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Everything posted by CJ_SAX_MAN

  1. What were their valid reasons? I didn't read really any about macros being mentioned. Were there some gold posts on it as well? Feel free to link. IMHO, macros are incredibly useful for making gameplay much smoother altogether.
  2. I just know back in my WoW days (no, don't tell me GO PLAY WOW DEN!!! HARHAR! I am not a fan of that game anymore), the party would always move to the forums during maintenance time.
  3. What the game needs is not more quickbars, they already have 4. What they need are Macros, where you can combine a couple of attacks. for ex. On my Guardian, Riposte, doesn't tie in with the global cooldown, I could macro it to auto-cast along with any other attack assuming the conditions for it were met. saving one button right there. I can set my defensive cooldowns to all be one button instead of 3. etc etc. I was able to make due in WoW on my Prot Warrior with just 2 quick bars (and maybe 2 or 3 attacks on the 3rd one), because I was able to macro alot of attacks together and save all that extra button space.
  4. if you "add extra levels without adding extra levels" That will imbalance the pvp much much worse than raising the level cap.
  5. You have 4 quickbars you can use, how is that not enough for you?
  6. Too high of a level cap? 50 isn't that high, what are they raising it to? 55 or 60? That still isn't that high. Hell comparing it to WoW, Vanilla WoWs starting cap was 60, and they are at what now? 90 with the new panda expansion, SWTOR is nowhere near that.
  7. If the forums need maintenance, during a time when the game is online is a great time to do that, rather than doing forum maintenance at the same time as game maintenance. Because it is nice to be able to come chill on the forums while you are waiting for the game maintenance. So in 2 hours, you should consider leaving the forums up that way, as you work on the game, we can still post here. Not to mention it always says "visit the forum for details", well can't visit the forum when it is down too. :/
  8. I am bumping this up, especially now, I want to be able to come post in the forums when the game goes down.
  9. Cathar? That's great, one of my personal most wanted races to add in. And they aren't trying to have "cats" the Cathar race was introduced much before SWTOR. If they added in Trandoshans, would you compain that "omg it's Gator-Wars now!" too?
  10. I thought whispers with them, or party chat was allowed. If not they should be. I can understand cutting them off from general chat, but there is no reason they shouldn't be able to whisper or use party chat. If they are a gold spammer, all that requires is the "report spam" feature, that's why it's there, but this is a lousy move to limit gold spamming. That being said, sometimes even general chat is necessary if they want to LFG for something.
  11. well to an extent you earn more money with more 50s, but you still only have time to do so many dailies between all your characters.
  12. I am an achievement whore. I am sure I will be unlocking a bunch of the legacy crap.
  13. Not sure if i understand completely what you mean. I can understand them enforcing rules about now advertising about other stuff. Like a thread sayin "OMG COME PLAY PANDA WoW!! IT'S BETTER THAN FAIL WARS". That would be unnecessary, but say someone wants to come on here and just talk about random things of life. Disclaimer, I do not agree nor support the quoted statement. ("OMG COME....")
  14. But we could use that off topic forum back, sometimes we just want to get on here and just talk about random crap and have a little break from the star wars heaviness. I don't know if there has been a push to bring it back, but there should be. I am assuming this thread isn't off topic. Then it would get deleted :'( edit: and daily i see many potential threads that could be hilarious and they get closed, its unfortunate really.
  15. I play my female toon occasionally when i get tired of staring at my male toon's ***.
  16. Lol then what's up with all the people in chat talking about 32Gb? Anyway, my new computer I have ordered is going to have 16.
  17. Very valid, this should be considered for the suggestion box. Though It might aggravate people of pats were flying around fast on mounts, they already can sneak up on the wrong times as it is if you aren't paying attention.
  18. This game may have stat caps, certain stats that can only be raised to a certain point, therefore, once capped, you try to focus more on stacking other stats necessary, because any excess you have of the capped stats is just wasted, though I don't know the details of this game yet, i am not up there, just going from past MMO experience. I always hated stat caps, should be able to stack stats as high as available gear allows.
  19. Are there any yellow posts on this recently, if so can someone link them, i want to know biowares stance on them as of late
  20. Interesting but wouldn't be very practical lorewise. Though some more practical possibilities are maybe the yoda race for the small characters people are asking for, and the Cathar would be a great and easy to add one. Yoda race might require some voice addins, as would some of the other races people are suggesting on here.
  21. Would probably make the game way too easy. Though I do think there are some more things that should be bound on legacy besides commendations, but that is for another thread. Other MMOs I have played, (mainly WoW), you had to do the grind on every toon.
  22. chill out, it looks like some of them are already back up early. They should mention that in the updates
  23. Would be all up for that if Rp servers weren't dead.
  24. Wow i am tempted to roll a sith and see how much worse it could possibly get.
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