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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. I dont use a shield gen, but there really isnt much better to put it into, and I do use it for pve.


    Yep, just what I thought too. Just tried one match with the spec, pretty nifty. I do miss the slow on Wither, actually had to use Force Slow from time to time, but definitely playable.

  2. Now if only I could come up with a way to not get owned so hard in solo queue. I'm getting kills, sure but when I get focused, I'm dead no matter what.


    That's true of pretty much any class, any spec. If two or more even semi-competent players come down on you, you will go down hard. It's only fair.

  3. Again, change if you want to, but just remember that the FOTM class / crew skill won't last forever.


    True. But compare that to Cybertech. What do you get? Grenades on 5 min cooldown?! How useful is that, honestly? 90 sec CD is still too long, IMO, should be 60 sec max. But Bioware seems perfectly content with it.


    They might fix it. Eventually. Or not. Who the heck knows. Considering how fast it is to level professions in this game, why not switch?

  4. After reading numerous posts on this forum, I've come to the conclusion that SWTOR is safe from Guild Wars 2.


    Guild Wars 2 is one time purchase, with no monthly sub. There's really little reason NOT to get it. It's apples and oranges, really.


    Having said that, it'll come down to personal preference. People who can't stand anime crap and huge oversized weapons will never play GW2, no matter how good the game is.

  5. I've been running as a sorc healer for a long time in warzones and feel that it's time for a change of pace. I've decided on a tank (or at least being able to guard+taunt), but I'm trying to better understand the pros and cons of the tank classes. I'm looking for Survivability, Utility, Damage in Pvp environments. Does anyone have a link to where this is already outlined? Can level 50 tanks speak up as to what they feel they can bring to the table better/worse than other tanks?


    Taunts can be done in any stance, you don't need to be a tank to do it.


    Guard is largely useless, unless you're getting heals. In many cases, it is actually a negative. What Guard does is reduce damage 5% on your target, and then split the remaining damage between you two. What happens if you are not getting healed is, the enemy will lock down and focus fire your target, and you will die roughly at the same time as your target. So, instead of chasing and killing TWO targets, the enemy has to chase and kill just one. Yes, damage required to do it is doubled, but they also get a double kill for it. In other words, Guard is for when you have heals or to keep the ball carrier alive a little longer. That's about it.


    Tanking gear and tanking stats are largely useless in PvP. Plenty of posts about it detailing why. For example, a crit cannot be shielded. Ever. Now consider how many classes have skills/talents/procs that make the next attack an automatic crit. Huge number. Now consider how many classes have buffs to their crit chance. Recklessness for Inquisitors, +60% crit chance for next 2 attacks. Explosive Fuel for Powertechs, +25% crit chance for next 15 seconds. Etc., etc. Add all of that together, and you won't be shielding much of anything.


    Armor? Consider how many classes have armor bypass/reduction. Carnage Marauder can ignore 100% of the armor. Deception Sin's backstabs ignore 50% armor. Concealment Operatives ignore 30% of the armor (or whatever it is after the nerf, used to be 50%?). Mercs and Juggs can debuff your armor by 25%. Etc., etc.


    In other words, in PvP tanks are FAR squishier than in PvE. Lately, I see more and more tank classes playing DPS specs in PvP, or hybrid specs, rather than tanking specs. The loss of DPS vs the small gain in survival just doesn't make it worth it.


    EDIT: And tanks are all more or less the same. Assassins have less armor rating, but higher defense chance. PTs have a best (arguably) mix. Juggs I think have the most armor rating? Each class has some defensive cooldowns.


    Sins have 3-5 seconds of 100% immunity to force/tech, and 50% ranged/melee deflection for 15 sec.

    PTs have 12 seconds of -25% damage taken from all sources, and 15% heal over 10 seconds (on 3 min cooldown).

    Juggs have deflection and Invincible, which is 40% reduction to all for 10 seconds (also 3 min CD).


    It'll be easier for you to just look this stuff up on TorHead.com or wherever.

  6. Other tank classes get an execute. So why not PTs?


    Sins get Assassinate, Juggs get Vicious Throw. Yeah, I know, Pyro gets a talent. But other specs would really use an execute too.


    I was just playing my PT for a bit last night and was thinking this exact same thing. On my Sin, enemy drops below 30% and I will take a huge chunk out of his health, even if I don't kill them. With my Mara (gets the same execute as Jugg), they drop to 20% and I'll likely finish them off there and then. But on a PT I have to keep crunching them down until they crumble, all the way.


    Execute would be nice.

  7. Herding 8 cats is much harder than herding 2 cats.


    Also, when all you have on your team is 2 people, 1 good player can carry the other quite easily, even if he dies in seconds. But in an 8-team, 1 good player and 7 morons will get curbstomped 9 times out of 10.


    Ranked warzones are quite a bit more about skill and communication. A 5v5 arena comes close, I admit. But in a 5v5 it is always about taking out as many enemies as possible as quick as you can when the whistle blows. Which is why 99% of top rated 5v5 teams had a shammy in them - for Bloodlust. And which is why when ranked WZs start, the group will have a Marauder in it - for Bloodthirst.


    All in all, I don't think anyone cares. There's so many other things that need fixing, starting with class balance, before we can worry about ranked warzones or arenas. If they were introduced right now, all they would conclusively prove is that a handful of classes in this game are grossly overpowered, as their representation in top teams would be incredibly high. Of course BW can always take a Blizzard route and claim representation has nothing to do with strength, and 99% of top teams having exactly 1 shammy in a group has nothing to do with Bloodlust, it's just because they LOOOOVE shammies... :rolleyes:

  8. Considering Blizzard has said over and over they regret adding arenas to the game due to the horrible balance issues it brought around I highly doubt we're going to be seeing anything more than rated WarZones, which are coming soon.


    Arenas didn't bring any imbalance into the game. That imbalance existed for years prior to Arena, since the game's launch. Arenas just made the imbalance GLARINGLY obvious, forcing Blizzard to act. And they suck at it.


    In my humble opinion, Blizzard has some of the worst records when it comes to balancing. Look at SC2, they spent years balancing and polishing it, and it came out with the Zerg virtually broken and most professional competitive gamers flat out refused to play that race within a month of release. It just wasn't worth it.


    Same with WoW, some classes like feral druids, were broken for YEARS. Other classes, like rogues, were godlike for years. And some classes, like shammies, had bloodlust which made them essentially mandatory in any 5v5. As in 98% of top rated 5v5 teams would have a shammy in it. By comparison, only about 23% had a druid in it, and 0% had a feral druid.


    That's why Blizzard said that about arenas. They made their inept balancing glaringly obvious to anyone.

  9. Thanks for the inputs. I have a 20 PT and 21 Sin and currently trying to decide who to devote my time to. Neither one has their best abilities yet so hard to judge them, and its starting to take longer to level so want to pick just one to move forward with.


    I was trying to compare skills like they each have a pull and sin has speed while bt has jet charge. Trying to weigh which one has better abilities for matches and such.


    Since I don't know which one at high level has better defense figured I'd see what you guys thought about fighting other people.


    I have both, 45 and 46 I think, PT and Sin.


    PT, in my opinion, is infinitely easier to play. Sin, again in my opinion, offers many more options.


    Both are very strong in PvP.


    Jet Charge is indeed awesome, but compared to my Anni Marauder (also 46) whose charge works point-blank on 10 sec cooldown, the PT charge feels rather lackluster. Force Speed is nice, and on 20 second cooldown talented, and also breaks roots.


    Based on my experience, Jet Charge is invaluable in Huttball. Not that great elsewhere, though it is still a nice gap-closer on 15 sec CD, nothing to scoff at. Force Speed on the other hand is invaluable everywhere - makes for handy getaways, sudden line of sight, ability to outrun the other guy and get to a healing buff first, as well as leap over fires from the top tier in Huttball.


    Personally, if I had to choose right now, I'd go with a Sin. Mostly because currently Sins have 3 interesting specs. Darkness is quite fun now, Deception kinda sucks but it always kinda sucked. And Madness is quite fun too.


    By comparison, PT top-tier Shieldtech talents SUCK. They're OK in PvE, but near-useless PvP. Which makes a full Shieldtech PT build in PvP very, very uninteresting. Advanced Prototype is also not really all that great. It's not bad, and has some REALLY cute toys like Hydraulic Overrides. But their strongest tree right now is Pyrotech, and they have a few very viable hybrid builds like Carolina Parakeet (Shieldtech/Pyro) or Iron Fist (Shieldtech/Prototype).


    But when it comes to ease of play and effectiveness, I think PT wins, being a mostly ranged class. With Pyro spec, you only have two short range attacks - Rocket Punch and Flame Burst. The rest are all 30m range. And everything is instant, which makes you fairly mobile - you never have to stop to cast/channel anything, unless you want to use Unload, which isn't all that great with Pyro spec.


    But that's just me. Also Powetech doesn't really get all his tools until 46, when you get Carbonize. It's rather important to have. Sin by comparison is pretty finished 36+ or whenever you get Force Shroud, and feels totally complete at 40.


    EDIT: The guy above who said Marauder/Sentinel? Not a bad suggestion too. The class is a BLAST to level, I absolutely loved it. Silly quick. Reached 46 almost a full day faster than either PT or Sin. INSANELY fast. Under 3 days /played time to 46. Though they're a pain to play in PvP, especially group PvP. With cooldowns up, you're a god. With cooldowns down, you're dead meat walking.

  10. Yes, everyone hears it. And it pisses them off. This is especially funny if you are playing an Operative with healing spec. Whenever a Kolto Proble procs Tactical Advantage (which happens every few seconds), your character laughs. When they're hammering at you, and instead of dying you're laughing your butt off, it drives them nuts.
  11. Today i was in Civil War and tried to come up with a plan. After no one listened they capped 2 bases and held them the entire game. when i attempted to get people to coordinate, i was told "stop worrying about what other people do and go get kills" do people not realize this is a TEAM game and coordination/communication is the key to winning? Why does everyone refuse to follow a plan and just want to farm medals? Sorry for the rant just got really annoying at losing yet another game because of incompetent players.


    This game has some of the DUMBEST people I've seen in any MMO to date. I am being completely honest and as objective about it as I can be. In other MMOs, you occasionally run into a complete cretin. It happens. But for the most part, people show at least some signs of rudimentary intelligence. But here? I've seen sheep that could outwit them. I've worn dresses with higher IQ...err...ignore that.


    I don't know where these people came from. I hope these are new people though, because if it's the old players who have grown dumber, the possible repercussions for the future of gaming are dire indeed.

  12. You cant really say that Darkfall was a bad game though, it was actually the company (AV) that didnt knew what to do, but I still have hope for the DF 2.0, its gonna be f2p in China :)


    You could argue that. But I have a theory of my own. The theory is that it is companies that don't know what they're doing that develop risk vs reward games! :D


    Let me explain. UO, at the start, did poorly. Relatively speaking, of course. It had what, 100-125k subs? The developer realized that they screwed up, and introduced Trammel. Something most hardcore UO players call the beginning of the end for that game. Which is funny, because Trammel killed risk vs reward, by removing the risk AND doubled the population! That's right, he population surged to 250k after Trammel. UO is actually a perfect example, a proof that risk vs reward system doesn't work.


    Then, a year later, in 2004 WoW came out with zero risk and lots of reward, and gained millions within a year. Another proof that risk vs reward doesn't work, while reward at zero risk does. WoW's system was simple, have fun AND get rewarded for it, at no risk. 12 million subs. Need I say more? You don't like that? I'm sure Blizzard fatcats lost countless nights of sleep worrying about you, rolling around all night restlessly on their piles of money with many beautiful ladies. Incidentally, last year Blizz posted a billion profit. Yeah, even with WoW "dying" for umpteenth time.


    Now consider EVE Online, also came out in 2003. It never peaked over 300k subs. And out of those subs, how many are paid for with plex from botting? That game is another example of risk vs reward doesn't work. After how many years in business, with ZERO competition. And they have had virtually zero competition, there's not been even a half-decent space MMO in almost a decade. Now, my theory is that CCP is just a silly developer. Something that's largely supported by monoclegate, space barbies and their stubborn decision to make DUST514 a PS3 exclusive. Instead of looking at EVE and saying "well, that didn't work, time to try something new", they continue with the same old nonsense they've been doing for nearly a decade. And guess what? The game continues to stagnate.


    Aventurine, poor developer? In my opinion a resounding yes. And poor developers make poor choices, which result in poor games, which is what Darkfall was. I was there, by the way, both in beta and at launch. It was poorly designed, poorly thought out and generally a total wreck. Same with Mortal, though I wasn't stupid enough to actually pay for that piece of garbage.


    In closing, my theory is this - bad developers make bad games based on bad design. Risk vs reward is a bad design choice. No MMO, in the entire history of MMOs, have EVER topped 300k paid subs with a risk vs reward system. EVER. Meanwhile, WoW proved conclusively that if you DON'T kick your customers in the groin for every bit of lag or a bored group of gankers, people do actually stick around and have fun in your game! Shocker, I know.

  13. That being said, we're the glass cannons in swtor.


    Not entirely correct. We're glass cannons minus the cannons. Or at least the exact same cannons as everyone else gets. Name me a class that cannot hold its own against a Sin in a DPS race?


    Burst? OPs easily beat us. Sustained? Maras EASILY beat us. Mix of burst and sustained? Mercs easily beat us. Heck, I'm pretty sure a Pyro PT will easily beat us in both burst and sustained AND 100% mobile to boot.

  14. 100% true nonsense perpetrated by people still mentally stuck in 1990s since...1990s!


    Yes, back in the day games were challenging. There was a lot of risk vs reward. And it took a humongous amount of skill and/or effort to beat many games because difficulty ramped up insanely high near the end. Also no sissy quick-saves, if you died, you got sent back to level 1. Stuff like that. Yeah, I remember.


    Things change. Things that were acceptable to the comparatively tiny gamer population of the 80s will NOT work with a huge mainstream (mostly consoleer) player base of today. Today, unless you get instant gratification, the game ends up being an obscure footnote.


    Yes, risk and reward and open world where you were free to forge your own path, like Ultima Online, did work. Back in 1998. At its absolute peak in 2003, which interestingly enough occurred AFTER Trammel was introduced, the game had 250k subs.


    EVE Online, mentioned in the article as doing it right? Yeah, 300k subs after what, 8 years in business? That's hardly doing well. It's a niche game. A footnote. An example of how to do things if you don't want to make money as a developer.


    Other examples of recent risk vs reward games? Darkfall, Mortal, etc? Dead, dead, dead and...yes, you guessed it...dead! As much as I miss the good old days, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to realize that the old systems just don't work any more. Sure, they worked back in the 90s when your choice of fantasy MMOs was basically UO or nothing. Most chose UO, because nothing is not very fun. But today? UO wouldn't stand a chance. How do I know? Simple. You're here in SWTOR, instead of playing UO! You're HERE, reading this, right NOW, instead of playing EVE!

  15. EDIT: for the "leavers are ruining this game" drama queens. Should I be punished for leaving games 2-4-5-8-9-11-12-13-17?


    For the drama queens, the answer is a resounding yes.


    But let me ask you this - what if you couldn't leave those games? What if your only option was to semi-AFK or stop playing for 30 mins for your debuff to wear off? What would you do? I'm betting you'd quit the game, rather than put up with this nonsense. Which is something drama queens are clearly unable to even consider.

  16. Sorry to say it but Faction Imbalance simply can't be helped on the Developers end at this point, except restricting factions at character creation.


    Sorry, but I disagree with this.


    Say a server has way too much Empire. I don't mind playing Republic, but I have no incentive to reroll right now.


    If Bioware gives me +500% XP boost if I roll Republic, I totally would. It they gave me +500 Valor for each match, again I totally would. Population would rebalance itself overnight.


    The incentive just has to be big enough. For example, I knew I could level from 1 to 50 JUST by doing my class quests with 20 hrs played? Why wouldn't I do it?! Of course I would. And if I knew that I could get a full set of gear within days, instead of weeks, because of the huge valor gains because I'm playing a lesser faction? Again, why wouldn't I do it?


    Most importantly, as a new player, looking at the login screen, you'd have a choice. Make Republic and be 50 and fully geared with 2 days /played, OR roll Empire and still be in your 40s and ungeared with 3 days /played. Guess which most would pick? The path of least resistance!


    It is TOTALLY in Bioware's hands. Right now a player is given ZERO reason to make an underdog. And TONS of reasons to go with the populated faction.

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