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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. Forrest Whitaker = Surviving Jedi?


    I got more of a Mandalorian impression from the armour he was wearing. Don't really want another surviving Jedi story in this time era.


    However Wikipedia has him listed with th the name "Rouge, Clone Wars Veteran"

  2. Mon Mothma says Erso has been "on [her] own since the age of 15", not that she is 15 at the time of the movie.


    Perhaps but she's still not too much older than that I'd guess. If she was actually 32 in the movie than she would have been on her own for as long as the Empire has been around, longer than the Rebellion.

  3. Felicity Jones is 32. Luke and Leia are approximately 18-19 when A New Hope starts. The second youngest actor listed for this cast is 33 followed by 36. The rest of the main actors average age is 40s and up.


    Riz Ahmed - 33

    Diego Luna - 36

    Alan Tudyk - 45

    Ben Mendelsohn - 47

    Mads Mikkelsen - 50

    Donnie Yen - 52

    Jiang Wen - 53

    Forest Whitaker - 54

    Her character in the movie though is not that of a 32 year old. She's 15 like they said I believe.


    But yeah I think the resemblance with Katniss a good example.

  4. I thought if I was playing on a force user it would have made sense...



    But as I have my KOTFE main focus on my Smuggler the whole stuff with Satele/ Marr was pretty stupid...



    At least the next chapter looks right up the Smugglers ally. Heist with Vette and Gault :) what a great trio. The Smuggler never really got a Gault like guy which would have made sense...

  5. Naboo and Alderaan aren't too similar, Naboo has a more jungle-like environment. Besides Yavin 4 and, *sigh* Zakuul... There aren't any jungle planets in SWTOR. There could be a tree covered area, some plains, then maybe something underwater even...


    Naboo is in early colonization at best right now. Our characters would have no reason to go there and the factions would have no reason to fight over the planet at this point.


    Kashyyyk is a better alternative for a forest planet

  6. Maybe these are not the full notes. After all they promised a lot of operation bug fixes in 4.3. And there are a lot of other bugs that NEED to be adressed. Also where is the companion alliance alert?


    I think any bug fixes won't be until next Tuesday, so they can try and fix whatever they break tomorrow as well...

  7. I don't think Scourge is interested in anything like that, after all he's guaranteed to outlive you. He's also completely emotionless now and has no sense of well hardly anything



    I think it's clear he's not interested in any kind of relationships, but it's cool he's willing to help your future children.

  8. Uhh not really, tbh for the character titles I always just use the story related ones. "Master", "Darth", "Major", etc. The only time I used something different was on my Smuggler I picked up the "Blockade Runner" title and sometimes switched it out for "Freelancer" or "Crimelord". Smuggler was the only exception from story titles for me.



    As for legacy titles I usually just use the Imperial/ Republic related ones. "Republic/ Imperial Squad Leader", "Republic/ Imperial Diehard". But again for the more neutral classes I often use something different "Deathmark in Seven Systems", "The Professional", etc.



    I have some achievement tiles like "Galactic Hero", "Datacron Master", etc but I just never use them. The diehard and squad leader titles are hardly considerd noteworthy achievements anymore after all the 12x events and the current ease of leveling and the new influence system.

  9. A flash of light and the Dark Council's dead? This sounds like a 12 year old's fanfic OC. There's no reason for the Emperor to be this ridiculousIy overpowered. How are they possibly going to explain any character defeating him when the time comes if he's this powerful? It'll be some garbage excuse.


    After 1400 years of being alive... I assume you learn a few "tricks"...




    I have a feeling the Emperors power has been fading for some time though, he is trying to sustain himself but it is only delaying the inevitable. He is trying to prolong his life through various methods, sapping Revans strength while he was in stasis, killing all life on Ziost and now using our character as his vessel.


    Between the power play by Baras and the events in the JK story I'd say the Emperor is getting weaker than were led to believe.

  10. Female Smuggler has got to be the worst. How annoying. Sounds like a duckface guidette straight out of Jersey Shore.


    ''I can see things your way, for the right money''. The sound of this line when in character creation, it makes me want to kill kittens.


    Yeah I couldn't get behind the female smuggler either, kinda boring. Not as good or funny as the male voice.


    Female Inquisitor still sounds like she's 14 at times... Out of all the female voices I'd say Agent was probably best

  11. As far as I am concerned Filoni probably stated Vader was more powerful than Ahsoka just so the Vader fanbioys won't get their panties in a bunch. Vader ceased being a God among force users in my mind when they let Hayden Christiansen play him. I even respect Darth Baras more than Vader now.


    Yeah ok... Vader >> Ahsoka...




    And here we go it's the Hayden Christiansen hate... He isn't even a bad actor it was the terrible script given to him by George Lucas, the prequels are a great example of why one man should not have 100% control over every aspect in a movie let alone a trilogy.

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