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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Newyankalt

  1. I'd rather put her on the same level as the grand inquisitor. But even more formable into the shape Sidious could want her.That's not what I meant. The last scene, when he is leaving the temple he can barely keep on his feet.


    All we saw in the duel is quite debatable. Some people think they saw him just playing with her, other people think she had the upper hand, and other like myself argue that they are quite on par (for a duration of time). I for one am not searching for excuses how she could be able to crack his mask. It's a freaking duel to the death. You either fight or you behave honorable and have lesser chances to stay alive. I think she is not so honorable as a Jedi anylonger. This was from the start not that gentelman kind of duel. In my opinion Vader and Ahsoka fought way to greedy and exploited any opening they got. I never said the duel was fair, but balanced (at lest for the time we could follow). This doesn't mean at all, they fought like Kun Fu Masters in Wuxia Movies, where any attach has a counter, and any counter has a counter as well. Balaced I mean, they shared blows and took blows. For me this duel was more of a box fight.


    When he can barely keep on his feet is probably due to being in such close proximity to the explosion. And given all of Vaders cybernetics it likely had a great deal more effect on him than Ahsoka.

  2. Hard to belive they would kill a potent dark Desciple but hire a fallen Templeguard to be the grand Inquisitor. Inded I never heared about this novel.Then how do you explan how banged up Vader went out?


    Because Palpatine doesn't like anyone who could be a threat to his plans, he saw Ventress was getting powerful and wanted her eliminated. Barriss was decently strong.



    Vader got blindsided due to focusing on the Holocron, it was not during the actual battle when she hit him. And the explosion likely did most of the damage afterwards.

  3. I agree. Both simply can't go their way in peace. She is a big part of his past, Vader want to eridicate. There is Ahsoka and Obivan who eluded him. Now he had the chance to destroy Ahsoka. Who would really belive deep Dark Side Vader would let her go?


    On the other side, Ahsoka is definetely feeling guilty leting him fall. She has the opportiunity to put an end to all of this. She definetely won't leave with unfinished business again. This is a showdown duel. If Vader came out so messed up from the temple, this was quite certain a epic duel. And if he looked like that, how could Ahsoka ended up? (rethorical question) The point is, if he walkes away, then he has finished the task. By the look of his injuries, this must be one of the hardest dueles he had. So Ahsoka is not just a wannabe forcewielder, but an outstanding one and an outstanding duelist.


    The duel itself was shown only partially, before the temple closed. Thatfore everything beside that point, how epic or not the duel was is up to debate. I won't even dare to compare it to Duel of the Fates from RotS.


    If Barris, or Ventress are dead is unknow. I wouldn't wonder if Barris is also some kind of Desciple for the Emperor. Ventress is a survivor. Hard to belive she would ever encountered Vader. Most likely she kept a low profle, maybe something like Hondo. As we learned through Filonis interviews, Ventress will most likely have no part in Rebels. :( Sad, because, she could teach Ezra a lot of fighting techniques. After all she crossed the swords with a lot of outstanding Jedi and Sith and survived.

    Barriss is uncertain, she was in a prison cell at the end of the war most likely, she would have been an easy kill.


    However I guess you don't know but Ventress is already dead... She died in Dark Disciple near the end of TCW.


    I'm not really convinced Ahsoka was that much of a match for him, Vader was never in a position where it looked like he could possibly lose. Vader was always on the offensive and Ahsoka was just trying to block his attacks.

  4. Further Ahsoka musings. I keep looking at the final scene with the figure inn the temple and I don't see how anyone could guess that was Ahsoka except via process of elimination since we plainly see Vader and Maul leave.


    The force ghost thing sounds like a stretch to me since if that was the case I would feel they would want to add certainty and drama to it. Like basically have a scene where Ahsoka is standing on the ledge of the temple watching a wounded Vader stagger off and suddenly a familiar, ghostly voice calls to her from behind and it turns out to be a force ghost of someone from her past...maybe Ventress, a redeemed Bariss or the Jedi Master that trained her as a youngling....Ahsoka then smiles and walks off with said person and you see the two of them disappeasr into thin air together.


    Here is another weird thought I had. What if Vader and her actually came to an accord? She claimed she was not a Jedi anymore and even said she was willing to kill him. Maybe the fight was actually meant to be her proving herself to him and that all this time she can't still let her "Skyguy" go. Maybe after the explosion cleared, they fought to some sort of a standstill and he finally decided to accept her and let her stay to watch over the dark side temple and maybe that is why we see her stroll casually into the place if that was her.


    Only other theory I have about that figure is maybe Vader left ehr for dead in that place and some mysterious figure has come to save her.

    I highly doubt Vader would just let her live, that would be stupid for his story. No, he made up his mind when he said "You will die".


    The logical explanation if she is alive is that Vader and Ahsoka got separated from that explosion and Vader decided to leave due to either being too injured or he just assumed she was dead.

  5. I'd much rather a Siege of Mandalore comic series similar to Son of Dathomir though over this novel...


    That final Clone Wars arc was talked about so much in this season, Rex mentioned it in the first episode and it seems Maul and Ahsoka have quite some history together there. Perhaps order 66 happened while she was on the planet and they had to team up to escape. Either way I really want to know what happens in that arc now.

  6. I do not know how Luke did it and that is the biggest mystery in Star Wars.


    Luke was his son and he was actually able to get past Vader and reach out to Anakin, his father.


    Vader/ Anakin cared for a lot of people but all of them he held something against. With Obi-Wan he was always angry at him,he felt like he was holding him back, lying to him, etc and than there's the events in ROTS...With Ahsoka he feels she left him, pushing him closer to the dark side it shows his failure as a teacher. Even with Padme it was more out of rage but he thought she was deceiving him when she showed up with Obi-Wan on Mustafar with the intention of killing him.


    Luke never did anything to him, at that point in ROTJ when he was redeemed he was likely able to see a lot of his wrongs and forgive them for it. Plus Luke being alive shows that Sidious decived him into believing he killed Padme.



    Than there's also the fact that Luke and even Vader looks kind of weak due to poor 70s/80s fight choreography.

  7. Let's look at the terms of service shall we?



    All that is in bold supports my argument I don't care what any of you got to say after this as it is clear in the terms of service that harassment should not be going on including stalking, I don't care if it is a healer/dps/tank, there is no excuse for any of it and no reason a player(s) should not be focused on the warzone objective. Period. Enough said good day and Bioware uphold your stuff.


    Bioware isn't going to do anything for following good strategy to take out the biggest threats first or perhaps the weakest links if there is no healers present. It's not harassment at all...


    But yeah let's all have a 6v6 at mid and only do 1v1 fights... Instead of the logical scmerio and take one out at a time, preferably healers, than high damage dealers, than tanks/ whoever is left.

  8. I was doing Imperial PVP awhile back and there was this one player also on the Imp side that ended up being on the other team every time. We were both powertechs and we kept going after each other pretty much settling one score after a next, it was quite fun. The next day she was on the Republic side (as a vanguard) I could tell by the similar name, and I greeted her with an emote, we continued where we left off the previous day and we did this for almost a week.



    Of course that must be considered stalking and harassment....

  9. Obviously no one seems to realize how the game works here as an assassin/shadows can just go into stealth mode while in battle and phase walk away and heal (I should know I have an assassin that I've done that on during pve, I don't pvp with it), same with imp agents/trooper? (i'm not sure the opposites of them), all sith sorcerers/jedi sages/bounty hunters/smuggler can heal themselves if their combat profiecenies are done right, sith warriors/jedi knights have an ability that heals them as well, so yeah pretty much based on all logic there's no reason to single out a player and kill them.


    I will never play as a healer because of this nonsense right here. So logic is flawed if you want people to explore other types of classes and disciplines. Just saying.


    I care about my team winning the match, which goes better when the dedicated healers die. I don't care about people exploring classes...

  10. Isnt it smart to track and kill the healers first? :confused:


    It is and it doesn't matter if they have semi healing abilities of self healing... There's usually one or two healers that are keeping the rest of the team alive and NEED to die... It's is it strategy or in some people's mind "stalking"??.

  11. This is probably the most ridiculous reply I've read as you clearly did not see that we're not talking about killing a team we're talking about player(s) singling out 1 player and just stalking them in a warzone.


    Oh god forbid that the attackers are killing the defenders, or a healer/ top damage is being focused above all else because strategy.


    I don't see how one player is going to get another play in a continuous 1 vs 1 situation all match...

  12. Filoni himself has explicitly stated that Ahsoka is not a match for Vader.


    Still, she had a good showing, as expected.


    Of course, we likely aren't ever going to find out for certain if she's dead or alive.



    My predicting going forward for Ezra:

    The next season(s) will involve a great deal of his struggle with the dark side, especially with that darn holocron. However I do not think he'll actually go full dark in the end. What I think is most likely is he'll reject both Jedi and Sith, in the end going his own way (probably after Kanan inevitably dies in the series finale) separate from the Rebellion.

    I think Ezras new lightsaber will likely be a crossguard blade.

  13. Um no you were right the first time.


    Also about Ahsoka vs Vader. Kanan and the others survived a run in with Vader earlier in this season. If Vader was really all that powerful he should have been able to kill all off them there, particularly Sabine. Then we also got treated later to Ahsoka taking apart two Inquisitors easily which even Kanan and Ezra had a hell of a time with dealing with even one of them individually.


    That was not the goal, it was too break the spirit of the Rebels and also show the public that assisting Rebels will result in consequences... How they burned down the entire refugee village. They also wanted to use Jedi to lead them back to more lost Jedi.



    Ahsoka can never stand up to Vader, he threw her off the edge and went for the Holocron as it is more important than Ansoka. She only injured him due to him focusing on Ezra and Kanan. They would have died if Ahsoka hadn't stepped in and sacrificed herself.

  14. *** is Darth Maul made of he is worse then a roach this guy never dies. Well now I wonder if the master is not Darth Maul. I am speaking of supreme leader Snoke of course.


    The first time was kind of ridiculous... I mean sure the legs I could understand in a Vader situation but falling that far and somehow attaching himself to some Spider thing is just weird and shouldn't have happened.



    But if they go with that than you can't really expect a drop off some temple to kill him.

  15. Hmm if Vader got the kill on Ahsoka, I wonder could we see Obi-Wan possibly come out of hiding to kill Maul?


    I think they really showed that Vader is better than the old movies give him credit for, he's quite fast and strong.


    Old Kenobi could use some justice :p

  16. That was total f'ing epic.


    I don't think Ahsoka is dead though - didn't we see her walking into the temple at the end, right after we saw Vader walking out? Unless that was her force ghost?


    Hmm it's possible she learned that ability from Kenobi or Yoda

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