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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Sabbathius

  1. tracer misisle is still here, after so much time since release....


    Dude, use your head. Mercs and Sorcerers are 60-80% of the player base right now on most servers. Those two classes are absolutely safe. Do you really think Bioware is going to nerf second most played class in the whole game?! And risk losing a ton of subs? If anything, they will buff them some more. Mercs have been asking for an interrupt. They might just get it!


    Sure it'll piss off the remaining 20-30% of the player base, who will whine and moan. But how many of them will actually quit over it? 5%? Less? If that. And some of them will reroll Mercs instead of quitting. But why would BW care about that? You reroll a Merc, you're still paying them the monthly fee.

  2. OK, I'll be totally honest.


    SWTOR has HUGE potential to do well. If the Devs pull their head out of wherever it's at, and use it (and I don't mean to hammer in nails, bowling or as a paperweight), the game could really be something.


    Cross-server queues would allow low-pop servers to tap into high pop PvE servers. I glanced at server list last night, and the majority of heavy servers were PvE servers.


    BUT, for this to work, they need to remove or severely reduce Expertise. No PvEer in his right mind going to PvP if he steps foot into a warzone in his PvE gear and gets ANNIHILATED by someone with 700 Expertise. I said it before, and I'll say it again, Expertise was a horrible idea. It was horrible in WoW too. Ask ANYONE, "When was the last good WoW expansion?" and they will tell you TBC, the first one. WoW's version of Expertise was introduced a few months after TBC release. That killed WoW PvP, and made it into an idiotic grind for PvP-specific gear obtainable solely by PvP.


    Ability to queue for specific WZs? Great. ON PAPER. If most Republic players choose to queue to Huttball, and most Empire players choose to queue for anything BUT Huttball, guess what will happen to the average queue time? A warzone will never pop! Empire will be waiting for Pubs, and Pubs are too few to fill a full Huttball game.


    Etc., etc.


    Population imbalance? On PvE servers and RP servers - not much of an issue. PvP servers - another story. Legacy system, whatever the flock it is, might fix it. Who knows? We certainly don't know a thing about it.


    So IF Bioware plays it REALLY smart, this game could grow, and keep on growing. If they persist in sticking to these idiotic choices they've made in ripping off flawed mechanics from WoW, the game will tank. Truth be told, I expected the game to tank already, but I'll give them due credit for releasing the game in a period when they get virtually zero competition. However, towards the middle of the year, they will be getting hit by things like Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, possibly Tera if they tone down the anime crap. Not much time to level off and fly straight.


    It's all in their hands. Play it smart, and you win. Keep up the wishy-washy crap of the past 2 months, and it'll crash. Oh, sure, there'll still be plenty of PvE players and SW fans to keep the game afloat, but it won't be a huge financial success it could be.

  3. GW2 is looking more and more desirable, may be i expected too much from swtor


    I wouldn't get too worked up about it. For one, it's NCSoft. Let's recap some recent NCSoft-published MMO titles, shall we? Aion. Dead in 3 months. Tabula Rasa, dead in 2 months, shut down in 13. Yeah, I know, it's Arena. Net developing. But it's NCSoft publishing. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


    As for Bioware losing the PvP player base, I don't think it had much of one to begin with. The game is designed specifically to minimize PvP. Take WoW - you go to Tanaris, there's one quest hub. Exact same thing could have been done on, say, Voss, which is neutral. That neutral faction would send players to exact same spots for exact same quests. Result? World PvP. In SWTOR, the game is designed to keep Pubs and Imps as far away from eachother as possible. It is specifically made this way to avoid world PvP as much as humanly possible. In WoW, it was possible to attack the outposts. A few high level chars could come to Crossroads or Astranaar and wreck the place. In SWTOR, you have tons of champion guards and turrets, no go. Etc., etc.


    This game isn't about PvP. Was never about PvP, and likely will never be about PvP. First major expansion, Rise of the Rakghouls? Was that a PvE or PvP expansion? PvE, of course. That's your answer. So far, I'm not really impressed by their "best PvP developer team in the world".

  4. If it was something that happened a couple of times a day, I wouldn't mind, but when this behavior is wittnessed in almost 70% of warzone matches, there is clearly a problem.


    So your solution, instead of fixing WHY people leave, is to punish them for leaving without fixing the problem itself? Brilliant! You should become a doctor. When a patient comes to you with a runny nose, just cut his head off. No head, no nose, no runny nose problems! Fixed! :rolleyes:


    The reason people leave is idiotic matchmaking this game has. As in, the system will match a team with average level of 15, versus a team with average level of 45. What's more that second team will be a premade, while the first team is a PUG. Guess what happens? The lowbie PUG will be farmed. And when I join a game like that, what is my incentive for staying?


    And before you say I'm a selfish jerk, which I am, realize that people who joined the warzone at level 10 on my team are the selfish jerks. They killed any chance, however small, of us holding our own against a premade. If they can be selfish and join a WZ at 10 and expect other people to carry them, why can't I be selfish and leave? Instead of being forced to essentially work for them?

  5. Reality check:


    Until 14, your mobility is so slow out of combat that you're useless. By the time you slowboat it to where the fight was, the fight is over.


    Between 14 and 20, most classes don't even have their core skills. Some classes don't get their core skills until 36. If you run up against a class that has those skills, and yours still doesn't, all else being equal, you will lose.


    By mid-30s (usually 36-38) most classes are mostly fleshed out. Though Sith Warriors are missing execute (kind of a big deal, when you only need to take people down to 15-20% and then pop them) until 46, and Powertech is missing his AoE stun CC which greatly increases his capability, also at 46.


    In other words, in my opinion, if you are queuing for WZs and you are below 20, you are quite simply screwing your team over. Yeah, yeah, I know, you have mad skillz and you do Xk damage, blah blah. You're still screwing your team over. By 32-38, I would say you have every right to be in a WZ, most of your tools are there, depending on class. Use your own judgment.


    So, to answer your question, is it possible to enjoy PvP before 35? In my opinion, for most classes you're better off waiting until 36-38, or whenever you finally get most of your abilities. If you are massively in denial, only care about the damage shown on the billboard and/or don't give a hoot about anyone but yourself, go ahead and queue at 10 like so many people do. Just don't be shocked when your team gets steamrolled.

  6. I don't really mind losing a warzone, it's not like it actually means anything. However, if at the beginning of voidstar, the opposing team all runs left and for some reason I'm the only one going in the same direction as them to defend, I'm gonna leave. I'm not going to stick around for ~14 mins with a team that obviously has no idea what they are doing.


    This. Same with Alderaan. If my entire team goes for the easier turret, it's going to be a loss. In hundreds of games across 8 characters I have never seen one of these events happen and the game coming out as anything but a loss. I refuse to play with complete morons, that's all.

  7. Winter is coming.


    In all seriousness though, they have announced a new warzone in the next content patch. However, even if they hadn't you have no reason to complain. While I will agree that Ilum is broken, WoW had 3 BGs for years and had 0 on launch. It also didn't have the honor(valor) system in place. You have to let Bioware build these features and introduce them gradually. Ultimately, I think especially since already have same faction stuff like Huttball, it is reasonable to expect Arenas sometime in the future.


    All true. But WoW had some of the best world PvP since UO, when it launched.


    Want me to name one thing that will never happen in SWTOR? Empire raid on Coruscant! Never gonna happen. But in WoW it did.


    Want me to name another thing that will never happen in SWTOR? Imperial Agents ganking people in Coruscant Galactic Network kiosks. Happened in WoW all the time, and it was one of the most fun experiences.


    Another? Sure. Taking a shuttle and realizing there's five people on the boat with you below decks, and they're not friendly! Happens in WoW all the time. Will never happen in SWTOR.


    You just don't get it. Warzones, PvP ranking system, PvP gear, NONE of it makes up for lack of PvP in SWTOR.

  8. The companion idea is good. It's different, but it's not big. They do the crafting for you, So they do what you do in other games, so you actually do less... and they have affection? Cool I guess.


    I beg to differ. Giving a player an NPC companion instead of having live players playing together is idiotic beyond words. Yes, having a companion NPC in a single player game like Skyrim is OK. But in an MMO?! Silly. Just not well thought out at all.


    Having companions do crafting is also not that great, I preferred the way it was done in other MMOs - nothing innovative about pressing a button and having items appear in your inventory, regardless of where you are. If anything, it feels oversimplified. I preferred having to go to the blacksmithing shop and working the materials.


    But hey, to each his own.

  9. WoW was crap at launch but it got better over time after hundreds of updates and new expansions.


    WoW at launch wasn't without its flaws, but it was a much better MMO than SWTOR. SWTOR should have never been released as an MMO. It's a single player game with multiplayer elements.

  10. Dear Poster,


    Normally I would say "Dear Original Poster", but there's nothing original about what you're posting.


    Get this through your pretty blonde (or whatever actual color your hair is, if any) head that the ONLY thing that ANY kind of punishment for leaving warzones early will accomplish is drastically increase the number of AFKers. That is ALL it will accomplish.


    If I, or any other sane human being, ends up with a team of level 10 morons matched up against a premade of level 46-49s, we will quit the match. There's no point in it. The outcome is painfully predictable, and being killfarmed for 15 mins is not entertaining.


    If we get punished for leaving, we will simply AFK. That is, put something heavy on the W key on our keyboards and walk off for 15 mins. And if we are a stealth class (1 in 4 chance), we will just park in some quiet corner and sit there.


    Your idea is NOT going to solve anything. What needs to be done, first and foremost, is INTELLIGENT MATCHMAKING. Do I need to sit down and explain to you why matching a bunch of level 10-13s to a premade of level 45-49s is a bad idea? Or should I just draw it for you, in crayon, like usual?


    Thank you for your time,


    Sincerely, Condescending Jack*ss.

  11. I have no issue and rather prefer a good fight, but hearing solo queuers moan about it being unfair is ridiculous. Playing as a team in a team fight... you should try it.


    If you think 8 guys with voice comm with a prepared plan and excellent class and spec distribution is on even footing with 8 random people, no voice comm and totally random class distribution, I can't help you. Probably nobody can. But if you've got nothing better to do, seek help, it might work.


    I'll give you one example from a few nights back.


    My team has a mini-premade in it - tank/heals/2xDPS. All levels 46-48. Enemy team - four snipers, level 10-14. The rest of the team was mix and match. Guess which team won? Can you even visualize in your head a scenario in which the enemy team could have beat us? I can't. My imagination isn't up to it. And in a SANE world, made by a SANE game developer, such a match should have never been allowed to take place.

  12. Sorry you said "ensure I wont be queued vs a premade"... hahahahahahahah


    Exactly. The whole point of a premade is to roll a non-premade with minimum effort, get gear and lord it over everyone so they can see how madly skillful you are.


    As ranked battlegrounds in WoW showed, nobody is interested in premade vs premade, especially when you suck. Which is true for 90% of the player base.

  13. The Voss camp south-east of the Shrine of Healing is great. It is neutral, so you can gank people picking up quests and the guards won't attack you. And if you die, you rez right there in their medcenter and finish the job.


    Having said that, I've never seen Empire population on Voss above 20 people. And that's at primetime. And they're usually away in their own private story instances doing their own private story quests.


    All in all, this is the best single player MMO I have ever played! :rolleyes: Also one with the absolute worst world PvP ever.

  14. I want to use Ashara!

    well true but still, how hard can it be to reset the trees for us when do do big changes?


    No point. Like I said, your costs reset to 0 once it's been a week since your last free respec.


    I respecced to Madness last night (Thursday). On Feb 16th (next Thursday) it'll reset to 0 again. That is already WAY better than just about any MMO I've ever played. In WoW you got a dual spec, which by itself cost 1000g, but if you wanted to respec one of those, it cost you 50 gold every damn time.


    This game can't get any easier, short of making everything free. Even battlemaster in this game is NOT about skill, but about how many WZs you did, even if 100% of them were losses.

  15. But, more often than not big time losers decide they dont' like the way the tide of battle is going and QUIT.


    OK. Picture this.


    Voidstar. Match starts. I go left. The whole rest of my team goes right. The entire enemy team goes to my door. I yell for help, before I am liquified. The enemy pops the door. My team still stands around the other door, trying to work out what is happening.


    And you want me to stay in such a match? Or face a 30 min lockout? Sure, I'll stay. I'll be AFK, but I'll stay in the match.


    What's that you say, these people will put me on ignore? OH NOES! I'm trembling with terror at the thought of these morons putting me on ignore, so I'll never be able to interact with them outside of warzones ever again! Oh, woe is me! ARE YOU FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME!? I'd give them a big sloppy kiss right on the mouth if they all put me on ignore. I just wish ignore worked in Warzone queues as well, so I wouldn't end up in matches with them any more.


    Knock it off with the deserter debuff. All it will do is turn a quitter into an AFKer. IT. WILL. NOT. WORK. Don't give Bioware any more stupid ideas, they're doing just fine all by themselves.

  16. Yep. Sorcerers definitely need a larger health pull. I say they need one OVER 9000! :D


    Seriously though, Sorc/Sage are the only class in the game that has zero resource management to worry about if you've got any brains at all. They're not even close to what other classes have to do to get by. If you can't hack it with a Sorc, it's time to quit. And I don't say this lightly.

  17. People like you are why we can't cap doors in void or points on alderaan. Making people essentially immune to long duration CC is not worth the extra damage and healing you receive....


    That's the general problem with players in SWTOR PvP.


    1. Nobody uses CC. I tried to get my team to send ONE guy to cap the door. And everyone else to just CC the enemy as they spawn. You think they did it? Heck no. As long as they themselves aren't taking damage, nobody used CC. At all.


    2. Everyone only cares about the damage done. Because that's how morons assign MVP votes - see who did most damage. Which means tab-discharge is king.


    I said this in another thread, but I don't think I've ever seen THIS many inept morons in PvP in ANY MMO. And that includes WoW. Yeah, you get some monkeys in WoW BGs that don't know their lower backside from a hole in the ground, but it's maybe 20-30% of the team, at most. Here? 90% of the team has absolutely no brains, and lacks any tactical thinking whatsoever.


    I once spent an entire evening trying to get people to RUN PAST ME in huttball. I'm serious. I tell them "I'll grab the ball, go ahead past me, I'll pass to you, you score". Think even one of them did it?! HELL NO. It's like there's an invisible barrier on me, and they can't go past me no matter what. Then one guy with a knockback runs in and sends us all to the pit. GG.


    It's one of the main reasons I find myself logging in less and less. Where did these people come from?!

  18. At least they should refund our skill points when they do thees changes.

    The Raze Nerf almost killed my soloing, if it wasn't for my biochem medpacks id have a lot of trouble killing my class quest mobs when they are on the same level as me.

    And no i don´t want to use khem val, he is ugly...


    They want you to respec Darkness and use Talos. You won't drop below 80% soloing anything.


    And by the way, training costs reset after a week. Or rather, once it has been a week since your last free respec. The NPC might say "the price is 49983", but if it has been a week since your last free respec, when you actually do it it'll say the cost has been reset and it'll cost you 0 credits.

  19. If you stand there and let him do it, then yea.


    Are you even aware of how stupid this sounds?


    If you let other classes just stand there and do it, they will STILL not come anywhere near that kind of DPS. That's the whole point.


    When a SPAMMABLE ability, with 30m RANGE, does so much damage, from a class that wears heavy armor. While another class, with 4m range, and non-spammable, does less AND in medium armor. It's not rocket surgery.

  20. So basically you play for gear and not for fun?


    Playing for fun is impossible in this game at the moment.


    You can do a premade with friends, but every match ending disbands your team, and you have to re-invite, it's a pain and nobody wants to do it.


    Playing with PUGs is far worse - this game has the biggest assortment of morons I've seen in recent years when it comes to PvP. It would be almost funny if I wasn't forced to put up with them. One thing this game is missing is the ability to rate other players - even if rating is something nobody sees but you. So that if a match has several players rated at -10, the game doesn't even put you into the same match with them. That would be amazing.


    And I kinda agree with the OP. When all you really need is a win, not XP or commendations, there's little reason to stay in a match that is going to be an obvious loss because you know these a**holes. That's the upside of single-server Warzones, you get to know these dudes by name rather quickly. And if they implement deserter debuff, like so many dimwits suggest, I'll just AFK instead of leaving. Same difference.


    Not that any of this matters, really. If Bioware doesn't pull its head out of wherever it's at and fix the PvP, there won't be anyone left to play with same time next month. A month ago, there were few 50s. Now, almost everyone has at least one, or 2-3 alts in their 40s. Boredom is one step away.

  21. Merc and Sorc nerfs are NOT coming.


    Mercs and Sorc put together are easily 70% of the player base. A nerf would force many of them to quit, because they can only play these two low skillcap classes.


    If anything, I expect buffs now. Yes, buffs. I think pretty soon Mercs will get an interrupt.

  22. I've been trying to get people to call E and W for East and West. But no, they keep with the left-right bullpoop. Then again, lately they all just rush east at the start and lose with a 2-1. I swear, SWTOR PvP seems to have collected all the morons from across the galaxy. Other MMOs must be heavenly right about now.
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