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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Have pretty mixed feeling on Dantooine. I’m happy it finally made it into the game and I’m perfectly ok with it being a filler/ daily area like CZ-198, Oricon, etc but I don’t really like the layout of the map. For a farming planet it’s just too cluttered and too industrialized IMO, doesn’t really capture the feel from the original KOTOR games, also remove those ugly ships from the sky. The missions were ok but it wouldn’t be my first choice when I’m looking for a daily area to get a few credits.


    The decorations in the rep vendor are pretty nice, would love a small/ mid size Dantooine stronghold. Not sure why they still have the low amount of rep gain though :/


    Since Onderon and Dxun are coming now all we need is Kashyyyk which I hope will be a full sized planet some day. And maybe Telos? Would love to see the restoration 300 years later.

  2. Any class can work, for the most part each one has a comparable character from the movies/ tv shows or KOTOR.


    Jedi Guardian - Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan (There's actually basically a spec for each of these characters within the class)

    Jedi Sentinel - Ahsoka


    Jedi Sage - Yoda

    Jedi Shadow - Bastila/ Satele


    Vanguard - Like any trooper from the movies

    Commando - Jace Malcom (This one is fairly unique and different from movies)


    Gungslinger/ Scoundrel - Basically all supposed to be similar to Han, Lando, Chewie, although Tobias Beckett from Solo is like a perfect comparison of a Gunslinger now.


    Sith Juggernaut - Vader, Malgus

    Sith Marauder - Ventress


    Sith Sorcerer - Sidious, Dooku

    Sith Assassin - Maul


    Powertech - Boba Fett (Why this class uses a pistol is dumb)

    Mercenary - Cad Bane, Jango Fett


    Sniper/ Operative - This is easily the most distant class from any other content and doesn't have solid comparable

  3. Jedi Knight: Lord Scourge - Simply has the best backstory of any companion IMO,


    Jedi Consular: Qyzen - I really don’t know tbh I dislike almost everything about the Consular. I guess Qyzen cause he’s super loyal.


    Trooper: Aric Jorgan - Starts off kind of rough but I always liked him, don’t think I ever stopped using him in my first playthrough of the Trooper. And there’s NEVER been a time where I didn’t give him the promotion cause he got screwed over hard on Ord Mantell.


    Smuggler: Risha: I guess? Idk been awhile since I played the class story with a smuggler but she was definitely different in the sense that she was around for half the game but wasn’t able to fight along side of you until end of act 1.


    Sith Warrior: Jaesa - Unique character in that there’s two versions of her, and her story arc is super interesting given she was basically the main enemy in Act 1.


    Sith Inquisitor: Khem Val - Our main bro, cool story from something of a master/ slave to buddies. Although I really wanted to like Xalek but we simply just get him too late in the story, I think he’s the longest wait of any companion not joining you until after Voss in the class storyline.


    Bounty Hunter: Mako and Gault - I like both of these characters a lot, Mako I always saw as more of a little sister then a romance and Gault was just a cool guy to have fun with.


    Imperial Agent: Lokin - Also not sure on this one but I find the agent companions fairly weak, Kaliyo and Scorpio actively plan to betray you and Vector is just weird. So yeah guess I’ll go with Lokin, and Rakghouls are kind of cool

  4. Most of the original music is good in one way or another. Balmorra is great and it makes Republic Balmorra enjoyable since i personally enjoy the Imperial Balmorra a lot more. Alderaan is probably my second. Tatooine and Hoth have some nice background soundtracks. But like I said I enjoy most of the original music especially the first time I played through the game, but god the Heroic Moment music that played and interrupted whatever soundtrack was playing before always pissed me off.
  5. Not just strongholds but throughout the whole game. I wanna see what some planets look like in the dead of night or the blaring light of day. Maybe even weather changes.


    It wouldn't work lore wise for every planet, Ilum is almost always dark. Dromund Kaas as well for example is always stormy

  6. It just baffles me how much space there is in the complex that we can't access... the only interior area on the main floor that we can access is that little hallway but when looking on the outside there should be so much more. We cant access the exterior on the sides or back, like the submarine area that can be spotted from the windows above.


    We can't get to the starship hook area either...

  7. I can see why they didn't do a livestream for this...



    I like the overall concept of a Manaan Stronghold but the place feels very small to me, smaller than DK/ Coruscant even because of the lack of meaningful expansions/ rooms.


    When I bought the interior expansion to the elevator, I was like "alright looking pretty good so far" and then I get to the end of the hallway and was like "I paid 2 million for this hallway?". Really I don't see how the creator of this place doesn't think to put a couple extra side rooms in that hallway to the elevator, little bedrooms for example.


    There's just so many missed opportunities, I get to the rooftop garden and nothing really catches my interest until I look out the left window and see a little submarine area... except well I can't go there :confused: and the starship hook is in such a ridiculous spot.



    Overall I feel pretty disappointed, why cut so many corners with this stronghold? And why is the place so big when we can only access like half of it?

  8. Say it with as much certainty as you want, but you're still just guessing. Nobody really knows anything about the upcoming releases, and since BW seems to view communication with the community the way I view prostate exams, we probably aren't going to know anything until the last minute.


    Well it's going to be before December.

  9. We don't know for sure, there'll be a livestream in January with more details.


    Here's what you can expect, based on what we know:

    • January: Master mode for the KotFE/KotET chapters, and five new Uprisings in Story/Veteran mode
    • February: Master mode for all Uprisings
    • Summer: Some 4-8 player PvE group content
    • December (shortly before Episode 8): next expansion with another ~9 story chapters

    I don't think there will be much in the way of PvP since they just got a new warzone and arena map last year but we'll know more in January.


    New chapters not coming until December is not confirmed.



    They just said they would be releasing story in packages now rather then monthly chapters. Chapter 1-9 of KOTFE came in October 2015, the last chapter of KOTFE came in July but got pushed back to August. We will likely see more story content in the summer for KOTET. And then more story content in December/ early 2018

  10. Yeah I rate it as my 3rd favorite as one, my list goes:










    I really liked the characters in this movie, loved all the Rebels. Cassian, Jyn, Chirrut, Baze and K2 where all cool in their own ways. Jyn is WAY better then Rey who is compete Mary Sue.


    Loved the locations and the variety as well, I really liked that space trading outpost as the start that Cassian was at, cool design.

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