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Everything posted by CJ_SAX_MAN

  1. Their attacks and animations are already different, I am not asking to shoot lightning with a sage
  2. Ok I found out something rather upsetting just now. I have been wanting to get that sith warrior look on my Guardian. So I leveled an inquisitor to 10 so I could get gear off of the Empire GTN. Well I found some of the same named gear I had seen on the repub side [Force Champion's Chestpeice][Elder Vindicator's Chestguard] etc.., I may be off on the naming, anyway, On the empire side, it looked like neat evil armor, but on the republic side, it looked lame, anyway, fortunately before I wasted credits buying the gear and sending it to my Main via cross faction mail, I found out that if i sent that sith looking gear to my jedi, it would change looks into a jedi look. *** is this? Why can I not wear some juggernaut gear on my Guardian? It is heavy armor, same stats, I should be able to go for a different look if I want to. This really sucks. Gear shouldn't look different based on faction.
  3. just make sure they are optional, that would drive me nuts, but I do agree, great for /say things because no one ever notices /says in chat.
  4. That's possible, but might be good to start on another thread. I don't know how many kids that young are playing SWTOR, I believe the youngest i have seen is 15, based on what they claimed their age was. But Bioware are working too keep subs, I doubt they would run off that many potential customers. It would just be bad business on their part. Not saying I agree with taking advantage of kids who would spend their lives outside of school completely on a game.
  5. needing a new video card at 1.3? well i am glad my new computer will arrive before then. Either way, for anyone having problems with an older computer, please check out the guide in my signature, I am trying to get bioware to make it a sticky.
  6. it isn't hard to use the report spam and ignore button, and your chat won't look like that if you report and ignore the spammers. How are free trial people supposed to LFG for esseles, or for Heroic Quests. If they can only reply and not do outgoing whispers, how are they supposed to talk to their buddy they met the previous day and party up with em?
  7. Until my new computer arrives, I can't even load warzones, I drop to 1-3 FPS during heavy PVE action. Always people who have it worse.
  8. Then you must not have played WoW... They had many many maintenance extensions
  9. Get laid, then boot her out Or find a girl that don't mind chilling with you while you game, maybe even interested to watch, or get another computer and join in herself, then we'd have a new sub I know after all the stupid girls I have dated lately, I wouldn't mind finding a girl cool enough to play on this game with me. Though my ex wife played WoW with me, which really got weird during the divorce, fortunately she quit. But SWTOR > WoW, so I assume SWTOR ladies, would be better than WoW ones.
  10. Fleet for me takes longer than anywhere else to load with my old computer.... Glad to know it loads fast once I get my new one.
  11. Figured if i mentioned anything about this, it would just get sent here, since Bioware likes to Necromance threads. Anyway, they never did end up making server forums, which kinda sucks, though I can understand if they consider merging some of them, but I think they would be useful to have, though I am sure the party would be at the fatman server section.
  12. ""Quote: Originally Posted by TZHX I'm curious, where did they promise that? I can't imagine any company seriously saying "we're never going to reduce our number of staff". They didn't. Welcome to the forums where anything the developers say is twisted into something different."" I dont know, I would have to find it again. And I am randomly posting in this Necroed thread because a CS guy moved my crap here. Some people mentioned it before on the forums, If i can find it i will link it, Some developer talked about "Keeping our original team together" or somesuch.
  13. hell, the little old pokemon gameboy games had gambling and they were probably rated E. Doubt that would raise the rating
  14. and the blank ones, are the ones, i just posted a guide to disable. I don't know if Bioware approves of that, as you are tampering with gamefiles, but it works because you can craft and chat, while you wait on the game to load rather than staring at the blank loading screen
  15. Hmm interesting, though kind of a shame they didn't keep their promise, of "keeping the team together". Maybe that's who the doomsayers are, angry laid off employees of bioware
  16. "If anyone is getting tired of "Loading Screen Number 2" here is how you can get it not to show up. Though without that screen, you may still have to wait on the game to load around you, but at least you have access to the chat and your UI. C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor\retailclient\LoadingScreens\loading screen.jpg I don't know if you know how to find it based on that, but if not You have to go into quite a few folders to get to it. go into my computer, choose your C: Drive, go into program files, then Electronic Arts, the Bioware, the Star Wars - The Old Republic, then the swtor folder, then the retailclient folder, then the Loading Screens folder and in there you will see a picture (which is that loading screen you probably hate). According to the guy who told me this, simply rename the picture (right click on it and click Rename and change it to something else besides loadingscreen) Then the game won't pull it up when you are loading. Though if the area around you is still loading, it will look like you are standing in nothingness, for a min or two until it gets loaded. Your UI will be fully usable though. Useful for crafting and chatting while you wait for the game to load and sometimes It will let you move around early even though the graphics are still loading." There you go, nifty, trick, you just wait on the first loading screen, then, bingo, the second one doesn't come up. you may have to start at a little blackness as you await the graphics around you to load, but you can use your UI NOTE: People with really fast computers, usually don't even see the second loading screen, from what I understand.
  17. Hey the load screen that appears, after the one with the bar, you can get it not to appear, let me go copy paste how...
  18. I will be looking into programs with REGULAR keyboards, cause that razer crap is expensive. As I mentioned before, I already spent $2500 on a brand new machine to play this game one, sick of playing it on a 2002 single core Windows XP. That doesn't leave much money to buy some fancy keyboard.
  19. Macros don't require less skill, they simply require less keybinds and improve efficiency. I tanked for a long long time on WoW, using some macros that saved some button space, and using only ONE gameplay addon, which was Tauntmaster.
  20. Wrath of the lich king was 40 Cataclysm was 60
  21. now this is a great answer. What was the program that you used for the macro, or is it something you can set up ingame? I don't want to automate gameplay, i just want to be able to perform more than one function by pressing one key.
  22. LOL I am not looking for a cheat program, I don't want to spend a bunch of extra money on that Razer Keyboard. I am not looking for BoTs. I am will look around online later and see what I can find, I am hoping there is something sanctioned by Bioware, besides giving them extra money on their "special" keyboard. And I am curious what "Parsers" are, someone mentioned something about monitoring threat, if there is some sort of aggro meter, that is great.
  23. I was irritated because I was out of town for a bit and had taken some time off the game, and missed that event, i wished they had talked about it early so i could have known to try to get on some point during it
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