And I was not expecting how he died.


    Yeah I was not expecting him to get stabbed by a lightsaber talking to his son, I just didn't see that kind of character in Han. I was more expecting him to get shot and die in Chewies arms or some thing and what follows would be absolute wookiee rage.


    I thought his death was done very well.

  13. While I like the droid, and generally I collect all the companions being released these days... that face on the droid reminds me of the VooDoo masks in WoW. So I may give this one a pass, since VooDoo masks have no place in the SW universe IMO.


    Ever watch the The Clone Wars? Voodoo has a place in the canon now :D


    But that's another reason I like it, has a unique face that isn't another HK...

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