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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. I gave Bio the following reason that they wont read:



    1. Lost my companions.

    2. Cant customize companion gear.

    3. game play severely dumbed down.

    4. Game no longer challenging in any way to play.

    5. No more goals or work to get best and unique gear for me and companions.

    6. Cant put gear on new companions. (I worked and spent cartel coins to get gear for companions to wear)

    7. game is appropriate for little children, no longer an adult game.


    Why do so many MMO companies ruin their games?


    ok, let the fanboys troll now :)


    1. 3/10

    2. 3/10 (pretty sure it's just the new ones, and they look good IMO, sometimes I wish the basic comp gear the get would stay)

    3. 3/10

    4. 2/10 (Never really was to begin with)

    5 2/10

    6. 4/10

    7. 6/10 ( yeah game got a lot more noob focused it seems but i wouldn't say it's a children's game)


    Just rated the extent of which I care or how it affects me.

  2. I am personally a sub but I have to ask. With the removal of allot of content pre level 60... What will there be left for a preferred to do? They took away all the Commendation gear. My bad I mean "Crystal" gear. pre 65. Will FTP and preferred be stuck sitting around with their thumbs up their butt collecting Commendations 1 day a week. I mean before this update their was still allot they can participate in and even enjoy and even feel a since of achievement about. But now... I am a bit scared to ask my friends to even play this game with how bad of a turn it took in just 1 update.


    You get 8 fully voiced class stories for free... That should be the extent of what f2p gets to begin with anything else is a bonus.

  3. I been playing for like 4.5 hours and only just finished chapter 5. I'm not rushing or anything and I haven't been taking breaks, going at a good enjoyable pace.



    I think after chapter 9 is the real alliance building stuff, judging from achievements and the Nico description on that item you get.



    But yeah anyone who just smashes space bar just to get to 65 and be done with it then complains about lack of content really doesn't have much backing up their opinions.

  4. Really liking the new influence changes and the companion and contact window is pretty awesome. I just did most of Treeks conversations and got influence 6 all at once (had influence 2 to start). However I wish a portrait or something would still come up rather then just small text saying "Treek approves".
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