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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Has there actually been confirmation that the Chiss Jedi and Zabrak Sith are Master Ranos and Darth Hexid or could they just be random models for the advertisement to represent light side and dark side?


    I think the answer is fairly obvious, don't overthink it...

  2. I've never done PvP here, so I have no frame of reference of what it takes to get to Valor 5.


    Can someone lay it out? I suspect you get less (or none?) if you are on the losing side so I imagine it's not just a fixed number of warzones, but roughly, what are we looking at for Valor 5?




    You only have to play 3 or 4 matches to get valor 5, you can run around and troll the entire time and you will still get it easy. Don't worry about it.

  3. As someone who has been around since prelaunch beta days I personally don't have a problem with it, I took a small break since March and have not leveled any new characters since before KOTFE. Only ran one character through KOTFE as well so should be fun to do it all again.


    Not going for the last tier of the event but I'll do all of the rest. Tbh I'm actually a bit interested in doing a full play through, not skipping any missions at all and not space baring. I haven't done that since the first few months of launch. But seeing the side missions again might be more engaging and interesting then the class missions.



    In order to get Light V of Dark V anyways you kind of have to do the side missions unless you want to run BT/ Esseles 20 times

  4. See that kids? that **** is 5 years of your SWTOR hardworking account flying away.


    Start on a new server?? Transfer one character from your main so you keep your legacy and bring some credits over.



    Might not be the same but at least you don't have to delete 10 characters :p


    Could transfer a character back after with the rewards

  5. Damn I just returned to the game after a 3 month absence and was leveling a new Inquisitor, got her to level 35 already and put quite a lot of credits into her buying the Wicked Huntress set. Whatever I'll just account unlock it I guess and start some new characters next week.
  6. I actually disagree.


    It makes sense Warrior/ Knight for Male and Inquisitor/ Consular for Female. The clothing you get while leveling, seems to fit what I said. Warrior Males get armor where Females get half tops and stuff, doesn't make sense for a frontline fighter.


    The roles of the Warrior for example seem leaning more towards males too at least the Juggernaut, frontline fighter/ brute. Physically strong.

  7. Didn't. Also don't wish for your commentary on my opinion. It is my opinion and I am entitled to it. If you disagree, move along. Thanks.


    No it's just you crying you didn't get what you wanted....



    This set wasn't meant to be a copy of Vaylins robes, it will likely come in due time though. You cannot at all say they got the Wicked Huntress set wrong when there was nothing to get wrong in the first place. So your opinion is wrong...

  8. Dude above is a complete selfish narcissistic jerk that misquotes everything said because he knows he's dead wrong and can't make a valid statement, so he misquotes.


    Again, they're included for a reason, I don't care to watch them and I skip them, BUT WE HAVE MANY NEW PLAYERS you selfish CHILD. Now GROW UP, I know that's so hard for many of you to do. Pathetic children of adult age. Good place over there to get an education, bad place to live if you don't like children of adult age. You stop maturing in high school and it's REALLY evident to everyone but yourselves. GROW UP.


    Yeah majority want to skip and one person is watching the cutscenes... The majority is obviously the selfish ones in this case...



    Do you just like hating on Americans over the Internet? This the only forum you do that on? I see you like the generalize a lot because I haven't seen many people state they're specifically American either...

  9. The APAC servers weren't dead, did many come here when they were forced? No, because that means this, a lot of interacting with people whom they already know to be jerks and anti-social rageheads. Any revenue this game gets, is good for EVERYONE playing the game, and for that, EVERYONE should be respected.


    And overall you have to follow the majority. The devs need to appeal to what majority of the play base will want.



    Same with grouping 3-1, if 3 people want to skip and 1 person wants to watch the story than the group should be skipping and they should have the right to kick the other person out, nothing wrong with that.

  10. Again, same or VERY similar alphabet, you really willing to run off those players???? congrats on ending the game sooner rather than later.


    Yes I am sure the Asian community is making up such a large portion of the game that without them we would fall into some sort of MMO dark ages right? Seriously if they did make up such a large chunk the Asian servers would still be around....


    This isn't League of Legends pal... Revenue from APAC is pretty insignificant in this game

  11. "Yeah, those players that have spent far more % of their income on their account than you have have no right to continue to play the game just because their servers were shut down"......just wow.


    What point does amount of income have to do with anything? Bioware still gets the same amount of money from each person due to currency exchange.


    I bought the game for $60 when it first came out and been a sub for most of the time since. It's also not like those servers where shut down without reason... They where always "light" 24/7. Either way you shouldn't be joining any type of content that may require communication if you can't communicate with the players. That's just as "anti-social" as the stuff you're talking about. Actually just seems kind of rude to ignore the people that are trying to communicate/ help you but of course said person can't understand the language of the others on the server....

  12. You see, that's what you selfish people don't understand, it's not YOUR TIME, the FP queue when queuing random INCLUDES THE MOVIES. Do what you want to change that or grow up and get over it. When other PAY to play the game, the movies may or may not be part of it for them, you do NOT get to decide that for them. You do NOT get to decide what they queue for, nor their actions inside the FP unless they are undergeared or underskilled.


    I'm not surprised that you "dont' have a problem kicking someone" that's a very typical american anti-social personality thing to do, a very basement-disorder thing to do. It's your way or the highway. Nevermind that others are paying to help keep your game going, it's ALL about YOU and your enjoyment. Please just leave, many people have lvl 50 comps that can EASILY replace your whether you're tank or heals a lvl 50 comp can replace you no problem.


    Majority rules right? 3 people want to skip, 1 person is being stubborn. Let's kick the person being stubborn...

  13. Plenty of people gear up before attempting HMs. Some HM's require far diff gear than others, vastly different from BT to BH in what's needed gear wise. The movies are included in all versions for a reason, so that those that haven't seen them, get to see them. If they don't speak the same language, how do you expect them to go with the "majority"? btw which is a false point because as it is, the HM FP's have the movies included for PAYING CUSTOMERS to enjoy at their leisure.


    You don't need to be taking up people's time in hard modes... Tactical and Solos are the best way to see the story. I am willing to watch scenes in those flash points but hard modes should just always be fast and skipped.


    I have no problem leaving a group on some of the longer flash points that don't space bar or just kick the one person who isn't skipping if the other 3 are.

  14. They don't and have never chosen to play on US servers, there just is no other choice at this point, they pay for the games maintenance and development the same as we do. People can bark and get as angry as they want at those players, but they will not understand what you're saying so it doesn't matter unless said selfish players kick/ignore them which just drives off the paying player base of this game leading to it's eventual demise being much sooner. If they don't understand what you're saying nor why, how can they be being selfish about it? I understand the ideal circumstances, but that's not what we have, we have what we have and we can CHOOSE to either accommodate those players or drive them away, making the player base smaller and helping the game to it's demise.


    As for learning english, are you willing to pay for their Rosetta Stone or classes for that? it's not taught in a majority of foreign schools, it is in some, but not most, so it being an expectation is quite a lot. Them paying for the game is quite expensive for many. what is $18 US for you is $632B for us, and there's 2 of us, the hourly rate is $225B if you're lucky and but don't have a higher degree. Be happy about that for you, it's not so easy for others.

    You say the people who will kick them are selfish however I'd say it's justified to kick someone in many circumstances who isn't communicating with the group at all... Not able to understand tactics or give calls in PVP.

  15. ENGLISH isn't the official language on those servers, those are the only servers available to those in APAC. There are many players outside of Europe and the US that play and PAY for the game.


    On North American servers English is pretty much the official language, on Europeans servers it's more diverse but you rarely see people not speaking English on Harbinger for example.


    Either way the servers and the core of the game is offered in English/ French/ German so you should at least know the basics of one of those languages and be on the appropriate server if you're going to queue for any type of group content.

  16. Just a quick thing regarding these APAC players you keep bringing up and their poor knowledge of the English language.. Isn't it equally 'selfish' and self involved of them to expect more leniency (ie: getting a free pass on not skipping) because they don't speak the language that well? I mean they're actively choosing to play a mostly English game and frequent American servers, whether through a lack of alternatives or otherwise. The least they could do for both themselves and others around them, is pick up on the basics of said language. They're foreign but they're not dumb. Just as we're evidently expected to be considerate of them, they in turn could be considerate of us and familiarize themselves with basic English.


    That's a good point, there's no reason for people who don't speak any English to be joining groups where communication may be required. PVP/ Raids. They should at least know the basics or not play at all.

  17. Again, congrats on being anti-social and a reason for the falling population. You do well making the game die faster.


    This game is hardly social anymore with KOTFE... The population isn't falling due to the game being "anti-social". It's falling dur to Biowares approach at the game.



    I personally don't want to watch the same cutscenes I have seen dozens of times again as well but I am willing to do it in most circumstances. The exception being Black Talon/ Esseles, those just take too long and there's a solo mode if you want to watch the story;

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