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Everything posted by CJ_SAX_MAN

  1. My issue with closing the chat box, is i like to keep my eye open for LFGs for people doing heroic stuff. But there are a few times that i have all out closed and just left guild chat up. I know this is expected to happen, but, i have played MMOs for years and it seems like lately it is much worse, i don't know if there are more kids playing or what.
  2. Loving being at a high population server now, but some of the crap in the chat is so ridiculous, it is almost painful to read. I don't mind some jokes that are actually funny, even dirty ones. It isn't offensive things that are bothering me, just stupidity. I had hoped that this game would have quite a bit of an older age group. I am a 24 year old myself, but some of the stuff i see in chat is pathetic. Umadbro probably got old about two years ago. The trolling is terrible, and of course the typical "this game sucks" gets old. If it sucks, in play something else, or give up trolling, and get a life, like most of us actual players actually have, contrary to popular belief. I am not sure how bioware does their enforcement, myself and guild members, have gotten email warnings, one of our guys even had to change his name. And it was over things that weren't even offensive, yet, i report, some of the filth i see in the chat, and the next day it is still there, and i am not talking about normal sexual talk, i am talking about some guy joking about molesting 12 year old girls at his nearby school or some such. Which even though it is usually a troll, is just sick and in on way funny, or even worth trolling about. If you ever roll a Jedi on The Fatman, turn off your general chat, Tython is the worst i have seen, followed by coruscant. Don't know about many other zones yet on this server as my character is only around 34 at the moment, but is there any way to stop some of this? I don't even think the wow trade chat was that bad, at least alot of trolls there were actually funny. And i love this game, call me a fanboy if you want but my biggest complaint just seems to be the stupidity and immaturity i feel surrounded by.
  3. I love my Juggernaut (tried out the other classes but just love the style, was a prot warrior in my wow days), but I have thought about checking out the other side and rolling a Jedi. Where can I find a server with a good republic presence (and that still has alot of empire players, so i will have world pvp foes). Dont want to get on a server that is dead on either side, or dead completely. Also not wanting one so full it has server Qs, though not sure if any of em are that full right now with the server problems. I remember early on The Fatman was one, but it filled up. what is the situation with it right now? And are there some others that are good picks. PVP, or RP-PVP whichever (though in lots of MMOs the RP servers tend to have less players than regular ones).
  4. And this video is great, shows the original then the SWTOR one lol.
  5. My BH dialogue options just gave me the choice do like Calo Nord did in KOTOR in Taris, count to 3 while the enemy sits there talking crap then kill them. That just made my day. Love the kotor nostalgia. EDIT-changed "Paris" to "Taris" If Calo Nord was on earth, I might be concerned, though he was a bit of a sissy in the actual fight against him.
  6. Can't stress enough how much of an advantage "Playing outside of the box" can be. There are little strategies that are not really part of typical gameplay or mechanics, that can really help out. I can't think of any definate examples atm, but LoSing (line of sight, running around a way to force an enemy to move to you) is one, though i think it is widely accepted now as a regular gameplay technique after it's extensive use in WoW. One weird thing i actually did once awhile back was I had two healers and got them split up with a boulder between them so their LoS with each other was broken. (though that was probably fixed in a patch, as that was pretty silly that that actually worked.) Though if you have trouble killing healer NPCs with a merc, I can't imagine how fun it will be as a pyrotech (powertech, whatever they are called) tank BH that i am leveling. Not to mention if you have the option of knocking one off a ledge. A patch made that where it doesn't kill anymore but it buys you alot of time. I could help more if i was more familiar with BH mechanics, but I am not. Stuns, interupts, use em when you can. In a case like that, you must time your interupts absolutely perfect. And I sure hope they aren't nerfed too bad. I haven't read the notes, but i was looking forward to raising a BH tank on my buddy's server. If not, guess i will go back to my Juggernaut.
  7. lol I wish my server had alot of world pvp stuff going. even as annoying as that would be with me being an empire player. (Though raising a trooper atm, cause tanking on my juggernaut is rather difficult on my current computer that barely runs the game)
  8. I enjoy this game very much even after I have been playing it on a subpar computer. The story is amazing. gameplay is nice. I am not worried about if I get through all the endgame, there is always stuff to do. You can just get more and more geared, make your character stronger and stronger. Plus once I get my new computer, I will be getting heavy into pvp. And raids are always fun to repeat. I can't think of how many times I repeated Icecrown Citadel, Black temple, Karazhastan (spelling?), Trial of the Crusader, Naxxrammus, Ulduar, etc... Endgame content never gets old for me on an MMO, can't wait to tank the operations that are currently available.
  9. I think I may totally banish him just to make him love and suffer, forget giving him the potential to become a powerful force ghost.
  10. I have sent emails to their system and tried the approach that they ask. I don't usually hear anything back. We are responsible for electing the officials that are over the police, so yes in a way we do control that policy. As a democracy we discuss and vote on issues. I wouldn't mind this being directed towards a main thread, but you are talking about how government works and such, deleting threads, hiding them, censorship in other words is certainly not part of a well run system. This isn't completely personal, have seen quite a bit over quite a few posts that get deleted within half an hour of issues people are having. I am not sure. And when there is unfairness going on in the system, keeping it "behind closed doors" is not always the best approach to fix it. Often exposing a problem works better. And I am not trying to draw attention to my specific issue, but rather the overall system. And i certainly don't invite a flamewar. As irritated as I am, I realize that everyone getting on here typing "**** you customer service, you suck" accomplishes absolutely nothing. and that is why I have tried my best to be civil. (though it may come across as smart alec as I worded this post very carefully and a bit blatantly to avoid their standards of what posts they delete.)
  11. This is the suggestion forums, so suggestions are allowed right? Ok then. I believe that players, as paying customers, should be allowed to discuss ANY aspect of the game on the forums (including the policing and moderation of the game). Giving an email address that I would have to wait days for a reply on is not good service at all. so therefore I "Suggest" that we be allowed more free discussion of issues with customer service and/or moderation. someone can sit on here and talk about their opinion of how crappy the customer service techs are and their post is left alone, while someone posts over a concern over an unfair warning and wants views on the legitimacy of it and their post is deleted? kind of backwards? yes indeed. After all, if bioware wants to truly make their customers happy, they listen to them right? And you can find a much richer bank of ideas in a constructive discussion over an issue than in emails sent by a few random players. So who agrees? And let's keep this discussion constructive, I am certainly not here to go raging on customer service reps (though they are ok with people telling them they suck, they just delete your posts when you discuss their rules) Also, all of you are encouraged to read the terms of use, say in case you are receiving warnings for things that did not break rules. I think if enough people agree to this, perhaps some of the specific power hungry employees out their will clean up their act. (After all, I am sure Bioware is not supportive of bad customer service.) If you are a moderator reading this, this is no offense toward you. And if you think about deleting this thread, consider how useful this thread of player opinion would be to providing the best possible experience for all of your customers. And as someone who has stayed loyal to this game despite all the craziness that has driven quite a few people away, I would hope my input mean something.
  12. Though science fiction contains alot of very plausible scientific theory. I agree with the black lightsaber part, but as for the lightsaber, there have actually been some pretty detailed scientific possibilities. just containment the plasma (of even being able to produce and control it effectively) is something we don't have the technology for right now. But lack of technology to achieve something does not make it impossible.
  13. HAHAHA nice! but that also supports my last post, I think the light would be a dark purple, probably similar to an actual blacklight.
  14. The closest thing to black that would be possible is a very very very dark purple, but a true solid black color wouldn't be possible. Though to the human eye, the dark shade of purple could definately appear black.
  15. Which incident are you talking about? I think Meetra actually had Revan beaten in being able to take on lots of enemies, I still remember having to fight through tons and tons of sith apprentices getting into that temple after Traya. Then again, there was the star forge where waves of enemies came after Revan, but he also had more help and backup for that.
  16. I am not sure which one of them had the best saber fighting mastery, I know Revan was a good duelist. He fought Mandalore the Ultimate purely as a melee fight duel. (if I'm not mistaken). That doesn't seem like it would be hard for a force user to defeat a not force user hand to hand but supposedly that didn't apply to Mandalore, as he was a very tough opponent. Revan defeated Darth Malek who was basically just like Darth Malgus, mostly melee with some lightning. (Though Malek had a strange fascination for attacking with force whirlwinds.) Once Revan had been redeemed, I believe he really grew strong in the force itself, and with force techniques. However in terms of sheer lightsaber mastery, I believe obi wan has the upper hand). In a duel between them, it would partly depend on the fighting grounds. Despite him being less focused on force powers, Obi wan has a very strong awareness of the environment around him, and using it to his advantage (dropping that thing on those droids heads, I can't think of other atm, but I know they are there more). Though in some ways Revan is as well. Revan is a genius tactician (in other words very similar to Malavi Quinns talent for strategizing), he would pursue the battle options that would either given him the best possible odds, or lower the odds for the other person. I worry about Obi Wan because he always waits for the other person to attack while he fights defensively. His best bet against Revan would be to move in fast and force it into a Melee fight where he has the superiority, but as it is, he may end up staying back and getting overwhelmed by Revan's Force techniques. (whatever all he is able to do, shooting lightning, Force throwing ****, etc...) Though it might not take him down, he usually had enough sense not to get easily beat by a force technique. (I think he was the only Jedi who had sense enough to simply raise his lightsaber to block lightning rather than getting zapped or trying to block it with his hands). He has a very intense battle focus it seems. Even if distracted or emotional, he is able to not let it bring him down. That would help when fighting Revan, as it has been mentioned before that due to his intonation with the force, allies of Revan feel a natural inspiration while fighting with him, while his enemies feel quite a bit of intimidation and hopelessness. Though Obi-wan is strong willed and very strong spirited. I really cant say for sure, I am leaning towards obi wan, but it just depends on the circumstances. based on this information, i am interested to hear what people say
  17. So I guess Luke didn't end up being the true perfect good Jedi like I read somewhere,
  18. I want to see someone shoot lightning through a holo, now that would be funny.
  19. Kind of strange though, many people on the republic side talk about what a hero he was, they don't talk about him going and mercilessly and brutally killing Mandalorians while enjoying it, etc... I believe there was also some mandalorian chile that had gotten caught in a battle and when they found her, Revan chose to spare her (maybe I am confusing a whole other EU story). Not to mention Jedi who were close to him talked about how deep and strong he was in the lightside.
  20. Yes the Jedi of this era are ridiculous, I have raised that arguement many times myself, though I have been encouraged play a knight or consular to see it from their side and actually see the Jedi who are truly good and not hellbent on destroying the sith. Someone mentioned Satele, but she is just like the rest of them, at BT mouthing off with how their ship is under Jedi protection. Jedi at this all think they are all powerful. Even sith, due to how they were raised, know there is always someone stronger. (except my SW, who always brags about what a bad *** he is)
  21. They were referring to the legacy system, supposedly the BHs parents were force users. Is there some special stuff in legacy that passes certain things long like that? though I can't see a BH pulling out a lightsaber.
  22. This is very controversial. I know personally he never moved that sword around that fast in a suit, but that would be due to more advanced special effects of the later time period. Some people claim that his prime was right before kenobi injured him. Some claim his prime was between 3 and 4 (possibly during the force unleashed times. I don't get too much into that games story because it gets very confusing, especially with all the non-canon options you can take.) I have heard people say that when Sideous found Anakin down by the fire, that look of sadness on his face wasn't sympathy for Anakin, it was dissappointment in the fact that in light of this, Darth Vader would never truly become what Sidious had planned. Of course since then, he tries to replace Vader twice, first with the Force Unleashed guy, nextly with Luke. Though Vader seemed to have a couple of nice little force powers. That force wind he unleashed on Luke seemed potent, along with block blaster bolts with his hand. (odd because his hands were mechanical, same reason he cant use lightning, how would he channel the energy to deflect the blaster bolts?
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