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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. Closing in on awake players is a definite issue.


    You really have 2 choices, without going Rage - run at them or charge them. If you charge, you eat a knockback or whatever. If you run at them, the following happens.


    They see you, and start to attack. This includes slows, roots and general nastiness. You will arrive at them maybe at half health, if that. You CAN pop Force Camo. In which case a noob will just stand there, scratching himself, waiting for you to pop next to him. A non-noob will run away from the spot he saw you at last, and/or pop his own speed boost. Then, when you pop out 4 seconds later, the situation hasn't changed - you are still at range, they're still pelting you, and you are now 1 cooldown short.


    So far, I haven't found a solution against someone with a brain. Noobs are easy though.

  2. This screen shot must have been taken a while ago, since there's no conceivable way that you could get a 5k+ heal without using a medpack... and medpacks no longer produce healing medals.


    Wrong. There is a way. And it works, because I've just done it this morning. And no, I'm not going to tell you how. And yes, it involves a consummable.

  3. Speaking about pvp, I seriosly doubt, that darkness got a buff, since the energise got nerfed from 50 to 30% proc chance and energised shocks are the main dmg source of a darkness sin, don't think harnessed darkness proc from wither can make it, since using lightning is very situational in pvp and healing from it is also affected by 30% decrease there.


    It's not a buff, but it's not a nerf.


    Energize DID get nerfed from 50% to 30%. But it also got changed to "from ability proc" to a "per hit proc". Before, casting Thrash gave you a 50% chance to proc. Now, casting Thrash gives 0% chance to proc, but each hit you do (Thrash is 2 hits animation) has a 30% chance to proc each. Overall, it's not that bad.


    Harnessed Darkness lightning with Recklesness up is 30m range, and hits 75% harder, and heals you for 8% in PvP, 12% in PvE. It's quite nice.


    Also Harnessed Darkness buff lasts 30 seconds now. So if you finish the fight with 2 of them, you can just use them at the start of the next fight, instead of losing them like before.


    Overall, Darkness is quite nice now. Not amazing, not overpowere. But nicer than it was.

  4. Meh, the class is still playable. The new 30 sec duration on Harnessed Darkness buff and how easy it is to get a full stack of it now, makes playing a Sin a bit better.


    Though I'm pretty sure I'll refocus more on my PT and Marauder. Though Marauders are reporting that the "buff" they got actually nerfed their damage instead of increasing it. Haven't had a chance to test it myself.


    And if you guys want a good laugh, having wins not count towards the daily in WZs? STILL not fixed! :D Yeap, that's right. Just did one game on my Sin this morning, real quick. We won. Victory. No credit... GG BW, GG.


    Ofc they dont touch others classes hybrid speccs, they dont like assassins thats why=)


    I just want to see the next patch notes. If they nerf the hybrids of some other class, then we'll know for sure that's what they're doing. Prime example is probably PTs, they have some very strong hybrids. But if they leave the other guys alone, that's bad news. Means every class probably has "the guy" in charge of it. And our guy looks to be a moron.

  5. Depends on spec. A Deception Sin can have a nice burst. Two Voltaics followed by Discharge and Shock can do quite a bit. The Voltaics are the buildup phase, and Discharge/Shock are the burst. If you time it right and it puts the target below 30%, you can follow up with Assassinate for another chunk of health.


    But again, with Deception spec, you are in melee range wearing light armor and you depend on your defensive cooldowns to keep you alive. And your defensive cooldowns are significantly worse than those of a Marauder, who is also in melee range and is wearing medium armor.


    If you are still in doubt, go with a PT. They're just so much easier to play right now it's not even close to being fair. Their damage, especially as Pyro, is ridiculously high (maybe TOO high, time will tell). Yeah, they lack a lot of tools a Sin has, but tools are overrated.


    And I got a chance to play a WZ after the patch this morning. Wither is nice, but as predicted heals from Harnessed Darkness, and while it's MUCH better than what it used to be, it really doesn't solve anything.

  6. If I were a Dev I'd not want to talk to most of you either. Nothing personal, it's just that I fear my undies are flammable.


    Ain't that the truth.


    Still, I can't help but feel that when they're nerfing a popular spec to absolute garbage, like they're doing to Sins in tomorrow's patch, it's just common decency to come out and explain why they think it needs to be done. Otherwise they will be judged in absentia, and that's never pretty.

  7. When they make proto type flame thrower useable while moving, THEN maybe Ill play the spec more.


    I always figured Flame Thrower was supposed to be used in conjunction with Carbonize? Stun them all, then torch them. I've seen it done a few times with relative success.


    I posted a video thats on the first page, heres another if you want to see more of me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JrwTtn83Zc&feature=youtu.be


    EDIT: I don't have any like full length pvp videos ready im working on building enough fraps footage to make one.


    Can't wait. The guy in the video probably didn't have much in a way of expertise, huh? 14k health, and you hitting him like that?

  8. why would they nerf it? you can't balance/start nerfing based upon PVP..


    Same reason they're nerfing Sin hybrids in 1.1.2 - they don't want people to play hybrid specs. They want everyone to pick a tree and go 31+ points into it.


    The good news is, they buffed Wither. Which is Assassins' version of Heat Blast (Shieldtech 31 pointer). So when the nerf to Parakeet comes, at least Heat Blast will likely be looked at too.


    I'm pretty sure the nerf IS coming though. Though I think the next patch notes will tell the story. If the patch notes kills some other class' hybrid specs, then we'll know for sure that's their plan. If not, then it'll be time to start pushing for a new guy to be put in charge of Sins' development, and the current guy can go back to picking lice off the monkey at the zoo.

  9. You guys. This game was never going to be the next big thing. It's a nice single player MMO. It's never professed to be anything else. If you exhausted that content, it's time to move on, it's that simple.


    For me personally, SWTOR surpassed all expectations. I expected it to last me December and January at most. Now it looks like it'll last most of February as well. That's more than enough. In February ME3 will come out, and then D3, etc., etc.


    If you're not happy, just quit and save yourself the aggravation. Let's be realistic. The game isn't just suddenly going to get better with a magic patch. They've been patching for almost 2 months now, and the game is pretty much exactly the same as it was at launch. Victories still don't count, ability activation delay is still there, abilities not activating still there, etc., etc.

  10. I may be unfamiliar, what escape tools do Juggs have?


    Dude, don't try it. This thread is so chock-full of misinformation I'm laughing my butt off at half the posts. Especially the one that says Mara have so much CC it's 10x better than any other class. That one had me spilling coffee all over the place I was laughing so hard.

  11. You realize shadow/sin and marauder/sent are the upcoming FOTM yes?


    lol you mean Shadow/Sin becoming FOTM just when the upcoming patch 1.1.2 nerfs all the popular hybrid builds into total uselessness? Oh, yeah. I can TOTALLY see that. :rolleyes:


    Mara/Sent? Dunno. I see them a lot in PvE, but almost never in PvP, usually 1 per team at most.


    Don't fool yourself. Commandos/Mercs and Sages/Sorc are still the most played classes in the game, and with good reason.

  12. I do wish the Powertech had more utility/mobility (well at least as a pure pyrotech I do) but I know I contribute to my pvp matches, I can displace and burn down quite a few people, I have excellent aoe and I can fight at range to some degree if necessary.


    With this in mind, I've been looking at Advanced Prototype tree lately. I realize it has a lot of shortcomings, but the +15% movement speed in combat as well as Hydraulic Override making you 30% faster while also immune for slows/knockbacks for 8 seconds with a measly 30 sec CD? That's pretty nifty. It's no Predation or Force Sprint, but it's better than nothing. Something I keep meaning to try one day.

  13. What I find funny is two weeks ago everyone would have been screaming "Operatives, they're just too OP" and now you hear nothing.



    Does nobody else find that pathetic, and a bit worrying?


    No point. Bioware just nerfed them. Until the nerf bat does a full circle, no amount of whining will help.


    Besides, I think it was a buff. I can stunlock way better than before, and win more often.

  14. DPS gear, at least for me.


    Some recommend dropping shield for focus, but I can't do it. Though I could be wrong.


    If you are Deception now, don't go Darkness until after the patch. Wither not proccing HD will bum you out and you will form some bad habits. Start fresh with a new patch.

  15. You clearly don't understand how valuable a peel/interrupt/immobilize(talented) grapple is. I like how knocking people into the pit is super pro, but pulling people into the pit/hazards is a cheese move.


    The point is moot anyway, as a Sin can do the exact same thing. Force Pull->Spike. Same effect as talented Grapple.


    With the parakeet spec and the Iron Fist spec, there's little reason not to spec into jet charge. I know TD does fantastic damage and that's playstyle playstyle playstyle, but I always have rocket charge in my spec. Also, why the hell would you carry the ball without having charge? That's just being stupid and hurting your team. As a DPS your job isn't to tank a lot of damage, it's to DPS.


    All true. But have you taken a look at 1.1.2 patch notes? Assassins have a hybrid build which is basically their version of Carolina Parakeet. Guess what happens next patch? It goes extinct. They're killing it, by making key talents in Madness and Deception to require a specific stance (cylinder, for BHs).


    Basically, as far as Sins go, Bioware is killing off hybrid builds next patch I would say odds are very good that one or two patches from now, the same thing will happen to PTs. Then what? If they're doing it to Sins, odds are good same will happen to the rest. Unless of course Bioware just hates Sins, in which case everyone will reroll PT anyway... :p


    Powertech trades a little utility for better survivability and mobility. It's really just that simple.


    Mobility, yes. Survivability, no. At least in my humble opinion. Force Shroud on a Sin alone is worth every cooldown a PT has combined, as far as I'm concerned. Especially talented Shroud that lasts 5 seconds. It alone did more for my Sin than all the shields did for my PT.


    EDIT: Actually, that's a negative on mobility as well. My Sin can sprint every 20 seconds, and each time I sprint I break all roots and slows. I can make myself immune to all but physical roots for 5 seconds any time I want. My Wither is an AoE 30% slow that lasts 15 seconds (longest duration slow in the game), which makes me relatively more mobile than the people around me. And then there's Force Slow, that is single-target on demand 50% slow, on 12 sec CD. When it comes to catching people, I seem to have an easier time on my Sin.


    Again, just an opinion here. I'm not looking for a fight and I'm not out to hurt anyone's feelings. My PT is currently just 3/4 of a level behind my Sin. So it's not like I have an obvious favourite. It's just lately I've been bummed out about the PT. Like I said, could all be in my head.

  16. I'm leveling with Wither too. Though I'm thinking of trying Deception or Madness until 1.1.2 hits.


    It's nice when you get it, but it's not the same order of magnitude like Marauder getting Annihilate, for example, where the difference is HUGE because Anni will have 66% chance to also reset Rupture cooldown.


    Wither is an OK AoE, and damage reduction is great, but slow is largely meaningless for leveling. Personally I'd just take HD and go for Madness points, you'll get more bang for your buck. And fill out the rest of the Darkness tree in high 40s, if you are just questing/leveling without tanking instances or PvP. For PvP though, Wither is pretty awesome, even the way it is now.

  17. Seems like u have many self heal abilities and from what I read seem to beb used quite often where as the terrible PT self heal is on a 2-3 min cd. So I think the self heal is a push if not in the favour of sin becuase of how often it may be used. Again like I said I'm not to familar with sins so I can't be certain.


    Yeah, problem with Sin heals in PvP is that currently (until next patch) Wither doesn't give Harnessed Darkness like it should. And Harnessed Darkness buff falls off too quick. Plus the 30% reduction to healing in Warzones.


    Nobody can really tell how effective the self-healing with HD will be until the patch goes live. Personally I think it may be bordering on overpowered, as I can get a 3-stack just with shocks quite often.


    In theory, you could go Wither->Thrash->Shock->Thrash->Shock-LS, with filler swings if your energy is too low. Each rotation will do very reasonable DPS, and LS at the end will heal 8% HP. And while LS is immune to interrupt, you are still subject to CC, so other classes will have to save the CC to break it. Except you can knock them over with Spike just before you channel, and pop Recklessness to boot. It'll hurt.


    Considering this is a tank spec, this could be quite scary, actually.


    But again, total guess here. Won't know until the patch is live.

  18. Quite a few root effects bypass Force Shroud. For example, warrior charge root effect bypasses Shroud as well. Apparently some root effects are considered physical, not force/tech. Same goes for sniper root, I believe, the leg shot 35m ranged one. I've killed quite a few Sins with Shroud up when they were crossing the burner thinking they were safe.
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