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Everything posted by CJ_SAX_MAN

  1. My Juggernaut doesn't sleep either, his bed is for when he gets laid.
  2. Jedis don't sleep, they get on their knees/sit down and meditate for hours.
  3. Would be crazy if he knocked up some girl in tatooine and ended up being Luke's ancestor (starting the bloodline that led up to Anakin, who was many thousands of years later born on Tatooine) If he isn't dead they could bring him back as a raid boss and end it there, he was too powerful in the force to be offed as a mere flashpoint boss that wasn't even level 50
  4. I do agree. Although if stats are an issue, it sounds like gear needs to be tweaked rather than actual gameplay mechanics. in WoW, they had issues with the pve gear hurting gameplay, I hear stories from either vanilla or BC (I was a Wrath baby), not sure, about people overstacking dodge and being untouchable. so they created a system where some of the stats were different. You had resilience, which was pvp defense and armor penetration/spell penetration, which was where your pvp dps was gained. PVP gear was useless in pve. though pve gear has some effect in pvp. not the dps gear so much but, for healers and tanks, if you had good pve healing gear, you could pop some huge heals, although if the players had any intelligence (which quite a few don't) they would attack and down the healer easily. pvp healer gear kept the healers from getting wiped out but it seemed the healing stats and abilities were somewhat weaker, though couldn't heal as good, which was sometimes a good thing, as you would get tanks who were already nearly unkillable, a overpowered healer would make them invincible. Actual PVP tank gear seemed to give an advantage early on in pvp (against players that are just starting gathering their pvp sets, non-ranked battleground, etc.) I haven't reached endgame yet and due to my crappy computer, haven't even been able to pvp on this game, just gotten lucky enough to run into republic players in the world, and as an immortal juggernaut, they seemed quite easy to beat, but they may want to adopt a system similar to that if they don't already have one in place. But basically, how hard it is to defeat a boss and how hard it is to defeat a player should be completely unrelated. I haven't fought Draag 2.0 yet. killed Baras's sith apprentice way back early on, but i can't remember if that was draag or just another one. Though melee bosses that hit hard can be kited, though very time consuming. It is how I solod Nomen Karr round 1 and round 2 as a level 28 while he was a 32 elite. Had to get help to beat round 3 and Jaesa, but I have no complaints about that, I was 4 levels under par, I was rushing the class story specifically to get Jaesa early.
  5. First of all the title says spoiler, second of all, everyone already knows that Baras is the sith warrior final boss. I love my fleet chat cause the trolls come in purposely blurting out spoilers and people go nuts like you. Heck i like know ahead of time, I have watched the whole class story lines for every class on youtube. hours of conversations and cutscenes but great to get to watch all the stories.
  6. Now seeing a Trandoshan kiss a humaniod female would be hilarious, her all getting up on that lizard mouth. Though I am sure intimacy would be difficult as certain body parts might be rough, scaly, and sharp.
  7. and as for conversation music, seems the only time they incorporate it is the conversations after the final boss fights for each class. Sith inquisitor ending is a great example, I love the music they put in during that ending cutscene. I watched that thing so many times just to hear that short part that is from the final duel between Luke and Vader.
  8. I agree with the OP. Not to glorify Wow cause that game has totally gone downhill. But they had an option that you could turn on that would keep music looping all while you played, though the issue i can see with that is some of the music that would play could not really be in the right mood for certain situations, like music that plays when you are rolling on your speeder with the beautiful sunset may not work with some action packed battle, or a dramatic conversation, etc, but i think it is something that swtor should invest some time into, unfortunately, I'm afraid there may not be enough players who have that deep of an appreciation for the music for them to work on it. As a musician, and music major myself though, i definately do, when i watch a movie, i am listening to every bit of what is going on in the music and noticing how it reflects the context of the situation.
  9. OH! Touche Looked him up on youtube. Then yes I totally agree that they could be added in with no voice change.
  10. it's too bad we can't have our own HK unit or something. Could imagine the story, you are created and sent to serve someone as a battle droid, or bodyguard, or maybe even the assassin droid, but through some mysterious technology put in you, you develop artificial intelligence to the point of being independent, you then are like the Galaxies first sentient droid. probably a bit corny though :/ HK-47 was already something more advanced than any droid ever made in the star wars universe, even during the movies, if any droid could have achieved all that, it would have been him.
  11. I bet they could add a heroic class (means a class that starts at a higher level than 1, have to have already raised another character to use it. Example, the death knights on wow that started at level 55) later on that allows a species that isn't available for the other classes. Hypothetical: Say they add a Jedi Master or something like that, class that started at 30 or 35 or something (would be with an expansion where the level cap had raised). Well one of the race choices for that class could be the yoda species, as they would be already putting in new voice stuff for that whole class and it wouldn't involve getting back into the pre existing classes and changing stuff up. I guess it wouldn't even need to be a heroic class, could just be a regular new class. Say they made some non-force using melee class, they could make wookies avaible or something, though for alien dialects, they don't really record different words for everything, i think they have like 10 or 15 recordings and play one of the over whatever the alien says, because i have heard the aliens say the same words with completely different subtitles. or Gungans (though, don't know how they would work, they use those shields and throw/launch energy balls. And I don't know if Gungans were discovered yet. There are other races i think they could have incorporated, though I think they figured it would kill some of the immersion to have alien dialects going on, ex. Rodian bounty hunters, and some of the aliens are just ugly, who wants to play as a Duros? Although I think they should have considered Cathar as a choice, don't know a tremendous amount about their lore but i believe they are allies of the republic mostly, some use the force. They could have probably incorporated them into any class. the Juhani (character for KOTOR) fans would have loved making a Cather Jedi. Though that is one example i could see where a new voice actor would be needed, considering I have yet to hear a Cather speak without that funky accent.
  12. I have heard this rumor in the general chat in my ship that there is some story arc where Quinn ends up getting really jealous of you hitting on Vette. Though I haven't seen any videos of the scene at all, all I have seen is the confrontation that results when you are romancing both Vette and Jaesa. Does anything interesting happen with Quinn? Kind of odd if so, but right now, my Quinn absolutely can't stand Vette, so i don't see how that would work.
  13. And as for balancing things out, I always say buff things don't nerf things, if there is an issue, buff the players a little more, don't nerf the boss. If classes are unbalance, buff the weaker ones, don't nerf the strong ones. I like to see things get stronger rather than weakened.
  14. That is probably true, so far immortal has been very easy. I look forward to seeing that boss you are talking about, I am only on Taris at the moment. I may be checking out the DPS specs anyway, the current computer i am on is below the system requirements and runs the game roughly, so i am concerned I wouldn't be able to effectively tank raids when my fps is dropping through the floor.
  15. Surprised they already haven't gotten attention for some of the in game story. It's all story and fiction, no matter how dark or demented, it is all a form of art, but unfortunately i guess they figure it will influence children too much. Though electrocuting everyone to death you talk to, killing a sith lord so you can nail his wife, etc, isn't much better lol. Too bad they limit the intimacy scenes though it would hurt this games player base bad to have an M rating. not that it is anything kids these days haven't seen or done already.
  16. I wouldn't nerf anything in the game. Everything I have seen so far is quite possible if you are up to level and adequately geared. I don't know about marauders, but as a Juggernaut, haven't seen anything I can't handle with Quinn's healing, or Jaesa's DPS. Between the cooldowns and medpacs, fairly easy. You can always ask for help from a guildie also. The only time i ever needed help on class quests though is when I was attempting to get Jaesa 4 levels early (even then, I beat Nomen Karr rounds 1 and 2 on my own as a 28 while he was a 32 elite, round 3 killed me though) Do the obvious, make sure you are healed before the fight and buffed, activate a stim to increase or health or strength, whichever would benefit you more. IMMORTAL JUGGERNAUT: What I am, I don't know the mechanics of other specs. If you are a Juggernaut (immortal anyway) go ahead and use the Endure Pain early (30% health increase, unlike Last Stand in WoW, it has a nice short cooldown) and use blade ward early because when you pop Heroic Moment: draw on the force, Blade Ward is refreshed. make sure you use Smash, Force Scream, and Retaliate every chance you get to gain their defense boosts, (smash lowers his accuracy, force scream gives you some absorbtion, and retaliate gives a defensive boost) And of course keep his sundering stacks up. If he starts getting some big bursts in use the invincibility. Don't forget to use a medpac somewhere too. Now i believe there is a conversation break in that fight, where you can heal before he pulls his mask off and starts to attack again. If the game tries to automatically put you in the conversation, might see if you can esc out of it and heal then talk to him and finish. Normally i would suggest to buy you some time, having Jaesa attack (if you are using her) and burning him down a little while she holds aggro until she reaches about 33% health then grab him, though with his AoEs, that may not work, I am not to that fight yet, just going by the current mechanics i have noticed. May want to make sure you have Quinn geared if you choose to use him, personally I am guilty of letting my companions get behind on gear.
  17. My computer barely runs the game, but it does, however it doesn't get warzones loaded. by the time they load I am either booted for being inactive or the battle is over. Any way to fix that? I haven't gotten to do a single warzone yet
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